Industrial Policy in Japan

Book Description

The Japanese Industrial System

Book Description

Intro -- Preface To The Third Edition -- I The Japanese Industrial System -- Chapter 1. Japan And The New Global Economy -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Japan As Industrial Superpower -- 1.3 Paradoxes Of Asian Growth -- 1.4 Japan As Learner And Teacher -- 1.5 From Follower To Leader -- 1.6 Strategies For The 21St Century -- 1.7 Summary And Conclusions -- Chapter 2. Samurai Management: A Framework For Analysis -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Japanese Society: Adversity Management -- 2.3 Hardware And Software As Core Concepts -- 2.4 Japanese Hardware: A Comparative Perspective -- 2.5 Organizational Software Systems -- 2.6 Summary And Conclusions -- Ii Japan'S Societal Policies -- Chapter 3. Japan Inc.: Business-Government Relations -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 The Social Origins Of Business-Government -- 3.3 The Structure Of Modern Government -- 3.4 Government And Big Business -- 3.5 Summary And Conclusions -- Chapter 4. The Visible Hand: Industrial Planning -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Origins Of Industrial Planning -- 4.3 Japan'S Five Year Plan -- 4.4 Industrial Structure Goals -- 4.5 Resource Dependence Planning -- 4.6 Portfolio Approach To Sectors -- 4.7 Japan'S Export Strategy -- 4.8 Japan'S Sunset Industries -- 4.9 Summary And Conclusions -- Chapter 5. Technology And The Knowledge Economy -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Technology And The Economy -- 5.3 The Organization Of Science In Japan -- 5.4 Formulating Science Policy -- 5.5 Technological Diffusion -- 5.6 Creative Technology Policies -- 5.7 Technology Policy In Comparative Perspective -- 5.8 Summary And Conclusions -- Chapter 6. Asian Wall Street: Japanese Banking And Finance -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Financial Policy And Economic Development -- 6.3 Japan'S Banking System: An Overview -- 6.4 From Competition Within Japan -- 6.5 ... To Tomorrow, The World -- 6.6 Summary And Conclusions.

Dynamics of Japan’s Trade and Industrial Policy in the Post Rapid Growth Era (1980–2000)

Book Description

This open access book provides an in-depth examination of Japan's policy responses to the economic challenges of the 1980s and '90s. While MITI's earlier role in promoting rapid growth has been addressed in other studies, this volume, based on official records and exhaustive interviews, is the first to examine the aftermath of rapid growth and the evolution of MITI's interpretation of the economy's changing needs. Covering such topics as the oil shocks, trade conflict with the United States, and the rise and collapse of the so-called bubble economy, it presents a detailed analysis and evaluation of how these challenges were interpreted by government officials, the kinds of policies that were enacted, the extent to which policy aims were realized, and lessons for the longer term. This book is recommended especially to officials of countries concerned about the challenges that follow on high economic growth and to readers interested in Japan’s contemporary economic history.

MITI and the Japanese Miracle

Book Description

The focus of this book is on the Japanese economic bureaucracy, particularly on the famous Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), as the leading state actor in the economy. Although MITI was not the only important agent affecting the economy, nor was the state as a whole always predominant, I do not want to be overly modest about the importance of this subject. The particular speed, form, and consequences of Japanese economic growth are not intelligible without reference to the contributions of MITI. Collaboration between the state and big business has long been acknowledged as the defining characteristic of the Japanese economic system, but for too long the state's role in this collaboration has been either condemned as overweening or dismissed as merely supportive, without anyone's ever analyzing the matter. The history of MITI is central to the economic and political history of modern Japan. Equally important, however, the methods and achievements of the Japanese economic bureaucracy are central to the continuing debate between advocates of the communist-type command economies and advocates of the Western-type mixed market economies. The fully bureaucratized command economies misallocate resources and stifle initiative; in order to function at all, they must lock up their populations behind iron curtains or other more or less impermeable barriers. The mixed market economies struggle to find ways to intrude politically determined priorities into their market systems without catching a bad case of the "English disease" or being frustrated by the American-type legal sprawl. The Japanese, of course, do not have all the answers. But given the fact that virtually all solutions to any of the critical problems of the late twentieth century--energy supply, environmental protection, technological innovation, and so forth--involve an expansion of official bureaucracy, the particular Japanese priorities and procedures are instructive. At the very least they should forewarn a foreign observer that the Japanese achievements were not won without a price being paid.

Japanese Industrial Policy

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Between MITI and the Market

Book Description

Over the postwar period, the scope of industrial policy has expanded markedly. Governments in virtually all advanced industrial countries have extended the visible hand of the state in assisting specific industries or individual companies. Although greater government involvement in some countries has lessened the dislocations brought about by slower growth rates, industrial policy has also caused or exacerbated a number of other problems, including distortions in the allocation of capital and labor and trade conflicts that undermine the postwar system of free trade. Only Japan is widely cited as an unambiguous success story. The effectiveness of its industrial policy is revealed in the successful emergence of one government-targeted industry after another as world-class competitors: for example, steel, automobiles, and semiconductors. Foreign countries fear that a number of still-developing industries—like biotechnology, telecommunications, and information processing—will follow the same pattern. But is industrial policy the main reason for Japan's economic achievements? The author asserts that the reasons for Japan's spectacular track record go well beyond the realm of industrial policy into broad areas of the political economy as a whole. In this book, the author attempts to identify the reasons for the comparative effectiveness of Japanese industrial policy for high technology by answering the following questions: What is the attitude of Japanese leaders toward state intervention in the marketplace? What is the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) doing to promote the development of high technology? How has the organization of the private sector contributed to MITI's capacity to intervene effectively? What elements in Japan's political system help insulate industrial policymaking from the demands of interest-group politics?

Industrial Policy of Japan

Book Description

The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Politics

Book Description

"Book Abstract and Keywords: The study of Japanese politics has flourished over the past several decades. This Handbook provides a state-of-the-field overview for students and researchers of Japanese. The volume also serves to introduce Japanese politics to readers less familiar with Japan. In addition, the volume has a theme of "evaluating Japan's democracy." Taken as a whole, the volume provides a positive evaluation of the state of Japan's democracy. The volume is divided into two parts, roughly corresponding to domestic Japanese politics and Japan's international politics. Within the domestic politics part, there are four distinct sections: "Domestic Political Actors and Institutions," covering the Japanese Constitution, electoral systems, prime minister, Diet, bureaucracy, judiciary, and local government; "Political Parties and Coalitions," covering the Liberal Democratic Party, coalition government, Kōmeitō, and the political opposition; "Policymaking and the Public," covering the policymaking process, public opinion, civil society, and populism; and, "Political Economy and Social Policy," covering industrial, energy, social welfare, agricultural, monetary, and immigration policies, as well as social inequality. In the international relations part, there are four sections: "International Relations Frameworks," covering grand strategy, international organizations, and international status; "International Political Economy," covering trade, finance, foreign direct investment, the environment, economic regionalism, and the linkage between security and economics; "International Security," covering remilitarization, global and regional security multilateralism, nuclear nonproliferation, naval power, space security, and cybersecurity; and, "Foreign Relations" covering Japan's relations with the United States, China, South Korea, ASEAN, India, the European Union, and Russia. Keywords: international relations, comparative politics, democracy, international order, alliances, space security, elections, Liberal Democratic Party, multilateralism, remilitarization, international organizations, populism, civil society, coalitions, political parties, trade, finance monetary policy, foreign direct investment, cybersecurity"--

Postwar Industrial Policy in Japan

Book Description

A detailed study of the astoundingly effective Japanese industrial policy that followed World War II.

Japan's High Technology Industries

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