Integración Educativa E Inclusión de Calidad en El Tratamiento Educativo de la Diversidad

Book Description

El diseño de la temática ha sido llevado a cabo con la contribución de un buen número de profesores universitarios y especialistas de reconocido prestigio en España y en otros países. Con tal contribución, se han definido los contenidos más relevantes, de mayor actualidad y de más impacto sobre la práctica educativa. Todo ello con el propósito de contribuir a lograr la máxima inclusión e integración social de toda persona, sea cual sea el perfil de la misma o su contexto de procedencia. Se ofrece la descripción de las distintas manifestaciones de la diversidad y las estrategias de intervención educativa para lograr el máximo desarrollo de toda persona, en contextos gratificantes y promotores de las potencialidades de cada una.

Inclusive education: research and practice

Book Description

In the first chapter we present the different models or perspectives on disability. How we look at people with disabilities often determines how we (re)act towards them, how we interact (or not), how we live together (or not). It is in rather recent years that legislation is perceived to achieve inclusion for people with disabilities – this is the subject of the second chapter. From the Salamanca statement on the United Nations Declaration on Right for People with a Disability to legislation of the EU and what they all mean to the human rights for people with disabilities. Chapter three gives an insight on how inclusion can happen. We look at inclusion as a transition process of ‘educational change’ and how to create it. The model for complex change can also be used to manage change in youth, leisure or sports organisations. In the fourth chapter we present some more concrete tools that are useful in that transition. Chapter five gives an overview of the legislation on inclusive education and the state of play in partner-countries of the PINC-project. In the last chapter we ask ourselves the question “Does inclusion really work?”. The answer is yes. Research in all PINC-Partner countries affirms that inclusion is beneficial for all children! .

From Pedagogy to Quality Assurance in Education

Book Description

In an increasingly global world, it is more important than ever that educators are equipped to respond to the needs of international student cohorts. This book is a fruitful resource for researchers, educators, and others, who wish to develop new approaches and educational models to contribute to the efficient process of learning.

Instilling Diversity and Social Inclusion Practices in Teacher Education and Curriculum Development

Book Description

There has recently been a societal push to better achieve equity for all, with many bringing to light the bias, racism, and discrimination that many factions face on a daily basis. Naturally, integrating diversity and social inclusion thoughts into the classroom is one of the best ways to start changing the mindset of society and promoting more inclusive practices in the next generations. Therefore, diversity and social inclusion have become common approaches in the planning and management of primary, secondary, and higher education schools in many international contexts. However, there are certainly challenges that must be overcome in developing these new practices and their implementation within teacher curriculum. Instilling Diversity and Social Inclusion Practices in Teacher Education and Curriculum Development provides an analysis of educational inclusion practices and identifies university students’ voices on diversity and social inclusion. It further assesses teacher performance in an international online training context and promotes a model of curriculum development on diversity and social inclusion. Covering topics such as culturally competent teachers, student academic achievement, and attitudes towards diversity, this premier reference source is an excellent resource for teacher educators, pre-service teachers, administrators and educators of both K-12 and higher education, social workers, researchers, and academicians.

Leadership and Diversity

Book Description

As society becomes increasingly diverse, there is international awareness in education about how this impacts on leaders & leading. For decades the emphasis has been placed on increasing the number of leaders with specific attributes. This text takes a wider view, challenging the reader to recognise the importance of diversity issues.

