America's Coming Nightmare

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When Money Dies

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Illustrating what could happen today if European governments try to spend their way out of the economic downturn, this book charts how the German economy was ruined by hyperinflation after the Weimar government allowed public spending to run out of control. The collapse of the Weimar Republic cleared the way for Hitler to seize power.


Book Description

Inflation: What It Is, Why It’s Bad, and How to Fix It explains what’s behind the worst inflationary storm in more than forty years—one that is dominating the headlines and shaking Americans by their pocketbooks. The cost-of-living explosion since the COVID pandemic has raised alarms about a possible return of a 1970’s-style “Great Inflation.” Some observers even fear a descent into the kind of Weimar-style hyperinflation that has torn apart so many nations. Is this true? If so, what should be done? How should we prepare for the future? Inflation answers these and other questions in an engaging discussion that draws on the singular expertise of Steve Forbes, chairman of Forbes Media, acclaimed for his insights on money and the economy; Nathan Lewis, internationally renowned expert on money and taxation; and author and journalist Elizabeth Ames. The authors say that today’s problems can be solved by discarding longstanding beliefs that helped bring on the current crisis. They include the notion that central banks can create prosperity through artificially creating money “out of thin air,” and also that economic “stability” requires “a little inflation.” Such ideas for decades have been Holy Writ in official Washington. Inflation shows why they are misguided. The book also explains why the current rage for heedless money-printing advocated by left-wing advocates of so-called Modern Monetary Theory is likely to lead the nation—and the world—down the road to disaster. Packed with examples from the headlines and from history, Inflation is a unique, real-world exploration of the subject that addresses everyday concerns of Americans under siege by rising prices, including steps you should take to protect your wealth. Inflation is essential reading for everyone seeking to navigate these tumultuous times.

The Great Inflation and Its Aftermath

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The Great Inflation in the 1960s and 1970s, notes award-winning columnist Robert J. Samuelson, played a crucial role in transforming American politics, economy, and everyday life. The direct consequences included stagnation in living standards, a growing belief—both in America and abroad—that the great-power status of the United States was ending, and Ronald Reagan’s election to the presidency in 1980. But that is only half the story. The end of high inflation led to two decades of almost uninterrupted economic growth, rising stock prices and ever-increasing home values. Paradoxically, this prolonged prosperity triggered the economic and financial collapse of 2008 and 2009 by making Americans—from bank executives to ordinary homeowners—overconfident, complacent, and careless. The Great Inflation and its Aftermath, Samuelson contends, demonstrated that we have not yet escaped the boom-and-bust cycles common in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This is a sobering tale essential for anyone who wants to understand today’s world.

The Inflation Myth and the Wonderful World of Deflation

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What if everything you’ve learned about inflation is wrong? The Inflation Myth and the Wonderful World of Deflation illustrates our rapidly changing world where constant technological innovation leads to cheaper and better products. These changes are no longer reflected in the ways we measure inflation. Renowned investor and author Mark Mobius persuasively argues that what we believe to know about inflation today does not reflect the reality any longer. It is a myth, a legend, a fable, and, yes, a falsehood for a number of reasons. The Inflation Myth and the Wonderful World of Deflation tackles a number of fascinating topics, including: The political nature of inflation measurement where governments manipulate and exploit inflation numbers to fit their economic programs The extreme difficulty involved in gathering accurate data to measure inflation and the resulting inaccuracy of those measures The error of using currencies to measure inflation when those currencies are continually being debased by the governments who issue them Finally, and most importantly, the advances in technology and automation which are leading to continuously falling costs for goods and services Perfect for anyone with even a passing interest in macroeconomic phenomena or government policies, which are significantly impacting people's everyday lives around the world, The Inflation Myth and the Wonderful World of Deflation provides a remarkably compelling and provocative view of stunning originality.

When Money Dies

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When Money Dies

Book Description

When Money Dies is the classic history of what happens when a nation's currency depreciates beyond recovery. In 1923, with its currency effectively worthless (the exchange rate in December of that year was one dollar to 4,200,000,000,000 marks), the German republic was all but reduced to a barter economy. Expensive cigars, artworks, and jewels were routinely exchanged for staples such as bread; a cinema ticket could be bought for a lump of coal; and a bottle of paraffin for a silk shirt. People watched helplessly as their life savings disappeared and their loved ones starved. Germany's finances descended into chaos, with severe social unrest in its wake. Money may no longer be physically printed and distributed in the voluminous quantities of 1923. However, "quantitative easing," that modern euphemism for surreptitious deficit financing in an electronic era, can no less become an assault on monetary discipline. Whatever the reason for a country's deficit -- necessity or profligacy, unwillingness to tax or blindness to expenditure -- it is beguiling to suppose that if the day of reckoning is postponed economic recovery will come in time to prevent higher unemployment or deeper recession. What if it does not? Germany in 1923 provides a vivid, compelling, sobering moral tale.

How Inflation Affects You

Book Description

Inflation is a fact of life. Over time, prices for most goods and services invariably rise. If they fall, it is not for long. Economists even say that a moderate level of inflation is essential to a healthy economy. Readers evaluate what an unhealthy level of inflation is, what causes it, and how a period of high inflation is felt by the average person and his or her family. Readers explore exactly what inflation is, how, at moderate levels, it can help drive a healthy economy, and, at unacceptably high levels, it can destroy purchasing power and continued economic growth. Most importantly, the author reveals the concrete effects that inflation has upon federal, state, and local governments, on local businesses and municipalities, and on individuals and families. Charting exactly how prices rise, paychecks fail to keep pace, and economic activity slows down, this book traces all the many ripple effects of inflation throughout the economy, placing particular emphasis on how inflation affects the daily lives of ordinary people.

The Economics of Inflation

Book Description

The Economics of Inflation provides a comprehensive analysis of economic conditions in Germany under the Great Inflation and discusses inflationary conditions in general. The analysis is supported by extensive statistical material. * For this translation the author thoroughly revised the original work * Includes an appendix on German economic conditions in the years following the monetary reform, 1923-24