I Am That: Talks on the Isa Upanishad

Book Description

Osho goes into the depths of life’s eternal questions while speaking on the sutras of the Isa Upanishad—the most ancient words of wisdom available to mankind. For over 35 years, Osho spoke to international audiences of seekers, addressing their essential questions and concerns. The international press calls him “A 21st Century Prophet” and “an oracle of modern times.” His books and audio lectures are international bestsellers. Osho himself says that he is neither a prophet nor a philosopher; he is simply sharing his own experience. The Sunday Times of London described him as “one of the 1000 makers of the 20th century” and American author Tom Robbins has called him “the most dangerous man since Jesus Christ”—both comments reflecting the profound influence of his revolutionary approach to the science of inner transformation. Spoken with authority, clarity, sharpness and humor, his insights address both the timeless and timely concerns that tend to escape our notice in the clamor and overload of daily life.

I Am That

Book Description

Talks on the Isha Upanishad Osho goes into the depths of these eternal questions while speaking on the sutras of the Isha Upanishad – the most ancient words of wisdom available to mankind. For over 35 years, Osho spoke to international audiences of seekers, addressing their essential questions and concerns. The international press calls him “A 21st Century Prophet” and “an oracle of modern times.” His books and audio lectures are international bestsellers. Osho himself says that he is neither a prophet nor a philosopher; he is simply sharing his own experience. The Sunday Times of London described him as “one of the 1000 makers of the 20th century” and American author Tom Robbins has called him “the most dangerous man since Jesus Christ” – both comments reflecting the profound influence of his revolutionary approach to the science of inner transformation. Spoken with authority, clarity, sharpness and humor, his insights address both the timeless and timely concerns that tend to escape our notice in the clamor and overload of daily life. Osho is an Indian mystic, guru and philosopher. He has spoken on major spiritual traditions including Jainism, Hinduism, Hassidism, Tantrism, Christianity, Buddhism, on a variety of Eastern and Western mystics and on sacred scriptures such as the Upanishads.

I Am that

Book Description

I Am Conscious Ness

Book Description

This is the 6th and final part of The Series "I Am Consciousness"We highly recommend that you read the previous parts beforecommencing this one as the characters are already well established. In this part David has already released his first book on Spiritualitytitled "I Am Conscious Ness". This part contains the book as it was released and became a bestsellerworldwide making David a much sought out spiritual guide for othersdue to the simple and unique presentation of knowledge in his book.David takes the shortest and most powerful Upanishad, the MandukyaUpanishad comprising of only 12 verses, as a topic in the book andexplains it in very simple language. He discusses the three states of life experience including the waking, dream and deep sleep states of consciousness and the 'fourth' state ofturiya that underlies all the other three.Next he discusses a meditation technique as mentioned in the Upanishadusing the sacred syllable 'Om'.After this comes the most explosive knowledge of how you can simply 'be'and directly experience your true Self/Brahman/Pure Consciousness/Pure Existence/Nirvana/Salvation or Freedom.He explains all this is simple steps that will ensure you never ever doubtthe existence of Brahman/Self/Freedom ever again!This technique that he shares made the book a raging success amongspiritual seekers because what all the Upanishads talk about could be directly' experienced by the reader 'here and now'.If you have already followed the series there is no reason why you shouldnot be able to have a glimpse of the Absolute Truth that you are right inyour home where you are reading this

Isha Upanishad

Book Description

This book contains Sri Aurobindo s final translation and analysis of the Isha Upanishad. In his definitive commentary on this important Vedantic scripture, he presents its central idea, which is a reconciliation and harmony of fundamental opposites, and shows how in its verses one can discover the resolution of such pairs of opposites such as God and Nature, renunciation and enjoyment, action and freedom, the active and inactive Brahman, and works and knowledge.

Isha Upanishad

Book Description

Eighteen verses with English translations, & commentary.

Isha Upanishad

Book Description

The Great Challenge

Book Description

In these pages you will find the experience of a twentieth century buddha as He responds to questions from people like you and me who sense that there is more to life than meets the eye. If reading Osho's words you find a thirst arising in you to explore that beyond you have heard this invitation you have accepted this Great Challenge.

Glory Of Freedom (Sufis : The People Of The Path, Vol -Ii, Ch 1-8)

Book Description

Book Summary of Glory Of Freedom (Sufis The People Of The Path Vol Ii Ch 18) In this compilation Osho talks about the seven valleys: There was a great sufi master-one of the greatest in all ages. He says: On the path of human growth from man to god from man the potential to man the actual from possibility to reality- there are seven valleys. These seven valleys are of immense importance. Try to understand them because you will have to pass through those seven valleys. Everybody has to pass through those seven valleys. The other seven chapters of the book are: (2) Diamonds Regained (3) Here Now This (4) Earth and Sky Apart (5) Layer upon Layer (6) An Eternal Recurrence (7) Full Emptiness (8) A Holiday From Sanity.