Integration Processes and Policies in Europe

Book Description

In this open access book, experts on integration processes, integration policies, transnationalism, and the migration and development framework provide an academic assessment of the 2011 European Agenda for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals, which calls for integration policies in the EU to involve not only immigrants and their society of settlement, but also actors in their country of origin. Moreover, a heuristic model is developed for the non-normative, analytical study of integration processes and policies based on conceptual, demographic, and historical accounts. The volume addresses three interconnected issues: What does research have to say on (the study of) integration processes in general and on the relevance of actors in origin countries in particular? What is the state of the art of the study of integration policies in Europe and the use of the concept of integration in policy formulation and practice? Does the proposal to include actors in origin countries as important players in integration policies find legitimation in empirical research? A few general conclusions are drawn. First, integration policies have developed at many levels of government: nationally, locally, regionally, and at the supra-national level of the EU. Second, a multitude of stakeholders has become involved in integration as policy designers and implementers. Finally, a logic of policymaking—and not an evidence-based scientific argument—can be said to underlie the European Commission’s redefinition of integration as a three-way process. This book will appeal to academics and policymakers at international, European, national, regional, and local levels. It will also be of interest to graduate and master-level students of political science, sociology, social anthropology, international relations, criminology, geography, and history.

Transnational Activities and Immigrant Integration in Germany

Book Description

This book investigates both the causes and effects of transnational activities among immigrants in relation to their integration into the receiving society. It uses large scale, representative data about first and second generation immigrants in Germany. It develops a formal theoretical model, which explains both transnational involvement and paths of immigrant integration. Important questions are answered: What consequences does transnational involvement have on integration? Is transnational involvement a distinct form of integration? Is it an alternative to assimilation? Does it hinder or facilitate assimilation? Longitudinal analyses are presented which show that immigrant integration and transnational involvement do not necessarily oppose each other. The book shows that although low levels of integration may coincide with strong transnational ties, the relationship is not causal. This book shows how immigrant integration and transnational involvement are related to each other and how a joint examination of both processes may advance our understanding of the general dynamics of migration and integration.

Transnational Migration

Book Description

Increasing interconnections between nation-states across borders have rendered the transnational a key tool for understanding our world. It has made particularly strong contributions to immigration studies and holds great promise for deepening insights into international migration. This is the first book to provide an accessible yet rigorous overview of transnational migration, as experienced by family and kinship groups, networks of entrepreneurs, diasporas and immigrant associations. As well as defining the core concept, it explores the implications of transnational migration for immigrant integration and its relationship to assimilation. By examining its political, economic, social, and cultural dimensions, the authors capture the distinctive features of the new immigrant communities that have reshaped the ethno-cultural mix of receiving nations, including the US and Western Europe. Importantly, the book also examines the effects of transnationality on sending communities, viewing migrants as agents of political and economic development. This systematic and critical overview of transnational migration perfectly balances theoretical discussion with relevant examples and cases, making it an ideal book for upper-level students covering immigration and transnational relations on sociology, political science, and globalization courses.

Theorising Transnational Migration

Book Description

This book seeks to understand migrant integration processes and develops a theory: the status paradox of migration. It explores the interaction between migrants' integration into the receiving country and the maintained inclusion into the sending society; and their simultaneous loss and gain of status.


Book Description

While placing the notion of transnationalism within the broader study of globalization, this book particularly addresses the emergence and impacts of migrant transnational practices. Each chapter demonstrates ways in which new and contemporary transnational activities of migrants are fundamentally transforming social, religious, political and economic structures within their 'homelands' and places of settlement.

Migrant Integration Between Homeland and Host Society Volume 1

Book Description

This book provides a theoretical framing to analyse and examine the interaction between origin and destination in the migrant integration process. Coverage offers a set of concrete conceptual tools, which can be operationalised when measuring integration. This title is the first of two complementary volumes, each of which is designed to stand alone and provide a different approach to the topic. Here, the chapters offer a detailed look at integration across eight key areas: labour, education, language and culture, civic and political participation, housing, social ties, religion, and access to citizenship. Readers are presented with an examination into the globally available knowledge on interactions between emigration/diaspora policies on one hand and integration policies on the other. Migrants actively belong to two places: the land they left behind and the home they are seeking to build. This book gives an insightful argument for the need to include information about countries and communities of origin when examining integration, which is often overlooked. It will appeal to academics, policymakers, integration practitioners, civil society organisations, as well as students.Overall, the chapters establish a cohesive analytical framework to this important topic. A complementary volume: Migrant Integration between Homeland and Host Society Volume 2: How countries of origin impact migrant integration outcomes: an analysis, edited by A. Di Bartolomeo, S. Kalantaryan, J. Salamonska and P. Fargues builds upon this foundation and presents an empirical approach to migrant integration.

Diaspora and Transnationalism

Book Description

Diaspora & transnationalism are widely used concepts in academic & political discourses. Although originally referring to quite different phenomena, they increasingly overlap today. Such inflation of meanings goes hand in hand with a danger of essentialising collective identities. This book analyses this topic.

A Life-Course Perspective on Migration and Integration

Book Description

Over the last four decades the sociological life course approach with its focus on the interplay of structure and agency over time life course perspective has become an important research perspective in the social sciences. Yet, while it has successfully been applied to almost all fields of social inquiry it is much less used in research studying migrant populations and their integration patterns. This is puzzling since understanding immigrants’ integration requires just the kind of dynamic research approach this approach puts forward: any integration theory actually refers to life course processes. This volume shows fruitful cross-linkages between the two research traditions. A range of studies are presented that all apply sociological life course concepts to research on migrants and migrant groups in Europe. The book is organized thematically, indicating different important domains in the life course. Using a wide variety of methodological approaches, it covers both quantitative studies based on population census data and survey material as well as qualitative studies based on interviews. Attention is paid to the life courses of those who migrated themselves as well as their offspring. The studies cover different European countries, relating to one national context or a particular local setting in a city as well as cross-country comparisons. Overall the book shows that applying the sociological life course approach to migration and integration research may advance our understanding of immigrant settlement patterns as well as further develop the life course perspective

From Here and There

Book Description

When immigrants to the United States need to learn English, receive health services, open a bank account or get a work certification, US state and local governments or non-profit organizations usually assist as part of the process of supporting immigrant integration and, ultimately, citizenship. But over the past two decades, Mexico, and other origin countries of migrants have been increasingly filling gaps in these activities through their consular representations, particularly focusing on populations with precarious legal status. Put in the larger context of diaspora policies, these practices -- focused on establishing closer ties between the origin country and the emigrant population and protecting their rights through the provision of social services -- are one of the clearest manifestations of the reconceptualization of the boundaries of citizenship and the rights and obligations that come with it. This book looks at citizenship and immigrant integration from the perspective of countries of origin: specifically the processes through which Mexico and other Latin American countries are establishing programs to give their emigrant populations better access to education, health, banking, labor rights, language acquisition and civic participation in the United States. While immigrant integration is often assumed as an issue that mainly concerns the population and institutions of the country of destination, these cases demonstrate the role that origin countries play in supporting migrants' access to opportunities to participate as members of the societies they are a part of, challenging the limits of citizenship and sovereignty, and offering examples of innovative practices in the protection of migrants' rights. As an area of migration governance that is rarely discussed, this book offers a critical evaluation of these programs and their impact on emigrants, particularly on those who are undocumented or have precarious legal status, and the collaborations between governments and civil society groups on which the programs are based.