Installation Restoration Program (IRP), Phase II. Stage 2 Investigation, Volume 1. 127th Fighter Wing, Michigan Air National Guard, Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Mount Clemens, Michigan

Book Description

An investigation was performed on eight sites at Seifridge Air National Guard Base; Site 1 - Southwest Landfill, Site 2 - Fire Training Area 2, Site 3 - Fire Training Area 1, Site 4 - West Ramp, Site 5 - Tucker Creek Landfill, Site 6 - Northwest Landfill, Site 7 - East Ramp, and Site 8 - Base Coal Storage Pile. Further investigations were recommended for Sites 1 and 6 to better define the groundwater flow direction. No additional investigations were recommended at the other six sites.

Installation Restoration Program, Phase II, Stage 2, Investigation, Volume III. 127th Fighter Wing, Selfridge ANGB, Mt. Clemens, Michigan. Appendices G-J.

Book Description

An investigation was performed on eight sites at Selfridge Air National Guard Base Site. Southwest Landfill. Site Fire Training Area 2, Site 3 Fire Training Area,1 Site 4 West Ramp Site 5 Tucker Creek Landfill Site Northwest Landfill Site 7 East Ramp, and Site 8 Base Coal Storage Pile Volume III contains the following Appendices G Soil BOring and Well COmpletion Logs, H Continuous Water Level Recorder Data I Hydraulic Conductivity Calculations, and J groundwater and Surface Water Sampling Documentation.

Proposed Plan

Book Description

Installation Restoration Program. Phase 2. Confirmation/Quantification. Stage 1. Problem Confirmation Study: Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Macomb County, Michigan

Book Description

The purpose of this task is to undertake a field investigation at Selfridge ANGB MI to: (1) determine the presence or absence of contamination within the specified areas of investigation; (2) if contamination exists, determine the potential for migration of those contaminants in the various environmental media; (3) identify potential environmental and health risk consequences of migrating discovered pollutants; and (4) identify additional investigations necessary to determine the magnitude, extend, direction and rate of migration of discovered contaminants.

Installation Restoration Program. Phase I. Records Search, Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Mount Clemens, Michigan

Book Description

During the course of this project, interviews were conducted with those past and present base personnel familiar with past waste disposal practices. File searches were performed for facilities which have generated, handled, transported, and disposed of waste materials. Interviews were held with local, state, and federal agencies, and site inspections were conducted at facilities that have generated, treated, stored, and disposed of hazardous waste. Seven disposal sites located on Selfridge ANGB property were identified as containing hazardous waste resulting from past waste disposal activities or significant fuel spills. These sites have been assessed using a hazard assessment rating methodology (HARM), which takes into account factors such as site characteristics, waste characteristics, potential for contaminant migration, and waste management practices. The details of the rating procedure are presented in Appendix E and the results of the assessment are given in Table ES-1. The rating system is designed to indicate the relative need for follow-on action.

Installation Restoration Program, Technical Memorandum for Field Investigation at IRP Sites No. 1 and No. 2, Vol 1, 183rd Fighter Wing, Illinois Air National Guard, Capital Municipal Airport, Springfield, Illinois

Book Description

The Installation Restoration Program was initiated by the Air National Guard (ANG) to evaluate potential contamination to the environment caused by past practices at its installations. Two sites were identified at Capital Municipal Airport during the 1990 Preliminary Assessment; the Petroleum, Oils and Lubricants Storage Area (Site 1) and the Old Fire Training Area (Site 2). Information gathered during a 1996 Site Investigation on both sites and 1995 Site Investigation Addendum for Site 2 did not provide adequate information for decision-making. This Field Investigation was designed to fill data gaps. The Tech Memo recommends Site 1 proceed to a No Further Action Decision Document, and Site 2 proceed to an Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA). No further field effort is necessary to complete the EE/CA. Vol 1 contains the main text of the report. Vol 2 contains the supporting data.