Hydrodynamic Simulations of Cosmological Galaxy Merger Trees

Book Description

In this thesis we use cosmological merger trees and semi-analytic models of galaxy formation to provide the initial conditions for multi-merger hydrodynamic simulations. In this way we exploit the advantages of merger simulations (high resolution and detailed treatment of the gas physics) and semi-analytic models (cosmological background and low computational cost), and integrate them to create a novel tool. This approach allows us to study the evolution of various galaxy properties with an improved treatment of the gas components, including, for the first time, the hot gaseous halo from which gas cools and accretes onto the central disc. Using a suite of minor merger simulations we find that disc thickening is reduced relative to the collisionless case through the absorption of kinetic impact energy by the gas. In a following series of major merger simulations, we show that adding the hot gas component is a key ingredient in order to reproduce several observed properties of elliptical galaxies, like the abundance of fast rotators. Moreover, the presence of a gaseous halo reduces the starburst efficiency. We then focus on the effects of multiple concurrent mergers, which we found to be cosmologically more common than sequences of isolated binary mergers. For this, we investigate, whether accreted satellite stars can be distinguished kinematically from stars formed 'in situ' in the central galaxy, and find that this is only possible for a fraction of the disrupted satellites. Our simulations to date indicate that the combination of a detailed treatment of gas physics, high resolution, and a cosmological background, brings numerical simulations in better agreement with observations. Overall, the novel tool developed in this thesis will be very useful for pursuing a number of questions pertaining to the transformation of galaxy internal structure by mergers and accretion.

Comparing Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations with Observations of High-Redshift Galaxy Formation

Book Description

We use cosmological hydrodynamic simulations to study the impact ofoutflows and radiative feedback on high-redshift galaxies. For outflows, we consider simulations that assume (i) no winds, (ii) a c̀̀onstant-wind"model in which the mass-loading factor and outflow speed areconstant, and (iii) m̀̀omentum-driven" winds in which both parametersvary smoothly with mass. In order to treat radiative feedback, wedevelop a moment-based radiative transfer technique that operates inboth post-processing and coupled radiative hydrodynamic modes. We first ask how outflows impact the broadband spectral energydistributions (SEDs) of six observed reionization-epoch galaxies. Simulations reproduce five regardless of the outflow prescription, while the sixth suggests an unusually bursty star formation history. We conclude that (i) simulations broadly account for available constraintson reionization-epoch galaxies, (ii) individual SEDs do not constrainoutflows, and (iii) SED comparisons efficiently isolate objects thatchallenge simulations. We next study how outflows impact the galaxy mass metallicity relation(MZR). Momentum-driven outflows uniquely reproduce observations at z=2. In this scenario, galaxies obey two equilibria: (i) The rate at which agalaxy processes gas into stars and outflows tracks its inflow rate; and(ii) The gas enrichment rate owing to star formation balances the dilutionrate owing to inflows. Combining these conditions indicates that the MZRis dominated by the (instantaneous) variation of outflows with mass, withmore-massive galaxies driving less gas into outflows per unit stellar massformed. Turning to radiative feedback, we use post-processing simulations to studythe topology of reionization. Reionization begins in overdensities andthen l̀̀eaks" directly into voids, with filaments reionizing last owing totheir high density and low emissivity. This result conflicts withprevious findings that voids ionize last. We argue that it owes to theuniqely-biased emissivity field produced by our star formation prescriptions, which have previously been shown to reproduce numerous post-reionizationconstraints. Finally, preliminary results from coupled radiative hydrodynamicsimulations indicate that reionization suppresses the star formation ratedensity by at most 10--20% by z=5. This is much less than previousestimates, which we attribute to our unique reionization topology althoughconfirmation will have to await more detailed modeling.

