International Law Reports: Volume 193

Book Description

Decisions of international courts and arbitrators, as well as judgments of national courts, are fundamental elements of modern public international law. The International Law Reports is the only publication in the world wholly devoted to the regular and systematic reporting in English of such decisions. It is therefore an absolutely essential work of reference. Volume 193 contains the unofficial English translation of 2018 judgment of Supreme Court of Colombia in Lozano Barragán and Others v. Presidency of Colombia and Others (Judgment STC 4360-2018), the Advisory Opinion OC-23/17 of Inter-American Court of Human Rights on Environmental Obligations of States arising from Duty to Protect Human Rights and the 2020 judgment of England Court of Appeal in R (Plan B Earth) v. Secretary of State for Transport.

International Law Reports

Book Description

The only publication wholly devoted to the regular and systematic reporting in English of decisions of international courts and arbitrators.

International Law Reports: Volume 173

Book Description

Decisions of international courts and arbitrators, as well as judgments of national courts, are fundamental elements of modern public international law. The International Law Reports is the only publication in the world wholly devoted to the regular and systematic reporting in English of such decisions. It is therefore an absolutely essential work of reference. Volume 173 reports on, amongst others, the landmark Norbert Zongo Case; African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights awarding reparations to victims for the first time, the Judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Polisario Case and the Appeal judgment of Federal Court of Australia in Ure v. Commonwealth.

International Law Reports: Volume 188

Book Description

Decisions of international courts and arbitrators, as well as judgments of national courts, are fundamental elements of modern public international law. The International Law Reports is the only publication in the world wholly devoted to the regular and systematic reporting in English of such decisions. It is therefore an absolutely essential work of reference. Volume 188 is devoted to the Question of the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between Nicaragua and Colombia beyond 200 Nautical Miles From the Nicaraguan Coast (Nicaragua v. Colombia), The Arctic Sunrise, Khlaifia and Others v. Italy, Whelan v. Ireland, Crimea Annexation Case, European Stability Mechanism Case, Al-Juffali v. Estrada, Ukraine Law v Debenture Trust Corp Plc, Pham v Secretary of State for the Home Department, R (Campaign Against Arms Trade) v Secretary of State for International Trade, Jam and Others v. International Finance Corp., Republic of Sudan v. Harrison and Others

International Law Reports

Book Description

International Law Reports: Volume 164

Book Description

Decisions of international courts and arbitrators, as well as judgments of national courts, are fundamental elements of modern public international law. International Law Reports is the only publication in the world wholly devoted to the regular and systematic reporting in English of such decisions. It is therefore an absolutely essential work of reference. Volume 164 reports on, amongst others, the 2012 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice in Judgment No 2867 of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization upon a Complaint Filed against the International Fund for Agricultural Development, together with the related judgments of the ILO Administrative Tribunal, the 2015 judgment of the Federal Court of Australia in Ure v. Commonwealth of Australia and the 2013 United States Supreme Court decision in Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co.

International Law Reports: Volume 191

Book Description

Decisions of international courts and arbitrators, as well as judgments of national courts, are fundamental elements of modern public international law. The International Law Reports is the only publication in the world wholly devoted to the regular and systematic reporting in English of such decisions. It is therefore an absolutely essential work of reference. Volume 191 is devoted to the 2020 Award concerning Preliminary Objections of Russian Federation in the Dispute Concerning Coastal State Rights in the Black Sea, Sea of Azov, and Kerch Strait, the 2020 judgment of the Canadian Supreme Court in Nevsun Resources Ltd v. Araya and Others and the 2020 judgment of the English Court of Appeal in Mahmoud v. Breish.