An Asset Management Approach for Drainage Infrastructure and Culverts

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Drainage infrastructure systems (culvert, storm sewer, outfall and related drainage elements) are mostly buried underground and are in need of special attention in terms of proactive/preventive asset management strategy. Drainage infrastructure systems represent an integral portion of roadway assets that routinely require inspection, maintenance, repair and renewal. Further challenges are the wide geospatial distribution of these infrastructure assets and environmental exposure. There has been considerable research conducted on culverts, but mostly looked at the problem from a traditional structural/geotechnical perspective. Asset management procedures for culverts and drainage infrastructure systems are complex issues, and can benefit a great deal from an optimal asset management program that draws from programs pertaining to buried pipes. The first and most important step in an asset management initiative is the establishment of mechanism for asset inventory and asset conditions in a format compatible with the routine procedures of field operators and inspectors. The first objective of this research project was to develop field protocols and operational business rules for inventory data collection and management and inspection of drainage infrastructures in terms of types of data to be collected, frequency of inspection, and analysis and reporting mechanisms. After review of these protocols by the project oversight committee, a pilot study was conducted to verify efficiency of their implementation. The condition assessment protocol introduced is useful in evaluating the overall condition of culverts and can be used for decision making regarding the repair, renewal or replacement of culverts. For the second objective of this project, investigators examined the inventory and inspection protocols employed by Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and developed a decision support platform, which establishes a link between the inspection results and appropriate repair, renewal and replacement procedures. After applying the recommended procedures, the transportation agencies can better track the conditions of culverts thereby reducing the risks of culvert failures.

Integrating Freight Facilities and Operations with Community Goals

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TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis Report 320: Integrating Freight Facilities and Operations with Community Goals identifies practices that have been or are being used by private-sector freight companies and public transportation agencies in citing their facilities, modifying their operations, and managing their community relations. "Good neighbor initiatives" and balancing practices employed by metropolitan planning and economic development organizations, local governments, and others are also recognized. The report covers water, truck, rail, and air freight facilities and operations. Although the report does not include pipelines, several of the issues and practices discussed are relevant to pipeline facilities and operations.

Wisconsin Bicycle Transportation Plan

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Snow Removal and Ice Control Technology

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The objective of the symposium was to provide a forum for the exchange of information about state-of-the-art research and technology applications to improve snow removal and ice control operations in transportation systems. Sixty-one papers were presented in the areas of policy and management, infrastructure and snow control, materials and applications, equipment, travel surface, environment and health, road weather information systems and forecasting, and safety and visibility. Papers were authored by maintenance engineers and researchers from Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Twenty-one of these papers are included in this publication.

Placing the Academy

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Twenty-one writers answer the call for literature that addresses who we are by understanding where we are--where, for each of them, being in some way part of academia. In personal essays, they imaginatively delineate and engage the diverse, occasionally unexpected play of place in shaping them, writers and teachers in varied environments, with unique experiences and distinctive world views, and reconfiguring for them conjunctions of identity and setting, here, there, everywhere, and in between. Contents I Introduction Writing Place, Jennifer Sinor II Here Six Kinds of Rain: Searching for a Place in the Academy, Kathleen Dean Moore and Erin E. Moore The Work the Landscape Calls Us To, Michael Sowder Valley Language, Diana Garcia What I Learned from the Campus Plumber, Charles Bergman M-I-Crooked Letter-Crooked Letter, Katherine Fischer On Frogs, Poems, and Teaching at a Rural Community College, Sean W. Henne III There Levittown Breeds Anarchists Film at 11:00, Kathryn T. Flannery Living in a Transformed Desert, Mitsuye Yamada A More Fortunate Destiny, Jayne Brim Box Imagined Vietnams, Charles Waugh IV Everywhere Teaching on Stolen Ground, Deborah A. Miranda The Blind Teaching the Blind: The Academic as Naturalist, or Not, Robert Michael Pyle Where Are You From? Lee Torda V In Between Going Away to Think, Scott Slovic Fronteriza Consciousness: The Site and Language of the Academy and of Life, Norma Elia Cantu Bones of Summer, Mary Clearman Blew Singing, Speaking, and Seeing a World, Janice M. Gould Making Places Work: Felt Sense, Identity, and Teaching, Jeffrey M. Buchanan VI Coda Running in Place: The Personal at Work, in Motion, on Campus, and in the Neighborhood, Rona Kaufman

Landscape as Infrastructure

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As ecology becomes the new engineering, the projection of landscape as infrastructure—the contemporary alignment of the disciplines of landscape architecture, civil engineering, and urban planning— has become pressing. Predominant challenges facing urban regions and territories today—including shifting climates, material flows, and population mobilities, are addressed and strategized here. Responding to the under-performance of master planning and over-exertion of technological systems at the end of twentieth century, this book argues for the strategic design of "infrastructural ecologies," describing a synthetic landscape of living, biophysical systems that operate as urban infrastructures to shape and direct the future of urban economies and cultures into the 21st century. Pierre Bélanger is Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture and Co-Director of the Master in Design Studies Program at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design. As part of the Department of Landscape Architecture and the Advansed Studies Program, Bélanger teaches and coordinates graduate courses on the convergence of ecology, infrastructure and urbanism in the interrelated fields of design, planning and engineering. Dr. Bélanger is author of the 35th edition of the Pamphlet Architecture Series from Princeton Architectural Press, GOING LIVE: from States to Systems (, co-editor with Jennifer Sigler of the 39th issue of Harvard Design Magazine, Wet Matter, and co-author of the forthcoming volume ECOLOGIES OF POWER: Mapping Military Geographies & Logistical Landscapes of the U.S. Department of Defense. As a landscape architect and urbanist, he is the recipient of the 2008 Canada Prix de Rome in Architecture and the Curator for the Canada Pavilion ad Canadian Exhibition, "EXTRACTION," at the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale (

Fundamental Parameters in Cosmology

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