Inclusive Education: Global Issues and Controversies

Book Description

This edited book considers the main issues and controversies within the current educational context of inclusive education, from an international perspective. Authorities in the field such as Norwich, Kauffman, and Boyle, amongst many other international scholars, provide an enticing insight into many of the issues and controversies around inclusive education, and whether it is achievable or not. We have reached a point in time where inclusive education has been the prevailing doctrine for universal education policies. However, there are still many challenges facing those working within the inclusive education space, with some countries actually becoming less inclusive. International and national legislation has continued to move towards inclusive education, yet there seems to be many gaps between the philosophy and the principles of inclusive education and systemic practice. The book aims to address the current debates surrounding the implementation of inclusive education, and also offers insights into the inconsistencies between policies and practices in inclusive environments. Moreover, it analyzes contemporary research evidence on the effectiveness of inclusion and identify directions for future research. Contributors are: Kelly-Ann Allen, Dimitris Anastasiou, Joanna Anderson, Adrian Ashman, Jeanmarie Badar, Christopher Boyle, Jonathan M. Campbell, Heather Craig, Leire Darretxe, Julian Elliott, Zuriñe Gaintza, Betty A. Hallenbeck, Divya Jindal-Snape, Marguerite Jones, James M. Kauffman, George Koutsouris, Fraser Lauchlan, Gerry Mac Ruairc, Sofia Mavropoulou, Daniel Mays, Brahm Norwich, Angela Page, Kirsten S. Railey, and Federico R. Waitoller.

Transformative Approaches to Sustainable Development at Universities

Book Description

This book documents and disseminates experiences from a wide range of universities, across the five continents, which showcase how the principles of sustainable development may be incorporated as part of university programmes, and present transformatory projects and programmes, showing how sustainability can be implemented across disciplines. Sustainability in a higher education context is a fast growing field. Thousands of universities across the world have signed declarations or have committed themselves to integrate the principles of sustainable development in their activities: teaching, research and extension, and many more will follow.

Diversidad e inclusión educativa

Book Description

A menudo se asocia la idea de educación inclusiva a la de quimera. Hay congresos internacionales que llegan a definir la inclusión como " esa maravillosa utopía" o que optan por el título "I nclusión: una utopía posible". En el fondo, se deja entrever que solo podemos hablar de inclusión desde un punto de vista teórico, a fin de mantener una cierta distancia entre lo que se piensa o se plantea al respecto en la literatura y lo que realmente sucede en las aulas. En palabras de Echeita y Ainscow (2011), la inclusión debe ser vista como una búsqueda constante de las mejores maneras de responder a la diversidad del alumnado. Ello, transformando las culturas, las políticas y las prácticas de las escuelas para responder a las necesidades educativas de todos los alumnos (Ainscow, 2001; Arnaiz, 2003). La dificultad, pues, se sitúa en ese tránsito entre la teoría y la práctica, entre lo que se dice y lo que se hace. Por ello, tal vez sea preciso adoptar un punto de vista que parta de la propia escuela, con vistas a afrontar esos cambios en las culturas, las políticas y, aún más importante, en las prácticas que se desarrollan a diario en los centros. Este libro pretende, precisamente, acercarse desde esa realidad y desde las características de la sociedad actual, marcada por los escenarios virtuales, a la respuesta, a la práctica, de tal modo que se haga visible cómo podemos actuar en contextos educativos en pro de la inclusión y que dejemos de considerarla como un sueño. La obra se adentra inicialmente en las prácticas metodológicas desde la visión del diseño universal de aprendizaje, tocando un elemento clave del currículo como es el papel de la evaluación. A continuación, analiza la función de la docencia, tanto en materia de formación como en cuanto a las competencias clave que la hacen inclusiva. Finalmente, revisa medios y recursos que nos están llegando de la mano de la tecnología y que permiten desenvolverse en el espacio digital gracias a una creciente variedad de herramientas que redundan en una mejor configuración de cada respuesta particular, siempre dentro de un contexto inclusivo.

Child Friendly Schools Manual

Book Description

This Child-Friendly Schools (CFS) Manual was developed during three-and-a-half years of continuous work, involving the United Nations Children's Fund education staff and specialists from partner agencies working on quality education. It benefits from fieldwork in 155 countries and territories, evaluations carried out by the Regional Offices and desk reviews conducted by headquarters in New York. The manual is a part of a total resource package that includes an e-learning package for capacity-building in the use of CFS models and a collection of field case studies to illustrate the state of the art in child-friendly schools in a variety of settings.