Integrating CORBA? and COM Applications

Book Description

The authors describe how to write programs that work with both CORBA and COM technologies. They explain how to partition applications, how to write COM clients that use CORBA objects and services, traps and pitfalls to avoid, and successful solutions and design patterns for common programming patterns encountered when using these technologies together.

Java Programming with CORBA

Book Description

"Java Programming with CORBA" - jetzt erscheint der Bestseller in der 3. aktualisierten und erweiterten Auflage. Anerkannte Experten zeigen anhand fortgeschrittener Techniken und Beispielen aus der Praxis, wie man einfache und komplexe Javaprogramme mit CORBA entwirft. Zunächst geben sie einen kurzen Überblick über CORBA, Java, Oject Request Brokers (ORBs) und EJB Komponenten und erläutern dann, wie man diese Technologien einsetzt, um komplette Java-Anwendungen zu entwickeln. Diese Neuauflage wurde um 50% neues Material erweitert, um den Neuerungen der kürzlich erschienenen 3. Version von CORBA Rechnung zu tragen. Topaktuelle Themen, wie z.B. Portabel Object Adaptor (POA), Remote Method Innovation (RMI) over IIOP und EJB werden ausführlich diskutiert. Mit einer Fülle detaillierter Codebeispiele. Der unverzichtbare Leitfaden für jeden Java-Entwickler und -Programmierer.

Enterprise Application Integration with CORBA Component and Web-Based Solutions

Book Description

"This EAI architects and developers the opportunity to learn directly from the authority on distributed computing, EAI, and CORBA." -David S. Linthicum Chief Technology Officer, SAGA Software, Inc. In this book a CORBA pioneer provides proven, cost-effective techniques for integrating enterprise applications (including legacy applications) into modern, multiplatform systems. He also offers valuable advice and guidance on how to build new CORBA-based applications using the latest features of CORBA 3 . With the help of numerous case studies and examples, he provides detailed solutions for specific integration problems along with step-by-step guidance on: * Using CORBA as the infrastructure for EAI * Architecture principles for integrating the Web and back-end systems * CORBA Component Model for component-based development * Relationship of CORBA components to DCOM, JavaBeans, and Enterprise JavaBeans * Using the essential CORBA services * Object wrapping techniques for integrating legacy applications into multi-platform systems * Building secure, multiplatform Web applications On the companion Web site at you'll find: * Articles on related topics * Continually maintained ORB and integration server, vendor, and product comparisons * A dynamic discussion group on architectural best practices

Enterprise Application Integration

Book Description

Dealing with the concepts behind a vendor's products, this a guide for IT managers on how to ensure the IT infrastructure matches the need of the enterprise, and which procedures should be followed to ensure this happens.

Integrating Service Level Agreements

Book Description

Service level agreements (SLAs) offer service providers a way todistinguish themselves from their competitors in today's volatile,hypercompetitive market. This book offers an innovative approachthat takes full advantage of current interface, automation, andInternet-based distribution and reporting technologies. * Addresses business-level SLAs, not just device-level SLAs * Describes a revolutionary approach that combines networkmanagement, service management, field service activities,entitlement, and rating with workflow automation technologies

Integrated Network Management V

Book Description

Welcome to IM'97! We hope you had the opportunity to attend the Conference in beautiful San Diego. If that was the case, you will want to get back to these proceedings for further read ings and reflections. You'll find e-mail addresses of the main author of each paper, and you are surely encouraged to get in touch for further discussions. You can also take advantage of the CNOM (Committee on Network Operation and Management) web site where a virtual discus sion agora has been set up for IM'97 (URL: At this site you will find a brief summary of discussions that took place in the various panels, and slides that accompanied some of the presentations--all courtesy of the participants. If you have not been to the Conference, leafing through these proceedings may give you food for thought. Hopefully, you will also be joining the virtual world on the web for discussions with authors and others who were at the Conference. At IM'97 the two worlds of computer networks and telecommunications systems came to gether, each proposing a view to management that stems from their own paradigms. Each world made clear the need for end-to-end management and, therefore, each one stepped into the oth er's field. We feel that there is no winner but a mutual enrichment. The time is ripe for integra tion and it is likely that the next Conference will bear its fruit.

Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1999

Book Description

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, ICATPN'99, held in Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, in June 1999. The 21 revised full papers presented were carefully selected from 45 submissions. Also included are three invited presentations. The book presents state-of-the-art research results on all current aspects of Petri nets as well as advanced applications in a variety of areas.

Advanced CORBA® Programming with C++

Book Description

Here is the CORBA book that every C++ software engineer has been waiting for. Advanced CORBA® Programming with C++ provides designers and developers with the tools required to understand CORBA technology at the architectural, design, and source code levels. This book offers hands-on explanations for building efficient applications, as well as lucid examples that provide practical advice on avoiding costly mistakes. With this book as a guide, programmers will find the support they need to successfully undertake industrial-strength CORBA development projects. The content is systematically arranged and presented so the book may be used as both a tutorial and a reference. The rich example programs in this definitive text show CORBA developers how to write clearer code that is more maintainable, portable, and efficient. The authors' detailed coverage of the IDL-to-C++ mapping moves beyond the mechanics of the APIs to discuss topics such as potential pitfalls and efficiency. An in-depth presentation of the new Portable Object Adapter (POA) explains how to take advantage of its numerous features to create scalable and high-performance servers. In addition, detailed discussion of advanced topics, such as garbage collection and multithreading, provides developers with the knowledge they need to write commercial applications. Other highlights In-depth coverage of IDL, including common idioms and design trade-offs Complete and detailed explanations of the Life Cycle, Naming, Trading, and Event Services Discussion of IIOP and implementation repositories Insight into the dynamic aspects of CORBA, such as dynamic typing and the new DynAny interfaces Advice on selecting appropriate application architectures and designs Detailed, portable, and vendor-independent source code

Integrated Management of Networked Systems

Book Description

This guide, focusing on the application of standards instead of describing them, is for network and systems planners, managers, administrators and users.

Distributed Communities on the Web

Book Description

Communities are groupings of distributed objects that are capable of com- nicating, directly or indirectly, through the medium of a shared context. To support communities on a wide scale will require developments at all levels of computing, from low-level communication protocols supporting transparent - cess to mobile objects, through to distributed operating systems, through to high-level programming models allowing complex interaction between objects. This workshop brought together researchers interested in the technical issues of supporting communities. This workshop was the third in the DCW series. The ?rst two, entitled D- tributed Computing on the Web, took place in 1998 and 1999 at the University of Rostock, with proceedings published by the University of Rostock Press. This year, the workshop also incorporated the ISLIP (International Symposium on Languages for Intensional Programming) symposium. The ISLIP symposia have taken place every year since 1988, and have led to two volumes published by World-Scienti?c (Intensional Programming I, 1995, and Intensional Progr- ming II, 2000). While the two conferences emerged from di?erent needs, their focus merged to such an extent that it became clear that a joint conference promised to o?er great opportunities.