Inszenierte Welten

Book Description

Uber drei Generationen hinweg haben Theodor de Bry, seine Sohne, Johann Theodor und Johann Israel, und deren Schwiegersohn, Matthaus Merian, in Frankfurt zwei der bedeutendsten Reisesammlungen der Fruhen Neuzeit heraus gegeben: Die West-Indischen Reisen berichteten von der Entdeckung und Eroberung Amerikas, wahrend die Ost-Indischen Reisen den Aufstieg Hollands zur Handelsmacht in Asien um 1600 mitverfolgten. Beide Serien erschienen deutsch und lateinisch, waren fur ein europaisches Publikum bestimmt und reich mit Kupferstichen illustriert. Mit ihrem global angelegten Verlagsprojekt entfalteten die de Bry eine Bilderwelt, die von den Wundern und Schrecken der neu entdeckten Welten ebenso gepragt wurde wie von den stereotypen Vorstellungen und bildnerischen Traditionen der Europaer in Bezug auf das Andere und Fremde. So entstand ein Bildarchiv, das bis heute aktiv genutzt wird und unsere Vorstellung von der fruhen Kolonialgeschichte noch immer beeinflusst. Durch ihre Textauswahl und ihr Bebilderungsprogramm konnten die de Bry unterschiedliche Interessen bedienen: Das Bedurfnis nach Neuigkeiten und Fremdartigem auf einem zunehmend europaisch orientierten Druckmarkt, die Inszenierung und Reprasentation kolonialer Konkurrenzen zwischen den etablierten Kolonialmachten, Spanien und Portugal, und den kolonialpolitischen Neulingen, England und den Niederlanden, oder die protestantische Verurteilung einer moralisch verworfenen, gottlosen (Neuen) Welt.

On the Way to the "(Un)Known"?

Book Description

This volume brings together twenty-two authors from various countries who analyze travelogues on the Ottoman Empire between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries. The travelogues reflect the colorful diversity of the genre, presenting the experiences of individuals and groups from China to Great Britain. The spotlight falls on interdependencies of travel writing and historiography, geographic spaces, and specific practices such as pilgrimages, the hajj, and the harem. Other points of emphasis include the importance of nationalism, the place and time of printing, representations of fashion, and concepts of masculinity and femininity. By displaying close, comparative, and distant readings, the volume offers new insights into perceptions of "otherness", the circulation of knowledge, intermedial relations, gender roles, and digital analysis.

Early Modern Dutch Prints of Africa

Book Description

Using Pieter de Marees' Description and Historical Account of the Gold Kingdom of Guinea (1602) as her main source material, author Elizabeth Sutton brings to bear approaches from the disciplines of art history and book history to explore the context in which De Marees' account was created. Since variations of the images and text were repeated in other European travel collections and decorated maps, Sutton is able to trace how the framing of text and image shaped the formation of knowledge that continued to be repeated and distilled in later European depictions of Africans. She reads the engravings in De Marees' account as a demonstration of the intertwining domains of the Dutch pictorial tradition, intellectual inquiry, and Dutch mercantilism. At the same time, by analyzing the marketing tactics of the publisher, Cornelis Claesz, this study illuminates how early modern epistemological processes were influenced by the commodification of knowledge. Sutton examines the book's construction and marketing to shed new light on the social milieus that shared interests in ethnography, trade, and travel. Exploring how the images and text function together, Sutton suggests that Dutch visual and intellectual traditions informed readers' choices for translating De Marees' text visually. Through the examination of early modern Dutch print culture, Early Modern Dutch Prints of Africa expands the boundaries of our understanding of the European imperial enterprise.

The Representations of the Overseas World in the De Bry Collection of Voyages (1590-1634)

Book Description

This book deals with the De Bry collection of voyages, one of the most monumental publications of Early Modern Europe. It analyzes the textual and iconographic changes the De Bry publishing family made to travel accounts describing Asia, Africa and the New World. It discusses this editorial strategy in the context of the publishing industry around 1600, investigating the biography of the De Brys, the publications of the Frankfurt firm, and the making of the collection, as well as its reception by Iberian inquisitors and seventeenth-century readers across the Old World. The book draws on a wide variety of primary sources, and is hence important for historians, book historians, and art historians interested in the development of Europe's overseas empires.

Revolts and Political Violence in Early Modern Imagery

Book Description

The first in-depth analysis of how early modern people produced and consumed images of revolts and political violence, drawing on evidence from Russia, China, Hungary, Portugal, Germany, North America and other regions.

