Book Description
We have read the National Education Policy- 2020 document repeatedly, and were thrilled to learn about the transformations in education system intended to be made phase-wise in future over a period of 10-15 years. Innovative Learning Processes, both on-line and off-line, with learner-centric delivery and objective assessment of learners; Outcome Based Education; Application Oriented teaching; Program Outcomes focused learning will inculcate the required skill sets and Problem- Solving Capabilities among the learners. With the introduction of NEP- 2020, there is going to be a paradigm transformation of learning system directed to promote Skilling, Make -in India, Creativity, Innovation & Start Ups. Gone are the days when cramming the learning material and academic vomiting in the examination hall was the rule of the game to score good grades. We salute the NEP team- members, who came out with this excellent document intending to incorporate many innovative practices in the education system, required so desperately. Having many decades of experience in education sector, and training over 1000 faculty members in last 25 years, we have learnt the art of explaining them the contents in a learning-centric mode. The pandemic gave us an opportunity to deliver on-line programs, many related to Creativity, Ideation, Innovation. This book, having 7 chapters, explains the various Ideation techniques leading to Innovations in a way the learners and HEI faculty would like to learn. Special feature of this book is its simplicity in explaining otherwise difficult concepts through example problems. The book is dedicated to our numerous students who made us to learn to offer innovative explanation to many fundamental concepts.