Morir en el Intento

Book Description

La aterradora historia de un viaje sin regreso... Cada día, cientos de personas toman incalculables riesgos para cruzar la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos en busca de trabajo y mejores oportunidades de vida. Pero para un grupo de inmigrantes que cruzó la frontera ilegalmente y se subió a un trailer la noche del 13 de mayo del 2003, este sueño se tornó en una tragedia. Al menos 73 personas abordaron la parte de atrás de un camión que debía llevarlos de Harlingen, Texas hasta la ciudad de Houston, a unas 300 millas de distancia. Pero a las cuatro horas tuvo que detenerse cerca de la ciudad de Victoria, donde se abrieron las puertas del trailer para encontrar que varias personas, incluyendo un niño de 5 años, habían muerto por asfixia, deshidratación y un calor insoportable, y muchos de los sobrevivientes ya habían desaparecido. Con la pasión y la minuciosidad que lo caracteriza, el periodista Jorge Ramos nos cuenta los detalles de esta desgarradora tragedia, a la vez que busca comprender cómo algo tan inhumano puede suceder en pleno siglo XXI. A través de entrevistas con cuatro sobrevivientes que tuvieron el valor de hablar de su experiencia, conversaciones con los familiares de los difuntos y un exhaustivo análisis del juicio a la persona responsable de esta tragedia y de las implicaciones del incidente en las políticas migratorias estadounidenses, Jorge Ramos relata uno de los episodios más tristes de la historia moderna de este país.

The Spanish American Reader

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The Names of the Fallen

Book Description

Este Libro en un enfoque diferente critica a las instituciones y gobiernos que hicieron posible que este conflicto empezara. Ademas es un sincero homenaje al valor y el sacrificio de los honorables soldados norteamericanos y mienbros de la coalicion que perdieron sus vidas; al pueblo de Iraq que sufrio las horrendas consequencias de la guerra en forma directa.

Diffusion Processes and Related Topics in Biology

Book Description

These notes are based on a one-quarter course given at the Department of Biophysics and Theoretical Biology of the University of Chicago in 1916. The course was directed to graduate students in the Division of Biological Sciences with interests in population biology and neurobiology. Only a slight acquaintance with probability and differential equations is required of the reader. Exercises are interwoven with the text to encourage the reader to play a more active role and thus facilitate his digestion of the material. One aim of these notes is to provide a heuristic approach, using as little mathematics as possible, to certain aspects of the theory of stochastic processes that are being increasingly employed in some of the population biol ogy and neurobiology literature. While the subject may be classical, the nov elty here lies in the approach and point of view, particularly in the applica tions such as the approach to the neuronal firing problem and its related dif fusion approximations. It is a pleasure to thank Professors Richard C. Lewontin and Arnold J.F. Siegert for their interest and support, and Mrs. Angell Pasley for her excellent and careful typing. I . PRELIMINARIES 1. Terminology and Examples Consider an experiment specified by: a) the experiment's outcomes, ~, forming the space S; b) certain subsets of S (called events) and by the probabilities of these events.

World Anthropologies

Book Description

Since its inception, anthropology's authority has been based on the assumption that it is a unified discipline emanating from the West. In an age of heightened globalization, anthropologists have failed to discuss consistently the current status of their practice and its mutations across the globe. World Anthropologies is the first book to provoke this conversation from various regions of the world in order to assess the diversity of relations between regional or national anthropologies and a contested, power-laden Western discourse. Can a planetary anthropology cope with both the 'provincial cosmopolitanism' of alternative anthropologies and the 'metropolitan provincialism' of hegemonic schools? How might the resulting 'world anthropologies' challenge the current panorama in which certain allegedly national anthropological traditions have more paradigmatic weight - and hence more power - than others? Critically examining the international dissemination of anthropology within and across national power fields, contributors address these questions and provide the outline for a veritable world anthropologies project.

Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice

Book Description

Fully revised and updated for the third edition, the Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice remains the first resort for all those working in this broad field. Structured to assist with practical tasks, translating evidence into policy, and providing concise summaries and real-world issues from across the globe, this literally provides a world of experience at your fingertips. Easy-to-use, concise and practical, it is structured into seven parts that focus on the vital areas of assessment, data and information, direct action, policy, health-care systems, personal effectiveness and organisational development. Reflecting recent advances, the most promising developments in practical public health are presented, as well as maintaining essential summaries of core disciplines. This handbook is designed to assist students and practitioners around the world, for improved management of disasters, epidemics, health behaviour, acute and chronic disease prevention, community and government action, environmental health, vulnerable populations, and more.