Out-of-core Hydrodynamic Simulations of Cosmological Structure Formation [microform]

Book Description

Astrophysical and cosmological structure formation are challenging problems because they involve dynamical and hydrodynamical processes that can span a large range in scale, mass, and energy. Hydrodynamic and N-body simulations are powerful tools with which to solve the nonlinear physics, and their continuing development and application is the focus of this thesis. I present a new approach to Eulerian computational fluid dynamics that is designed to work at high Mach numbers encountered in astrophysical simulations. The Eulerian conservation equations are solved in an adaptive frame moving with the fluid where Mach numbers are minimized. The Moving Frame code separately tracks local and bulk flow components, allowing thermodynamic variables to be accurately calculated in both subsonic and supersonic fluid. This thesis includes the first astrophysical application of Eulerian hydrodynamic simulations to model the formation of blue stragglers through stellar mergers. The off-axis collision of equal mass stars produces a single merger remnant. The merger of n = 3 polytropes results in substantial chemical mixing throughout the remnant, while the merger of realistic M = 0.8 M & odot; main sequence stars produces significant mixing only outside of the core. The Out-of-core Hydro code is applied to running the largest Eulerian hydrodynamic simulation to date for studying the thermal history of the high redshift 3 & le; z & le; 7 intergalactic medium. The temperature-density and gas-dark matter density relations, as well as the scatter in these relations, are robustly quantified. Reionization and shock heating are observed to influence the temperature of the photoionized gas. An out-of-core hydrodynamic code has been developed for high resolution cosmological simulations. Out-of-core computation refers to the technique of using disk space as virtual memory and transferring data in and out of main memory at high I/O bandwidth. The code is based on a two-level mesh scheme where short-range physics is solved on a high-resolution, localized mesh while long-range physics is captured on a lower resolution, global mesh. Furthermore, a parallel particle-mesh N-body code is applied to simulating the clustering of dark matter halos. The PMFAST simulations show that that several bias parameters are consistent with being scale-invariant, a useful property for doing cosmology with galaxy clustering.

Hydrodynamic Simulations and Tomographic Reconstructions of the Intergalactic Medium

Book Description

The Intergalactic Medium (IGM) is the dominant reservoir of matter in the Universe from which the cosmic web and galaxies form. The structure and physical state of the IGM provides insight into the cosmological model of the Universe, the origin and timeline of the reionization of the Universe, as well as being an essential ingredient in our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. Our primary handle on this information is a signal known as the Lyman-alpha forest (or Ly-alpha forest) -- the collection of absorption features in high-redshift sources due to intervening neutral hydrogen, which scatters HI Ly-alpha photons out of the line of sight. The Ly-alpha forest flux traces density fluctuations at high redshift and at moderate overdensities, making it an excellent tool for mapping large-scale structure and constraining cosmological parameters. Although the computational methodology for simulating the Ly-alpha forest has existed for over a decade, we are just now approaching the scale of computing power required to simultaneously capture large cosmological scales and the scales of the smallest absorption systems. My thesis focuses on using simulations at the edge of modern computing to produce precise predictions of the statistics of the Ly-alpha forest and to better understand the structure of the IGM. In the first part of my thesis, I review the state of hydrodynamic simulations of the IGM, including pitfalls of the existing under-resolved simulations. Our group developed a new cosmological hydrodynamics code to tackle the computational challenge, and I developed a distributed analysis framework to compute flux statistics from our simulations. I present flux statistics derived from a suite of our large hydrodynamic simulations and demonstrate convergence to the per cent level. I also compare flux statistics derived from simulations using different discretizations and hydrodynamic schemes (Eulerian finite volume vs. smoothed particle hydrodynamics) and discuss differences in their convergence behavior, their overall agreement, and the implications for cosmological constraints. In the second part of my thesis, I present a tomographic reconstruction method that allows us to make 3D maps of the IGM with Mpc resolution. In order to make reconstructions of large surveys computationally feasible, I developed a new Wiener Filter application with an algorithm specialized to our problem, which significantly reduces the space and time complexity compared to previous implementations. I explore two scientific applications of the maps: finding protoclusters by searching the maps for large, contiguous regions of low flux and finding cosmic voids by searching the maps for regions of high flux. Using a large N-body simulation, I identify and characterize both protoclusters and voids at z = 2.5, in the middle of the redshift range being mapped by ongoing surveys. I provide simple methods for identifying protocluster and void candidates in the tomographic flux maps, and then test them on mock surveys and reconstructions. I present forecasts for sample purity and completeness and other scientific applications of these large, high-redshift objects.