Indian Air Force: The Maintenance Paradigm

Book Description

The scope of maintenance functions in the Indian Air Force (IAF) is vast. The need for a very specialised professional conduct in each one of these is obvious from the width of deliberations in this book. Further, the reader can appreciate the virtues of an integrated approach to maintenance. The text is, therefore, as relevant to the aircrew as it is to the engineers, technicians and logisticians. The paradigm of maintenance has attained a unique character over the years in the IAF despite legacies from its British genesis. Maintenance philosophies have been adaptively developed to support ever growing air power dimensions and exclusive indigenous requirements. A maintenance engineer in the IAF gets involved with every engineering aspect of planning, design/development, acquisition and projects besides maintenance and logistics support to operations. Unlike most other air forces, the communications and Information Technology (IT) disciplines are also taken on by the maintenance man in the IAF. All activities within the maintenance arena have been dealt with ingeniously in this book. This book reviews diverse fields of engineering activities. Beginning with the need for an organisational fusion, an array of specialised functions has been presented to finally suggest an integrated maintenance approach. Quality discipline and goal alignment are prime factors – emphasis on these runs through all the discussions. Learning from nearly four decades of experience in the Air Force, a few mindsets have been highlighted, with suggestions for a paradigm shift. It is always fascinating to relive memories of leaders who shaped our destiny. These examples have the potential to send a surge of renewed motivation through every air warrior. The chapter on the work force is a tribute to the commitment of airmen and civilians. This book is a first in many ways. The need for transformational thinking with a systems’ view has been advocated for all actions related to a subject as sedate as maintenance. Contributions from different variables viz. infrastructure, material, technology, processes and people, above all, have to be in sync to produce the desired air power outcome. The objective of this book is not to prescribe a solution but to provoke thinking about new paradigms for improvement.

History of Maintenance of Indian Air Force 1977-2016

Book Description

IAF from its humble beginning in 1932 has transformed itself into fourth largest AF operating at frontiers of technologies with multi-dimensional capabilities and a potent force to reckon with. It is said that the history is written by winners. But what is important is that the history is documented impartially, objectively and factually, as much as possible. It may be worth for IAF to consider coming out with a book each on Operations, Maintenance and Administration, depicting the historical decisions taken - successes and failures in equal measure - and how the IAF progressed over the decades to be what it is today - a professionally managed, optimally exploited, synergistically working and one of the most effective instruments of national power to ensure accomplishing objectives of the nation. Yes, coffee table books and anniversary issues do gloss over a few events, but the real history is made by the toil, blood and sweat and tears of the men behind these operations. Individual awards and citations many times compromise on actualities and are miserly with truth. “History is an argument without an end” said Pieter Geyl the Dutch historian. “I am glad to recommend this book to all, as the readers of the book, irrespective of their background, will enjoy the journey of these ‘spanners and screwdrivers’ of 12 AEC covering almost 900 man-years of IAF maintenance. It is also bound to raise curiosity in many minds to know more about air force maintenance. The book may act as a lighthouse for a lot of the present serving aeronautical engineers in their progression.” – Air Marshal KS Bhatia, PVSM AVSM & BAR “40 years of IAF maintenance history told through the voices of 39 outstanding air force officers with an unsurpassed breadth of experience and accomplishments. Most inspiring.” – Ramesh Dontha, Author of The 60-Minute Startup series of books, 3 times bestselling author, Gold Medal Award winner in 2020 Reader’s Favorite International Competition (Marketing)

