I Want To See: Vision For The World

Book Description

The book is about a global mission against world cataract blindness. It highlights the resistance of some world organizations to changes, particularly the shift from ICCE to ECCE with PCI, and how they have relented over the years. It also highlights the success of cataract/implant training centres in China, especially in Tianjin. The book will be of interest to anyone involved in providing eye care, and may be of special interest to those dealing with blinding diseases including cataract.

A Second Wind

Book Description

While focusing on his core mission to preach the gospel worldwide, T.D. Jakes has seen many good people not spend enough quality time with family, friends, and God. They have gotten so swept up in the daily grind that they have failed to live the rich life that God desires for each of His people. In his new book, Jakes provides readers with strategies that will help them rejuvenate their life and turn their "busyness" into a "business." All readers-not just entrepreneurs-will benefit from Jakes' insightful advice so that they can use the days God has blessed them with wisely and finish each day strong!

The Heavenly Vision

Book Description

"In Acts 26:19 the apostle Paul said, 'I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.' In this book I am burdened that we would see six visions: the vision of Christ, the vision of the church, the vision of the Body, the vision of the self, the vision of the world, and the vision of consecration."

A Mind for Missions

Book Description

Discover 10 building blocks for seeing the world beyond your borders--a world full of people God loves and wants you to love.

Vanguard of Visions and Dreams

Book Description

Dreamers hope Visionaries see Vanguards hope, see and lead ! This book is a dreamers tool box, packed with what they need to know about provision for the vision, the journey of a vision and the visionarys cup. This book will speak to those that are at a spiritual crossroad and intersection of the vision; or on the edge of a cliff called faith, living in two realms at the same time and pushing through the contractions of a vision in the birth canal. The author expounds on the seven types of vanguards needed in every generation: Presidents, Pastors, Parents, Pioneers, Prayer Warriors, Prisoners and Prophets. This book will reveal how and why God is deploying His end time vanguards throughout the earth. Bishop Green throws out a holy lifeline to dreamers and visionaries so that they will not throw away their inspiration, perspiration and determination for the future. The Word for the Church as well as for our nation this hour is GO FORWARD WITH GOD!

The Vision

Book Description

Now! Earthquakes & Cholera...Watergate & Corruption...Poison-immune rats & bees that kill...Uncontrolled inflation and the sinking dollar...Climbing divorce rates...Rampant pornography and addiction...

The Vision Project

Book Description

Living Vision 7 spent two hours engaging with people in Farmington, New Mexico one evening, asking people to share their vision of the world--how does the world they want to live in look, how does it feel to live in that world? Again and again, we heard a yearning for acceptance and belonging, a deep desire for peace and safety, and vivid descriptions of a world of natural abundance. These stories and moments of connection were so powerful, Living Vision 7 expanded this project to extend over 35 days. By directly engaging with the communities where Living Vision 7 group members live, and beyond that to the world at large They asked 17,777 people about their visions of the world. These visions inspired the creation of four art installations in Southwest Colorado and northern New Mexico, as well as the compilation of this book. This book celebrate what's possible with portraits, illustrations, and the words of visionaries. By bringing to light the visions we carry in our hearts, we get to live our dreams.

