Installation Restoration Program (IRP) McClellan Air Force Base: Operable Unit B Action Memorandum

Book Description

The purpose of this action memorandum is to document approval of a ground water removal action in Operable Unit (OU) B of McClellan Air Force Base (AFB), California. The removal action abates the impacts of contaminated ground water in specific areas of OU B. Operable Unit B is the southwestern portion of McClellan AFB, and extends off-base. The impact to public health and environmental impact caused by contaminants in OU B, including soil, soil gas, and other areas of ground water contamination, will be addressed in the OU B remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study. Investigations of the ground water found contamination migration toward two water supply wells. Three contaminant plumes have been identified, based on composition of contaminants and historical ground water flow direction. The contaminants in the ground water are mostly volatile organic compounds that were used in industrial processes at McClellan AFB. The sources of the contaminant plumes are currently unknown. Ground water contamination is primarily the result of waste disposal practices. Contamination of soils has been confirmed at six sites and three study areas in OU B.

Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Stage 3, Operable Unit B Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis - Environmental Assessment for McClellan AFB/EM, McClellan AFB, California

Book Description

This cost analysis and environmental impact report presents the results of a comparative analysis of removal action options for the McClellan AFB Operable Unit B. This report documents the removal action selection process and presents the actions selected to mitigate the groundwater. Partial contents: Type of facilities and operational status; Soils; Surface water; Groundwater; Land use; Use, storage, and disposal of chemicals; Potential and known discharges; Contamination distribution; Potential health or environmental impacts; Exposure assessment; Toxicity assessment; Risk characterization; Removal scope; Ground/water extraction; Groundwater treatment plan; Industrial wastewater treatment plan; Sanitary sewer system; Reinjection of treated groundwaters into aquifer; Groundwater monitoring; Analysis of removal action alternatives.

Installation Restoration Program (IRP). Stage 7. Operable Unit B Soil Gas Investigation, Data Summary Report

Book Description

This document presents a summary of data compiled during the McClellan AFB Operable Unit B Soil Gas Investigation, including results of all field activities and recommendations for further investigation of 40 Sites, Potential Release Locations, Study Areas, and Special Study Areas in Operable Unit B. Soil gas sampling and analysis was used as a screening tool to identify areas where shallow soils and soil gas have been contaminated with volatile organic compounds. A total of 41 sites were investigated.

Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Stage 3. Finding of No Significant Impact Operable Unit B. Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis-Environmental Assessment and Removal Action

Book Description

The Department of the Air Force has prepared an Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis and assessment of environmental impact to respond to contaminated ground water in Operable Unit (OU) B at McClellan AFB, California. Proposed action involves: (1) installation of extraction wells; (2) extraction of contaminated ground water; (3) treatment of extracted groundwater; and (4) release of the treated groundwater. Additional ground water monitoring, abandonment of a contaminated production well, continued extraction from a production well, and restriction on the use of a third production well are also proposed as integral parts of the restoration and water reclamation activity. This action only covers short-term measures to reduce the potential for increased health risks from the migration of higher concentrations of contaminants to on- and off-base water supply wells.

Installation Restoration Program (IRP). Operable Unit B1 Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study

Book Description

This document presents the results from the remedial investigation and feasibility study for Operable Unit (OU) B1 at McClellan AFB, Sacramento, CA. Operable Unit B1 includes the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) storage lot and Civil Engineering storage lot at McClellan AFB. The main chemicals of concern are PCBs, dioxins, and furans which may have leaked from transformers stored at OU B1 or were constituents of waste oil applied to soils to control dust. Sections 1.0 through 4.0 of the report present results from the RI, the potential for contaminant migration/transport from OU B1 and the current and future risks associated with OU B1. The FS begins in Section 5.0 identifying the remedial action objectives, in Sections 6.0 and 7.0, technologies are screened and potential remedial alternatives are developed. The final six remedial alternatives are analyzed and compared to each other using the criteria established in the NCP in Section 8.0.

Installation Restoration Program, Stage 3, McClellan Air Force Base. Preliminary Groundwater Operable Unit Remedial Investigation (Hydrogeologic Assessment) Sampling and Analysis Plan

Book Description

This report presents the sampling and analysis plan for the hydrogeologic assessment to be conducted at McClellan AFB, California. Objectives of the assessment are characterization of hydrogeologic conditions and further definition of the extent of groundwater contamination beneath McClellan AFB. The primary uses of the data from the assessment will be to determine which areas may require groundwater operable unit remedial investigations and to evaluate groundwater remedial alternatives in future work. The hydrogeologic investigation is intended to: identify geologic and hydrologic characteristics of hydrogeologic units: determine continuity of waterbearing zones and aquitards; more clearly define horizontal and vertical determination. Data obtained from the assessment will provide a framework within which potential groundwater operable units may be determined and more effectively evaluated in the future. The scope of work includes: lithologic and geophysical logging of 19 pilot holes to depths of 360 feet; construction of as many as 51 monitoring wells in 19 well cluster locations; installation of 34 piezometric wells; sampling and analyses of all new monitoring wells; performance of 2 multiple-well and 40 single-well aquifer tests; and evaluation of the effects of local groundwater flow due to on-base water supply wells. (EDC).