In the Whirlwind of Jihad

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In Uzbekistan, Central Asia's most populous country, Islam has been an ever-present factor in the lives of its people and a contentious force for political officials trying to build a secular and authoritarian government. In the Whirlwind of Jihad examines the intertwined and evolving relationships between religion, the state, and society in Uzbekistan from the late 1980s to today, encompassing the period from the collapse of the Soviet Union to the launch of the U.S.-led "war on terror" in neighboring Afghanistan. Martha Brill Olcott, the foremost expert on Central Asia, concludes that in an era of global communication and increased contact with international Islamic communities, a new role for Islam in Uzbekistan will ultimately emerge with implications beyond the country's borders.

Reaping the Whirlwind

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Investigative journalist Michael Griffin paints the fullest picture yet of the Taliban movement -- its origins, beliefs, religious and political ethos, and its particular brand of fundamentalism.

The Far Enemy

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This edition shows that not only have the jihadists split ranks, but those who previously supported al Qaeda are condemning its tactics.

Understanding Jihad

Book Description

Jihad is one of the most loaded and misunderstood terms in the news today. Contrary to popular understanding, the term does not mean "holy war." Nor does it simply refer to the inner spiritual struggle. This book, judiciously balanced, accessibly written, and highly relevant to today's events, unravels the tangled historical, intellectual, and political meanings of jihad. Looking closely at a range of sources from sacred Islamic texts to modern interpretations, [This book] opens a critically important perspective on the role of Islam in the contemporary world. [The author] also describes some of the conflicts that occur in radical groups and shows how the more mainstream supporters of these groups have come to understand and justify violence.-Back cover.

Jerusalem Caliphate and the Third Jihad

Book Description

An ancient Bible prophecy reveals the agenda oft today’s determined Islam. Islam—the world’s second-largest religion—has big plans. Its goal? Nothing less than to bring the nations of this world under the influence of Islam and the rule of its sharia law. Beginning in A.D. 632, the entire Muslim world was ruled by a single leader called a caliph. But on March 3, 1924, after 1,292 years, the caliphate was abolished. Today, though, many Muslims envision a coming worldwide Islamic Super-state—and they are determined to reestablish the caliphate and vow that it will be planted in Jerusalem. Twice in its long history, Islam has dramatically expanded its reach in the world through aggressive Jihads—bringing huge areas of earth’s territory under Islamic control using all means necessary, including military conquest. Evidence is increasing that Islam is poised to launch a third Jihad to once again expand its dominion. A Jerusalem caliphate? A third Jihad? According to an ancient Bible prophecy, the answer to both questions is Yes. A reasonable and commonsense interpretation of that prophecy makes clear that Islam will indeed achieve its Jerusalem caliphate and set in motion its third Jihad: “And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain. . .” Daniel 11:45. What does this prophecy mean? And what will happen when the Muslim world—now 1.6 billion strong—unites under a restored caliphate in Jerusalem? The answers are set forth in the pages of this compelling book.

Inside Jihad

Book Description

Why radical Islam remains a deadly threat and why it is so pervasive in the Muslim world A quarter-century ago, Tawfik Hamid was recruited by Jamaa Islamiya, an Islamic terror group led by Dr. Aimon al-Zawahiri, the man who replaced Osama bin Laden to become the leader of al-Qaeda. Eventually, Dr. Hamid recognized the insidious nature of violent jihad and rejected its distortions of the Qur'an, the holy book of the Muslim faith. Ever since, he has pursued a path of reformation within Islam by writing new interpretations of the book's key texts and by sharing his message in mosques. Inside Jihad reveals Dr. Hamid's insights about the Islamic terror movement drawn from his personal experiences. As a medical doctor and a psychologist, he helps readers understand the jihadist mindset by explaining the meaning of jihad and the role that sex, petrodollars, and the hijab for women play in its proliferation. He shares his bold plan for an Islamic reformation and the religion's integration as one of the world's peaceful religions.

