I libretti italiani a stampa dalle origini al 1800. Catalogo analitico con 16 indici

Book Description

Con il catalogo I libretti italiani a stampa dalle origini al 1800, pubblicata dal 1990 al 1994 da Bertola & Locatelli a Cuneo, Claudio Sartori ha donato alla ricerca sulla storia dell'opera e dell'oratorio una base completamente nuova. Rispondendo alle richieste degli studiosi di rendere nuovamente disponibile questo opus magnum, Don Juan Archiv Wien e Hollitzer Verlag pubblicano una ristampa e un'edizione e-book, con un ritratto dell'autore e della sua opera realizzato da Federica Riva. With his catalogue I libretti italiani a stampa dalle origini al 1800, published by Bertola & Locatelli in Cuneo between 1990 and 1994, Claudio Sartori laid a completely new foundation for the research of the history of operas and oratorios. Responding to the requests of scholars to make this opus magnum available again Don Juan Archiv Wien and Hollitzer Verlag publish a reprint and an e-book edition, including a portrait of the author and his work by Federica Riva.

Operatic Pasticcios in 18th-Century Europe

Book Description

In Early Modern times, techniques of assembling, compiling and arranging pre-existing material were part of the established working methods in many arts. In the world of 18th-century opera, such practices ensured that operas could become a commercial success because the substitution or compilation of arias fitting the singer's abilities proved the best recipe for fulfilling the expectations of audiences. Known as »pasticcios« since the 18th-century, these operas have long been considered inferior patchwork. The volume collects essays that reconsider the pasticcio, contextualize it, define its preconditions, look at its material aspects and uncover its aesthetical principles.

Europäische Musiker in Venedig, Rom und Neapel 1650-1750

Book Description

Der Abschlussband des deutsch-französischen ANR-DFG-Projekts MUSICI widmet sich der Musikermigration im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit mit einem kultur- und musikgeschichtlichen Blick auf Venedig, Rom und Neapel als Reiseziele und Wirkungsorte von Instrumentalisten, Sängern, Komponisten und Instrumentenbauern, die nicht von der italienischen Halbinsel stammten. Im Sinne einer "histoire croisée" werden Netzwerke, Integrations- und Austauschprozesse aufgedeckt, mit denen fremde Musiker zwischen musikalischem Alltag und herausragenden Festlichkeiten konfrontiert waren. Auf dieser Grundlage wird eine systematische Betrachtung der frühneuzeitlichen Musikermigration sowie eine Untersuchung musikalischer Stile jenseits nationaler Forschungstraditionen möglich.

"Padron mio colendissimo...": Letters about Music and the Stage in the 18th Century

Book Description

This volume explores the important role that epistolary exchanges play in the reconstruction of musical and theatrical contexts all over Europe in the early modern age, with particular attention to the century of the Enlightenment. Correspondence often bears witness to the reconstruction of performers' careers and theatrical venues, and to the transfers of professionals and repertoires, as well as to social themes and production issues. Archival sources, private letters, and official documents are not only rich in precious data and information, but can also provide material for new research perspectives, related both to their methodological implications and to the interpretation of music and theatre in a given time and place, along with raising questions about historical performance practices and their current revival.

Musica E Storia

Book Description