Living Your Vision

Book Description

The great King Solomon made a powerful statement about the importance that God attached to vision in Proverbs 29:18; Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish; but he who keeps the law [of God, which includes that of man] - blessed (happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he. (AMP) The implication of that statement is that vision is a commandment of God for every man, group and organization. And when you are obedient to His commands, you emerge a commander on earth. In other words, having a vision makes you an authority in your world. I love the way The Message Bible puts it; If people can't see what God is doing; they stumble all over themselves, but when they attend to what He reveals, they are most blessed. In other words, vision is the ability to see what God is doing and plug yourself into it. That is why you must have a vision if you must make impact on earth. Through our vision, principles, and choices we can all make a difference right where we are. If you believe in any form of change in this world, you can be part of the solution through your vision which turns you to a solution provider in the world. In case you do not have a vision; or probably, you do not even have an idea of what vision is, or may be you have a vision but you lack the know-how of it fulfillment or you are already in the process of the pursuit of your own vision, this book will provide answers to whatever question you might have which will lead to the fulfillment of your destiny. It is your vision that creates a future for you. Vision is crucial; it is the capacity to see the invisible, so that we can do the impossible. All great individuals, corporations and nations have been driven by visions of what they wanted to do, be and have. But vision without action is but a daydream, action without vision just passes the time. It is only vision with action that can change the world. Your vision turns you to a positive world changer. I believe that every man who desires a great future must have a clear picture of the kind of future he expects. Life will not give you what you want until you wake up to demand it. The act of demanding what you want from life begins with the clear picture of your future which is what vision is all about. If you live your life with a vague mind conception of your future, you will short change yourself, because, vagueness is an indistinct, unclear, formless and blurred phenomena. How clear your vision is determines how enthusiastic and passionate you become in bringing it to reality. John Assaraf once noted; "Without a clear and precise vision of exactly what it is you want, you'll never reach it or have it". That is a revelation of the importance of having a clear, precise and exact picture of your future before one can actualize the future. Vision is about seeing the future. God is not just interested in giving man vision; He is very much interested in man's fulfillment of that vision. I have discovered that the reason many do not get great result and fulfill destiny is because, they talk so much about the vision they have, but never move to the next level of carrying out all that are needed to do in order to fulfill that vision. Bear in mind that God is the author of vision and a vision from God can seem like an impossible dream. In fact, if it does not seem like an impossible dream, it may not be a "God idea." Also, when we choose a vision or goal that is bigger than our current reality, we are in essence creating a gap or a vacuum between what we want and where we currently are. We know from natural law that nature fills a void or gap in the fastest and most efficient ways possible. And that vacuum will be filled as you realize your vision with time.

Faith's Vision

Book Description

Faith without vision would just implode and self-destruct ...but when faith catches vision, it will simply have to EXPLODE! Sure it will explode; it will have no choice! Ha... ha... ha... ...if we are talking about a kind of faith that is similar to that which God exercises ...and especially when we start talking and thinking in terms of the very faith of God Himself! That faith of God generates God's energy, and God's limitless creative ability! It is that very explosive element that very faith of God that I desire us to talk about and consider in this book together! I want us to measure together, not merely our vision for ourselves and for our ministry ...but God's vision for our lives and for our ministry right here in 2014 and then in 2015 and beyond! I thank God that we no longer need to allow ourselves to be intimidated by anything that the future holds for natural man ...because, we are not mere men! Hallelujah! We are so much more! I thank God that we have the privilege to discover the vision of ourselves that God's Word inspires! This is book number one in the series: Helping the believer to fully appropriate truth! There are 6 books a part of this series: 1.Faith's Vision 2.Faith Inspired Obedience 3.Unfailing Integrity 4.Appropriating Truth 5.Multiply what you have in God 6.Faith's fuel

Seeing Jesus

Book Description

Jesus ascended to heaven. End of story. But then how do we explain the many Christians, in nearly every century since, who claimed to have seen, heard, met, and touched Jesus in the flesh? In Seeing Jesus, Robert Hudson explores the larger-than-life characters throughout Christian history who have encountered the actual face or form of the resurrected Christ--from the apostles Thomas and Paul in the first century to Charles Finney in the nineteenth and Sundar Singh in the twentieth. Hudson combines history, biography, spiritual reflection, skepticism, and humor to unpack awe-inspiring and sometimes seemingly absurd stories, from a surprise sighting of Jesus in a cup of coffee, to Christ appearing to Julian of Norwich during a life-threatening illness to assure her that "all manner of thing shall be well." Along the way, he uncovers deeper meaning for us today. Through Hudson's quirky and lyrical prose we get to know people of unflinching faith, like Francis of Assisi, Teresa of Avila, Silouan the Athonite, and Sojourner Truth--those who claim radical encounters with Jesus. The result is a fascinating journey through Christian history that is at once thoroughly analytical and deeply devotional.