Immersive Simulation Training for the Dismounted Soldier

Book Description

A study was conducted to document the need for immersive dismounted virtual Soldier and leader training and the available research evidence regarding the effectiveness of virtual training for training Soldiers and leaders in complex skills. A literature search of research reports, journal articles, and conference proceedings to identify evaluations and experiments related to the study topic of the training effectiveness of immersive virtual simulations was conducted. Particular attention was paid to an expended series of evaluations conducted by the Army R & D organizations during the period 1997 - 2005. The major findings are organized around the topics of training effectiveness, Soldier task performance, and advantages and disadvantages of immersive virtual simulations. Soldiers and small unit leaders report that their skills improve as a result of training in virtual simulations, and these self-reports by have generally, if informally, been confirmed by observers. While the simulators impose constraints on the performance of some Soldier activities, this should limit training effectiveness only if those activities that cannot be performed in the simulator are not trained by other means. Advantages and disadvantages of immersive simulations are also described.

Virtual Environments for Dismounted Soldier Training and Performance

Book Description

"The U.S. Army has made a considerable investment in the use of virtual environments (VE) to train combat forces, to evaluate new systems and operational concepts, and to rehearse specific missions. While these simulations have predominately focused on training and simulation for mounted soldiers, there is also a need to train infantry and other dismounted soldiers. Although VEs have the potential to immerse dismounted soldiers directly in simulations, there are few successful examples of the use of VE to provide effective training. The effective use of VE for training requires identification of the types of tasks for which VE training is most appropriate, the characteristics of VE systems that are required to provide effective training, and the training strategies that are most appropriate for use with VE. This report presents recommendations for the use of VE for dismounted soldier training and mission rehearsal, and identifies needed future research. They are based on the results of an ARI in-house research program, related programs for which ARI scientists have participated, and the work of other VE researchers. Recommendations include types of tasks for which training in VE is and is not appropriate, interface design recommendations, and ways to reduce side- and after-effects. "-- Report documentation page.

Virtual Environments for Dismounted Soldier Simulation, Training, and Mission Rehearsal

Book Description

"This report describes the activities and results of the third year culminating event (CE) of the 'Virtual Environments for Dismounted Soldier Simulation, Training and Mission Rehearsal' Science and Technology Objective (STO). This STO is being conducted jointly by the U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, the U.S. Army Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation Command (STRICOM), and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory. This four-year effort (FY99-FY02) is focused on overcoming critical technological challenges that currently prevent high fidelity dismounted soldier simulation. The objectives of the CE were to integrate and evaluate the technologies developed during the year. The key technologies included: a Dismounted Infantry Virtual After Action Review (AAR) System; new behaviors and improved operator control for Dismounted Infantry Semi-Automated Forces (DISAF); soldier control of DISAF through Voice Recognition and Synthesis; enhancements to the soldier simulator, the Soldier Visualization Station (SVS); an improved locomotion device, the Omni-Directional Treadmill (ODT); a dynamic terrain server; and a Mission Planning and Training Tool (MPTT). The CE provided a realistic and challenging test of the systems and capabilities under development. The results identified both accomplishments and areas in which improvements and corrections are required."--Rept. doc. p.

Technical Report

Book Description

Training Cognition

Book Description

Training is both a teaching and a learning experience, and just about everyone has had that experience. Training involves acquiring knowledge and skills. This newly acquired training information is meant to be applicable to specific activities, tasks, and jobs. In modern times, where jobs are increasingly more complex, training workers to perform successfully is of more importance than ever. The range of contexts in which training is required includes industrial, corporate, military, artistic, and sporting, at all levels from assembly line to executive function. The required training can take place in a variety of ways and settings, including the classroom, the laboratory, the studio, the playing field, and the work environment itself. The general goal of this book is to describe the current state of research on training using cognitive psychology to build a complete empirical and theoretical picture of the training process. The book focuses on training cognition, as opposed to physical or fitness training. It attempts to show how to optimize training efficiency, durability, and generalizability. The book includes a review of relevant cognitive psychological literature, a summary of recent laboratory experiments, a presentation of original theoretical ideas, and a discussion of possible applications to real-world training settings.

ARI Research Note

Book Description

Fundamental Issues in Defense Training and Simulation

Book Description

Defense forces have always invested a great deal of their resources in training. In recent times, changes in the complexity and intensity of operations have reaffirmed the importance of ensuring that warfighters are adequately prepared for the environments in which they are required to work. The emergence of new operational drivers such as asymmetric threats, urban operations, joint and coalition operations and the widespread use of military communications and information technology networks has highlighted the importance of providing warfighters with the competencies required to act in a coordinated, adaptable fashion, and to make effective decisions in environments characterized by large amounts of sometimes ambiguous information. While investment in new technologies can make available new opportunities for action, it is only through effective training that personnel can be made ready to apply their tools in the most decisive and discriminating fashion. There are many factors which can have an impact on the efficacy of training and many issues to consider when designing and implementing training strategies. These issues are often complex and nuanced, and in order to grasp them fully a significant investment of time and energy is required. However, the requirement to respond quickly to ever-changing technology, a high operational tempo and minimal staffing may preclude many in today's defense forces from seeking out all such resources on their own. This edited collection provides brief, easy-to-understand summaries of the key issues in defense training and simulation, as well as guidance for further reading. It consists of a collection of short essays, each of which addresses a fundamental issue in defense training and simulation, and features an up-to-date reference list to enable the reader to undertake further investigation of the issues addressed. In essence, this book provides the optimum starting point, or first resource, for readers to come to terms with the important issues associated with defense training and simulation. The contributions are written by leading scholars from military research institutions in the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, as well as selected researchers from academic and private sector research institutions.

Virtual Environments for Infantry Soldiers

Book Description

"This report describes the work on a Science and Technology Objective (STO) entitled Virtual Environments for Dismounted Soldier Simulation, Training and Mission Rehearsal. The four-year (Fiscal Year FY 99-FY 02) STO effort was proposed to address a range of U.S. Army future operational capabilities described in U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Pamphlet 525-66 (U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, 1997). The STO activities and goals were focused on overcoming critical technological challenges that prevented effective Infantry Soldier simulation. The U. S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) led a team of both government and industry developers in examining simulation capabilities for industry. The other government partners vent the U.S. Army Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation Command (STRICOM) and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory Human Research and Engineering Directorate (ARL-HRED) and Computational and information Sciences Directorate (ARL-ClSD). Each of the major players had a particular area of interest but all worked together to explore concepts and systems and to recommend directions for further work on training, concept development, and mission rehearsal."--DTIC.

Evaluation of the Virtual Squad Training System

Book Description

The Virtual Squad Training System (VSTS) is a network of nine individual immersive simulators with Helmet-Mounted Displays (HMDs), and a command station for controlling computer generated entities. The VSTS includes both tethered and wearable simulators. The VSTS was evaluated with two squads (9 members per squad) of Soldiers performing selected individual/fire team tasks and squad tactical exercises for dismounted infantry over a four day period (two days per squad). Soldiers rated the system capabilities of 62 specific simulator functions (such as move and shoot) and rated the perceived training effectiveness for 24 tasks such as react to direct and indirect fire. A structured interview addressed various training issues. Frequent technical problems with individual simulators and the network interfered with the conduct of the evaluation and probably affected Soldiers? ratings of the VSTS. Simulator sickness incidence was low compared to previous evaluations of antecedent systems using HMDs.