Indian Air Force in India's National Defence 2032

Book Description

The Indian Air Force (IAF), from a humble beginning in 1932 with four Wapiti aircraft, six Indian officers and 22 hawai sepoys, has traversed a long journey and crossed noteworthy milestones to become the fourth largest air force in the world. In the past 81 years, while facing several limitations/challenges, the IAF has met all the national defence requirements, and made several strategic contributions. The 1948 Kashmir airlift, Tangail paradrop, heli-bridging in East Pakistan and many other achievements are historic examples of its sterling performance. The only war independent India has lost was the one in which the IAF was not employed in a combat role. With growing economic interests and national aspirations, expanding interests well beyond our territorial boundaries and prevailing internal security challenges, India’s national defence requirements are also increasing. Reliance of sovereign nation-states on aerospace power is essentially growing. The first Gulf War was a monumental turning point in the war-time employment of aerospace power. Ever since, the significance of aerospace power in war, crisis and peace-time has been gaining ascendency. Kosovo and Libya are the two pertinent examples of the allies virtually relying on aerospace power, without committing any soldiers on the ground. Scrutiny of the emerging global and national trends suggests that employment of aerospace assets, as well as the nation’s expectation from the IAF, will continue to rise. Alongside, there is an unplanned fall in flying platforms, weapon systems and pilot strength of the IAF. This study is an attempt to analyse the history of the IAF in war as well as ‘other than war operations’; to appreciate the emerging trends in geopolitics, aerospace technology and doctrine; and to identify the likely challenges the IAF would be facing in the next two decades and beyond. A roadmap for transformation of the national security framework, the indigenous aerospace industry and the IAF has also been suggested.

Under the Wings, On the Tarmac

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The Rise of Indian Military Power: Evolution of an Indian Strategic Culture

Book Description

This is a monumental & epic work on India’s Military History. It seeks to answer the seminal question – ‘Is there an Indian Way of War-fighting and an Indian Strategic Culture?’ The author has traced the history of war-fighting in India from the Vedic & Mahabharatan period to the Mauryan & Mughal Eras and thereafter the British Period. It is a comprehensive audit of India’s combat performance in the ancient, medieval, modern and post-modern periods of Indian history. The focus of this work however, is on India’s Post-independence Military History. The author has analysed each of India’s wars with China & Pakistan as also its CI and CT campaigns in meticulous detail, to draw lessons for the future. The path-breaking contribution is the author’s thesis that there have been three local Revolutions in Military Affairs (RMAs) in India, which shaped the course & flow of her history. Each of these RMAs helped to unify India under a great Empire and transformed it from a civilisational entity to a strong empire state. The first was the Mauryan RMA of using War Elephants in mass to generate shock & awe. This politically unified the whole of India and Afghanistan for the first time. The next RMA came with the Mughals who introduced Field Artillery, Muskets and Horsed Cavalry Archers with stirrups and cross bows. The Mughal horsed cavalry and artillery helped spawn the mighty Mughal Empire. The Third RMA came with the British who raised local Infantry Battalions on the European Pattern and drilled them to shoot in disciplined rhythms, to defeat all cavalry charges. This Infantry-based RMA helped establish the British Empire in India. The present Republic is a successor entity of the British Empire. The author has traced the evolution of India’s Strategic Culture to the Arthashastra of Kautilya. The surprise finding is that in the 1971 War – India unconsciously returned to this Kautilyan paradigm of using information dominance, covert war and Shock- Action military campaigns to defeat its adversaries. In the post-independence phase he traces the evolution of India’s war-fighting from the tactical phase of 1947-1962 when India’s capacity was confined to use of 2-3 Divisions alone. The 1965 War saw the graduation to the level of Operational Art, wherein 12 Divisions and a bulk of the Indian Air Force (IAF) saw active combat. The apogee came in 1971 – when India fought a brilliant, Quasi-Total, Tri-Service Campaign that broke Pakistan into two, put 93,000 prisoners of war in the bag and for the first time after the Second World War, created a new nation state with the Force of Arms. He traces the impact of nuclearisation on South Asia and prognosticates about the Future. The time has come, he asserts, for India to create a Fourth RMA in South Asia; and decisively shape outcomes. For this, economic power must be rapidly converted into usable military power. India must field dominant war fighting capabilities in South Asia.

