Assessing the Environmental Justice Impacts of Toll Road Projects

Book Description

Inadequate and uncertain transportation funding have in recent years resulted in a renewed emphasis on using investments that can be recovered by toll charges to finance new roads and modernize existing roads. This has raised questions about environmental justice (EJ) and how it pertains to tolling. In 2004, TxDOT Project 0-5208 was funded to propose an approach for the identification, measurement, and mitigation of disproportionately high or adverse impacts imposed on minority and low-income (EJ) communities by toll roads relative to non-tolled facilities. The methodology proposed had two equally important components: an analysis/quantitative component and an effective EJ participation component. However, the research raised concerns about the ability of various available analytical tools and analysis techniques to measure the potential impacts imposed on EJ communities by toll roads relative to non-toll roads. The objective of this thesis study was to extend the work that was conducted under TxDOT Research Project 0-5208 by (a) reviewing the ability of available tools and analysis techniques to quantify and qualitatively describe the EJ impacts associated with toll road projects and toll road systems through an evaluation of state-of-the-practice applications, and (b) recommending a suitable approach to assess the EJ impacts of toll roads and toll road systems on EJ communities. The research conducted to meet the study objectives has culminated in this thesis.

Assessing the Environmental Justice Effects of Toll Implementation Or Rate Changes

Book Description

TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Research Report 860: Assessing the Environmental Justice Effects of Toll Implementation or Rate Changes: Guidebook and Toolbox provides a set of tools to enable analysis and measurement of the impacts of toll pricing, toll payment, toll collection technology, and other aspects of toll implementation and rate changes on low-income and minority populations. The guidebook shows the practitioner when and how to apply the tools in the toolbox through an eight-step process framework corresponding to the typical transportation project planning and development process. The guidebook and toolbox together provide an assessment framework and supporting tools to measure the impacts of tolling on such factors as mobility, access, and household expenditures, as well as tools to engage low-income and minority populations.

Environmental Justice

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Environmental Justice, Social and Economic Factors, Women's Travel, and Accessibility and Mobility, 2007

Book Description

TRR no. 2013 includes 10 papers that explore emergency response for communities with limited English proficiency, environmental justice analysis for metropolitan transportation planning, equity and fairness in tolling and pricing, and environmental justice assessments for transportation projects. This issue of the TRR also examines long-term social sustainability of transport and land use strategies, comparison of socioeconomic and demographic profiles of extreme commuters, assessing distribution of transportation project impacts with environmental justice framework, analysis of nonwork service trips, door-through-door transportation, and mode choice behavior of elderly travelers.

Community Impact Assessment

Book Description

This guide was written as a quick primer for transportation professionals and analysts who assess the impacts of proposed transportation actions on communities. It outlines the community impact assessment process, highlights critical areas that must be examined, identifies basic tools and information sources, and stimulates the thought-process related to individual projects. In the past, the consequences of transportation investments on communities have often been ignored or introduced near the end of a planning process, reducing them to reactive considerations at best. The goals of this primer are to increase awareness of the effects of transportation actions on the human environment and emphasize that community impacts deserve serious attention in project planning and development-attention comparable to that given the natural environment. Finally, this guide is intended to provide some tips for facilitating public involvement in the decision making process.