Management of Stem Rot Disease of Groundnut

Book Description

Stem and pod rot of groundnut caused by Sclerotium rolfsii is an economically important disease of groundnut. Looking to the high disease incidence in Kharif season and economic damage due to stem and pod rot some basic and applied research studies were carried out. Symptoms expressed yellowing and wilting of branches. Under high humidity and moist soil surface this fungus produced white mycelium around affected plants at or near the soil surface. Abandant sclerotia were produced on the mycelial mat on the affected plant parts adjacent to soil surface. The affected branches or whole plant died. Peg and pods were also affected and seeds of severely affected pods were discolored. An experiment on integrated management of stem and pod rot of groundnut was conducted under field condition. Highest pod yield and minimum disease incidence was recorded in preemergence spraying of fluchloraline + seed treatment with vitavax power + furrow application of T. harzianum mixed in FYM at sowing time + three sprayings of hexaconazole at 35, 55 and 75 days after sowing.