The Shade of Swords

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From Muhammed to the Ottoman empires and the modern struggle for Palestine, Akbar's story explains how Jihad thrives on complex and shifting notions of persecution, victory and sacrifice and the Muslim control over this phenomenon.

The History of Jihad

Book Description

It is taken for granted, even among many Washington policymakers, that Islam is a fundamentally peaceful religion and that Islamic jihad terrorism is something relatively new, a product of the economic and political ferment of the twentieth century. But in The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS, Islamic scholar Robert Spencer proves definitively that Islamic terror is as old as Islam itself, as old as Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, who said “I have been made victorious through terror.” Spencer briskly traces the 1,400-year war of Islamic jihadis against the rest of the world, detailing the jihad against Europe, including the 700-year struggle to conquer Constantinople; the jihad in Spain, where non-Muslims fought for another 700 years to get the jihadi invaders out of the country; and the jihad against India, where Muslim warriors and conquerors wrought unparalleled and unfathomable devastation in the name of their religion. Told in great part in the words of contemporary chroniclers themselves, both Muslim and non-Muslim, The History of Jihad shows that jihad warfare has been a constant of Islam from its very beginnings, and present-day jihad terrorism proceeds along exactly the same ideological and theological foundations as did the great Islamic warrior states and jihad commanders of the past. The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS is the first one-volume history of jihad in the English language, and the first book to tell the whole truth about Islam’s bloody history in an age when Islamic jihadis are more assertive in Western countries than they have been for centuries. This book is indispensable to understanding the geopolitical situation of the twenty-first century, and ultimately to formulating strategies to reform Islam and defeat radical terror.

Onward Muslim Soldiers

Book Description

Introduction: Jihad Today -- PART ONE: JIHAD NOW Chapter One: Are We Already Fighting A Jihad? How radical Muslims use jihad as a modern-day rallying cry -- Chapter Two: Europe: Jihad in the Making? -- Chapter Three: The Jihad Way of War -- PART TWO: JIHAD THEN: EXPLODING THE MYTHS OF "TOLERANT ISLAM" Chapter Four: Jihad in the Qur'an: Is war the will of Allah? -- Chapter Five: Muhammad in the Field: The wars of the Prophet -- Chapter Six: In the Prophet's Footsteps: Jihad and dhimmitude in early and modern Islam -- Chapter Seven: The Modern Myth of Islamic Tolerance: The fact of modern Islamic intolerance -- Chapter Eight: Jihad in Eclipse and Resurgent -- Chapter Nine: Terrorism: Jihad abused? -- Chapter Ten: Everybody Must Get Stoned: The strange alliance between radical Islam and the post-1960s Left -- Chapter Eleven: How to Fight the War We're In.

The War for Muslim Minds

Book Description

The events of September 11, 2001, forever changed the world as we knew it. In their wake, the quest for international order has prompted a reshuffling of global aims and priorities. In a fresh approach, Gilles Kepel focuses on the Middle East as a nexus of international disorder and decodes the complex language of war, propaganda, and terrorism that holds the region in its thrall. The breakdown of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in 2000 was the first turn in a downward spiral of violence and retribution. Meanwhile, a neo-conservative revolution in Washington unsettled U.S. Mideast policy, which traditionally rested on the twin pillars of Israeli security and access to Gulf oil. In Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, a transformation of the radical Islamist doctrine of Bin Laden and Zawahiri relocated the arena of terrorist action from Muslim lands to the West; Islamist radicals proclaimed jihad against their enemies worldwide. Kepel examines the impact of global terrorism and the ensuing military operations to stem its tide. He questions the United States' ability to address the Middle East challenge with Cold War rhetoric, while revealing the fault lines in terrorist ideology and tactics. Finally, he proposes the way out of the Middle East quagmire that triangulates the interests of Islamists, the West, and the Arab and Muslim ruling elites. Kepel delineates the conditions for the acceptance of Israel, for the democratization of Islamist and Arab societies, and for winning the minds and hearts of Muslims in the West.