Cartographies of Time

Book Description

Our critically acclaimed smash hit Cartographies of Time is now available in paperback. In this first comprehensive history of graphic representations of time, authors Daniel Rosenberg and Anthony Grafton have crafted a lively history featuring fanciful characters and unexpected twists and turns. From medieval manuscripts to websites, Cartographies of Time features a wide variety of timelines that in their own unique ways, curving, crossing, branching, defy conventional thinking about the form. A fifty-four-foot-long timeline from 1753 is mounted on a scroll and encased in a protective box. Another timeline uses the different parts of the human body to show the genealogies of Jesus Christ and the rulers of Saxony. Ladders created by missionaries in eighteenth-century Oregon illustrate Bible stories in a vertical format to convert Native Americans. Also included is the April 1912 Marconi North Atlantic Communication chart, which tracked ships, including the Titanic, at points in time rather than by their geographic location, alongside little-known works by famous figures, including a historical chronology by the mapmaker Gerardus Mercator and a chronological board game patented by Mark Twain. Presented in a lavishly illustrated edition, Cartographies of Time is a revelation to anyone interested in the role visual forms have played in our evolving conception of history

Krieg in den Medien

Book Description

Wie Kriege dargestellt werden, hat Einfluss auf die Kriegsführung. Das gilt nicht erst für die elektronischen Waffengänge moderner Zeitrechnung. Mit dem Zweiten Golfkrieg aber, so eine gängige Lesweise, hat sich die Wahrnehmung von Kriegen selbst verändert. Was wird perzipiert, was bleibt außen vor, was geht unter in der Flut an Informationen? Nachrichten über Kriege sind immer ungleich auf Interessenlagen bezogen. In den Blick gerät, was Medien verbreiten. Andere Kriege existieren in der Realität, aber nicht im Bewusstsein von Zeitgenossen weltweit. Fiktionale Verarbeitungen von Kriegen können, anders und intensiver als die Nachricht, die Gewalt reflektieren, sie einordnen, ihr Sinn geben oder sie verwerfen. Sie sind Mittel oder Teil der kriegerischen Strategie und der Propaganda, können aber ebenso gut Gegenentwürfe anbieten zu den Gräueltaten, die sie repräsentieren. Weder Fiktionalität oder Information, noch die Art der medialen Umsetzung stellen, an sich betrachtet, eine Vorentscheidung dar, wie kritisch oder wie affirmativ Kriegshandlungen geschildert oder gedeutet werden. Der vorliegende Band zeigt diese grundsätzliche Ambivalenz in den großen, epochalen Umbrüchen der Mediendispositive und den inter- und transmedialen Wandlungen insgesamt. Er reflektiert sie anhand der Geschichte der Einzelmedien wie Fotografie und Malerei, Hörspiel, Tageszeitung, Essay, Internetforum oder Fernsehnachricht, an der Arbeit von PR-Agenturen oder in der fiktionalen Verarbeitung etwa im Comic. Krieg in den Medien bringt zudem Einzelanalysen und Autorenporträts in den Gattungen Roman, Poetikvorlesung, Spielfilm, Drama oder politisch-philosophische Theorie.

Migration, Trade, and Slavery in an Expanding World

Book Description

The twelve essays explore three connected aspects of European expansion in the period between 1500 and 1900 - migration, trade, and slavery - with some attention given to present-day echoes from that era. The book's first section deals with European migration to transatlantic and Asian destinations, the second and third sections focus on the Atlantic slave trade and representations of slavery, and the final section analyzes the demise and legacy of slavery. The authors reach surprising conclusions: European expansion did not entail major economic benefits; the small scale of the Europeans' intercontinental migration never jeopardized their colonial projects; and the unique popular nature of British abolitionism can be explained in part by the growth of the newspaper press in the mid-eighteenth century, which regularly reported about slave ship revolts.

The Image of the Black in Western Art

Book Description

"New editions of the coveted five original books and the anticipated new volumes, which shall complete the series. The completed set will include ten sumptuous books in five volumes with up-to-date introductions and more full-color illustrations, printed on high-quality art stock for books that will last a lifetime. This monumental publication offers expert commentary and a lavishly illustrated history of the representations of people of African descent ranging from the ancient images of Pharaohs created by unknown hands to the works of the great European masters such as Bosch, Rembrandt, Rubens, and Hogarth to stunning new creations by contemporary black artists. Featuring thousands of beautiful, moving, and often little-known images of black people, including queens and slaves, saints and soldiers, children and gods, The Image of the Black in Western Art provides a treasury of masterpieces from four millennia--a testament to the black experience in the West and a tribute to art's enduring power to shape our common humanity"--Book Jacket.

Protestant Empires

Book Description

Through its wide geographical and chronological scope, Protestant Empires advances a novel perspective on the nature and impact of the Protestant Reformations.