Indian Air Force: The Case for Indigenisation

Book Description

Just think: the last combat aircraft designed by the 74-year old HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd) with its expansive infrastructure was in the 1950s – and it was an excellent aircraft. Thirty years later an ad-hoc, interim institution called ADA (Aeronautics Development Agency) was set to design the LCA (Light Combat Aircraft) under the DRDO management. Thirty years later the aircraft has yet to enter service although the Indian Air Force has ordered 40 aircraft knowing they do not meet the qualitative requirements set in the early 1980s, leave alone the 21st century! Even the primary trainer for rookie pilots has just begun to be imported. Obviously something is wrong for a long time; and obviously it is a systemic problem. This volume sets out to historically examine and present a balanced understatement of the facts. Some of the leading experts in the profession of aerospace identify the problems. The reader is left to form his judgment and what appears an obvious solution. The Air Force is the most concerned stakeholder in the quality and quantity of military aircraft; but it seems to have been left on the sidelines in the process of to be criticised as being against indigenisation. We recognise that India is way behind the developed countries — and China now, in design and development of military aviation. We don’t have to go far to find the way ahead. Ninety-five percent of the Indian Navy’s warships and submarines are designed and manufactured in the country (tough many systems inside, like its missiles, may be acquired from the best in the world). The reason is starkly so simple that South Block itself does not notice it! Naval Head Quarters contain within its organisation under the leadership and the Chief of Naval Staff, the Directorate of Naval Design as well as the Controller of Warship Production besides the other supporting organisations like WESEE etc. Hence when the indigenous INS Delhi sailed out in the 1990s, the international community began to look at Indian Navy with new respect. Why can’t similar system be established for the Army and the Air Force? Read the volume to ask your questions and mull over possible solutions.

Two Decades of Re-Emerging Russia: Challenges and Prospects

Book Description

Russia has been re-emerging as a major political and economic power during the last decade. The leadership of Russia claims that the objectives of transition from the former one-party socialist system to a plural multiparty democratic system and centralised planning to market economy are largely achieved. Russia is politically stable and has demonstrated how new political institutions, multiparty system are functioning under three presidents. In the initial years after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Russian economy passed through different phases such as crisis, boom and recovery. Russia has largely succeeded in managing its political and economic relations with “Near Abroad” which have witnessed considerable complexities over the last two decades. Russia has demonstrated that its bilateral ties with India in the political and defence sectors have been consistently cordial and close. However, trade and economic relations need to be strengthened. Notwithstanding its major achievements, Russia has been facing several problems, both in its domestic front and in its foreign relations. Some of the major problems on the domestic front are: over centralisation of power, nexus between state authorities, oligarchs and the bureaucracy, growing menace of corruption, surging political reactions by political parties and some former powerful leaders on various political issues, growing social discontent, issues between different ethnic groups, widening economic disparities among various sections of society and regions. On the external front, Russia has conflicts of interest with some former Soviet republics such as Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and the Baltic states. Russia’s relations with the US and NATO have been highly critical on political and security related issues. There is a need for an objective and critical evaluation of how Russia has managed its domestic and foreign affairs after the collapse of the Soviet Union. What were the successes and failures of Russia in its policies and performance with regard to the social, political and economic developments in the country? This book is as attempt to assess those developments.

Sainik Samachar

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One Hundred Years of U.S. Navy Air Power

Book Description

Published to coincide with the centennial celebration of U.S. Navy Aviation, this book chronicles Navy aviation from its earliest days, before the Navy’s first aircraft carrier joined the fleet, through the modern jet era marked by the introduction of the F-18 Hornet. It tells how naval aviation got its start, profiles its pioneers, and explains the early bureaucracy that fostered and sometimes inhibited its growth. The book then turns to the refinement of carrier aviation doctrine and tactics and the rapid development of aircraft and carriers, highlighting the transition from propeller-driven aircraft to swept wing jets in the period after WW II. Land-based Navy aircraft, rotary-wing aircraft and rigid airships, and balloons are also considered in this sweeping tribute.