Inching Toward Heaven's Door

Book Description

There are few clues as to why a person responds to the vicissitudes of life in a given way. As John Sieckhaus states in this memoir of his own spiritual journey ?some have the courage to choose life from their earliest moments of sober reflection while others opt to soothe their pain with addictions of the mind and body, some choose an early final exit and still others stay the healing course trusting that there is purpose to their lives, meaning in their suffering, and healing as the intended outcome of some higher power.? The tragic slaying of his parents propels the author as sixteen year old onto a life course dictated initially by his own errant choices and the acculturations of family, tribe and society. His decision to pursue a Ph.D. in chemistry is consistent with his search for life?s magic formula, the alchemist?s quest for the philosopher?s stone, but the first fruits of this venture are depression and a horrific encounter with his ?family demons?. Resort to psychotherapy and chemical dis-ease management, a therapeutic model ?characterized by a patient?s need to trust in the alchemical wisdom of his or her therapist,? proves to be a mere palliative in a desperate striving to arrest the pain, and it is only through an encounter with the living God amidst a small band of refugees from mainline Christian churches that his journey of faith, remembrance and healing begins. John Sieckhaus tells this story with conviction and a deep sense of gratitude for God?s provision of trustworthy guides and fellow travelers on the way. It was from James and Mary Baird, a couple whose decision to stand against the racial prejudices inherent in their small town culture in Baird Mississippi in the 1950s forced them to leave family, clan and culture to reach out to the hurting and the needy in southeast Asia that he learned to heed God?s call in his life and to pursue his vocation with a new sense of adventure and purpose. In so doing he had to come to grips with his work as a scientist engaged in the development of weapon systems and was eventually led to challenge his company?s involvement with nerve gas research and resign his position. With each step in his vocational journey the healing went deeper and finally, after staying the course for more than twenty years, the author was gifted with a revelation of his family pathology which provided the clues concerning his own responses to life. This is a story that the author was compelled to tell because the telling was an integral part of his healing journey and because, as he states in the introduction ?I believe that what I have experienced and learned is not just for my own healing and spiritual growth, that perhaps it may help others walk their own path to wholeness. If this should prove to be the case for only one other person it (the telling) will have been worth the effort.?

Heaven's Door

Book Description

Maya San Lucas had been lost in her dreamworld for the better part of five years. Desparia was just a fantasy world for her to explore during stretches of boredom at school and at home. Going to that world let her have adventures, exploring secret locations, and searching through towns and cities for loot to come away with. The life of a thief was so much more exciting than high school, especially with no friends to speak of. After escaping the hell of Hell, Maya and her friends had returned to the depths of the emperor's stronghold. Some were emboldened by what they had seen, more determined than ever to see the emperor deposed. But Maya had brought her own demons with her on her return to Desparia. As her demons stalked her, Maya's newfound magic grows stronger, making her more dependent than ever on her friends by her side. And with more doors behind them than in front of them, the group pushed on to their destination, even as they experience some of their worse losses yet. Jared didn't understand what was happening to him. He was too young to know the power seated deep within him, destroying whole towns around him. But when he meets Celestia and her fae people, he learns that he is a mage, and starts to come to terms with what that meant. As he sets out on his journey to rid the world of evil, he starts seeing his own magic as part of the problem. One that he was determined to rid the world of. The only problem was, how to do that without hunting down and killing every mage that ever lived.

Chemicals, Human Health, and the Environment

Book Description

As we enter the new millennium, chemical and energy technology practice is in the throes of a paradigm shift. During the past fi fty years there has been a growing awareness of the adverse effects of chemical products, byproducts and wastes upon human health and the environment, and the development of federal and state regulations has been an important fi rst step in the redress of these problems. This book provides a history of these early years from a scientific and sociopolitical perspective to provide the necessary background for charting a course for the new millennium. The sources of pollution of the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land that provides our sustenance and the blood that courses through our veins are no longer regional or even national in scope and it is clear that new ways of thinking are required to insure that the ongoing evolution of chemical and energy technology is in keeping with the needs of all the people and ecosystems of planet earth. The book concludes with an environmental credo to provide the technical, political and ethical bases for the paradigm shift to a sustainable balance among chemicals, human health and the environment.

Choosing Life

Book Description

I remember when the bullets flew and some I loved were counted among the lost. A father desperate midst depressive gloom sought respite in the glimmer of a demons light and forsaking knowledge of all that love had taught chose to end a life that once he had begot.

Betrayal at Heaven's Gate

Book Description

Rebellion in Heaven? That great deceiver, Lucifer, is at it again! Placing agents in a garden area just outside of Heaven, Satan targets newly arriving Christians who have little faith. These demons attempt to enlist these impressionable souls to join Satan's forces. Demonic intrigue takes place in the garden and on earth, where angels confront the devil's forces. One weak arrival at the Heavenly gate is Ernest G. Plover, who dreads meeting Jesus because he did not live for Him while on earth. When he arrives in the garden, Ernest avoids the gates of heaven, preferring, instead, to withdraw from the crowd and disappear for awhile. This causes the angelsresponsible for all Heavenlyadmissions to have an angelic meltdown as they try to find out what happened to this missing soul. Jesus himself chooses to seek out the fearful Ernest. A great battle between Lucifer's demons and God's warrior angels takes place that threatens the very foundation of Heaven. Through this story you will experience adventure, intrigue, humor and a few tears. Imagination isrequired as we explore what Heaven may be like. We will marvel at Heaven's organization, peek into God's throne room, and witness the encounter between angels and evil demons. This book would be a great read for young Christians!

Whole-Child Teaching

Book Description

The book discusses the failed reform initiatives of the 20th century’s “one size fits all” model for American education. A recommendation is made to adopt a systemic change in how, why, and what we teach, which takes the form of a new whole-child framework. This new educational narrative fosters a more learner-centered, constructivist, interdisciplinary, and meaningful approach to learning. Positive education offers educators new strategies to develop character strengths and promote well-being in their students.

West of the Moon

Book Description

In West of the Moon, award-winning and New York Times bestselling author Margi Preus expertly weaves original fiction with myth and folktale to tell the story of Astri, a young Norwegian girl desperate to join her father in America. After being separated from her sister and sold to a cruel goat farmer, Astri makes a daring escape. She quickly retrieves her little sister, and, armed with a troll treasure, a book of spells and curses, and a possibly magic hairbrush, they set off for America. With a mysterious companion in tow and the malevolent “goatman” in pursuit, the girls head over the Norwegian mountains, through field and forest, and in and out of folktales and dreams as they steadily make their way east of the sun and west of the moon.

Spiritual Formation

Book Description

How do we form a strong spiritual life when even wholesome activities can drain spiritual energy? How and when should we extend Christ-honoring compassion to others? Using the cross as a visual, Spiritual Formation guides us through four sections of developing an ever-increasing vertical passion for God and never-failing horizontal compassion for others. The familiar disciplines and exercises of Spiritual Formation would seem to produce cloned Christians, but Dr. Houck explains how personalities, strengths, and weaknesses determine how we live out these disciplines. No matter how much passion for God and passion for others we develop, we never cease movement through Spiritual Formation sections. Joy found in the journey will lead us back to section one to embrace those who have not yet started the journey or have faltered on the way. Spiritual Formation: The Joy of the Journey calls each of us to follow Gods unique personal path to passion for God and compassion for others.

Heaven's Door

Book Description