Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education

Book Description

This book constitutes the proceedings of the Third International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education, TECH-EDU 2022, was held in Lisbon, Portugal, in August/September 2022. The 21 full papers and 18 short paper presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 80 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: Emergent technologies in education; Online learning and blended learning; Computer science education and STEM; Digital tools and STEM learning; ICT and critical thinking in higher education; Digital transformation in higher education; Artificial Intelligence in Education.

Inteligência artificial nas relações de consumo

Book Description

Em um mundo em constante evolução tecnológica, as implicações da Inteligência Artificial (IA) nas relações de consumo se tornam um foco de crescente interesse e importante debate. Este livro, idealizado pelo IBRAC – Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos de Concorrência, Consumo e Comércio Internacional, reúne uma série de ensaios e análises que abordam os desafios e oportunidades desta intersecção entre a IA e o Direito do Consumidor. Desde os conceitos iniciais e o estágio atual de utilização da IA no Brasil e no mundo, passando pela regulamentação tanto no cenário nacional quanto internacional, o livro explora amplamente as oportunidades e riscos desse universo, como a responsabilidade civil ligada aos sistemas de IA, a aplicação das regras já em vigência do Código de Defesa do Consumidor nesse contexto, as questões de governança e até mesmo como a IA pode auxiliar na definição e implementação de políticas públicas relacionadas ao direito do consumidor.

Handbook of Research on Teaching With Virtual Environments and AI

Book Description

The increasingly pervasive use of digital technology has catapulted society into an interconnected world where the natural boundaries between humankind and machine, virtual and real, individual and community have become less perceptible. As individuals interact with different digital technologies, they must build a digital intelligence, which must be further cultivated as it is a key competency for the future of school and work. Digital intelligence includes understanding the mutual strengths between people and technology, as well as developing an awareness in the use of digital tools in order to avoid common threats such as cyberbullying, addiction to video games, techno-stress, and more. As adolescents continue to engage with virtual reality and 3D virtual worlds where the online and offline overlap and coincide, it is important to build this intelligence as well as utilize these technologies to promote successful learning. The Handbook of Research on Teaching With Virtual Environments and AI explores the new personalized educational opportunities that are available with digital technology and virtual environments that can be used within education. This book focuses on the use of these tools and how to navigate the use of new technologies such as AI and virtual environments for educational practices. While highlighting topics such as virtual worlds, game-based learning, intelligent tutoring, augmented reality, and more, this book is ideal for teachers, administrators, technologists, educational software developers, IT specialists, practitioners, researchers, academicians, and students interested in how virtual environments and AI are being implemented in teaching practices.

Arquitetura da Educação

Book Description

A educação é um processo natural, ela se fundamenta no desenvolvimento interno do aluno. As crianças são boas por natureza, elas têm uma tendência natural para se desenvolverem. Existe um distanciamento entre todos os seres humanos, este distanciamento precisa ser reduzido com elementos tirados da realidade conforme diz Pestalozzi. Neste sentido, o arquiteto representa a arte de construir esteticamente e funcionalmente estruturas com embasamento cultural, filosófico, estrutural, se tornando uma ciência pluridisciplinar. A arquiteto busca saber do distanciamento entre o ser humano e os meios em que vive atuando de forma pluridisciplinar e realizando assim uma exegese para então reformular o espaços, tornando-os confortáveis e contextualizados com a realidade do homem da atualidade. O docente assim como o arquiteto reconhece a distância entre ele e o aluno?, trazendo consigo embasamento cultural, filosófico, estrutural para construir sua aula, analisar seus alunos, a cultura em que vivem pois hoje existe a necessidade dos professores se adatarem com os alunos diante da distância que os separam.

Advancing Student Employability Through Higher Education

Book Description

The global skills gap and labor market disruptions pose a significant challenge for organizations worldwide. Higher education struggles to bridge the mismatch between skills taught in academia and those demanded by employers, hindering organizations in an era of heightened competition. Advancing Student Employability Through Higher Education offers a comprehensive solution to address this issue. Edited by Bryan Christiansen and Angela Even, this publication brings together innovative research and insights from employers and employees, serving as a valuable resource for academic scholars seeking the latest research on employer requirements in an era of increasing global hyper-competition. Covering topics like industry-academia collaboration, educational innovation, learning analytics, and educational artificial intelligence (AI), the book provides practical strategies and innovative approaches to bridge the gap between academic instruction and real-world organizational needs. It equips students with the skills and qualifications necessary to thrive in today's global economy through case studies, online learning effectiveness, and training evaluation. By leveraging the expertise of renowned scholars and industry practitioners, the book enhances understanding of the intricate dynamics of the workforce. It empowers scholars, graduate students, and higher education professionals to navigate the evolving needs of organizations, fostering success for individuals and organizational growth in an increasingly competitive landscape.