Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit

Book Description

Never was there a book less entitled than the "Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit" to the honour of effecting a revolution in theology, or becoming the manifesto of any school of inquirers accustomed to habits of sound and accurate reasoning. With not a little to remind us of the reach and originality of thought which distinguish the other writings of Coleridge, it is marked to a most vicious excess with looseness and inaccuracy of conception; it betrays a painful ignorance of the main facts and fundamental principles involved in the question at issue; and, by the confident, but impotent attempt which he makes to marry a mystical philosophy to an unsound theology, he only shows that he has strayed into a province of speculation with whose guiding landmarks he was completely unacquainted. Nor is this failure to grasp, and inability to deal with, the necessary conditions of the problem to be solved, so conspicuous in Coleridge's discussion of the doctrine of inspiration, altogether due to his limited and defective preparation for dealing with the subject; it is in no small measure to be attributed to the exigencies of his position and argument.

Inquiring Spirit

Book Description

When this work was first prepared for publication in 1949 the Notebooks and Collected Letters were still in manuscript, and many of the printed works, if not unavailable, were scarce. The continuing publication of Coleridge's works has not lessened the demand for a general introduction to Coleridge's mind and its workings. Selections from works including The Friend, Essays on His Own Times, Aids to Reflection, the Statesman's Manual, Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit, and Table Talk, and from other lesser known works are arranged by topic. The subjects – psychology, education, language, logic and philosophy, literary criticism, the arts, science, society, religion and his contemporaries – reflect the astonishing range of Coleridge's intellectual interests. The revised edition of this anthology is still the best introduction to the prose works of an inquiring spirit. There is a fine introductory essay, and each section has an introduction of its own. The annotation is apt, and the index efficient. The whole book, in short, has been ordered with the distinction which is characteristic of Professor Coburn.

Confessions of An Inquiring Spirit

Book Description

Aids to Reflection

Book Description