Secondary Liability of Internet Service Providers

Book Description

This book analyses the doctrinal structure and content of secondary liability rules that hold internet service providers liable for the conduct of others, including the safe harbours (or immunities) of which they may take advantage, and the range of remedies that can be secured against such providers. Many such claims involve intellectual property infringement, but the treatment extends beyond that field of law. Because there are few formal international standards which govern the question of secondary liability, comprehension of the international landscape requires treatment of a broad range of national approaches. This book thus canvasses numerous jurisdictions across several continents, but presents these comparative studies thematically to highlight evolving commonalities and trans-border commercial practices that exist despite the lack of hard international law. The analysis presented in this book allows exploration not only of contemporary debates about the appropriate policy levers through which to regulate intermediaries, but also about the conceptual character of secondary liability rules.

The Internet and Constitutional Law

Book Description

This book analyses emerging constitutional principles addressing the regulation of the internet at both the national and the supranational level. These principles have arisen from cases involving the protection of fundamental rights. This is the reason why the book explores the topic thorough the lens of constitutional adjudication, developing an analysis of Courts’ argumentation. The volume examines the gradual consolidation of a "constitutional core" of internet law at the supranational level. It addresses the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union case law, before going on to explore Constitutional or Supreme Courts’ decisions in individual jurisdictions in Europe and the US. The contributions to the volume discuss the possibility of the "constitutionalization" of internet law, calling into question the thesis of the so-called anarchic nature of the internet.

Conflict of Laws and the Internet

Book Description

In this thoroughly revised second edition, Pedro De Miguel Asensio presents a practical analysis of jurisdiction, choice of law, and recognition and enforcement of judgments in the context of online activities, examining areas where private legal relationships are most affected by the Internet. Addressing the tension between the ubiquity of the Internet and the territorial nature of national legal orders, the author sets out the latest developments across multiple jurisdictions in this dynamic field.

Copyright and Information Privacy

Book Description

Federica Giovanella examines the on-going conflict between copyright and informational privacy rights within the judicial system in this timely and intriguing book.

Archeologia e Calcolatori, 32.1, 2021

Book Description

Il volume 32.1 è suddiviso in due parti. La prima comprende gli articoli proposti annualmente alla rivista da studiosi italiani e stranieri che illustrano ricerche archeologiche interdisciplinari in cui l’uso delle tecnologie informatiche risulta determinante per l’acquisizione, l’elaborazione e l’interpretazione dei dati. Tecniche di analisi statistica, banche dati, GIS e analisi spaziali, tecniche di rilievo tridimensionale e ricostruzioni virtuali, sistemi multimediali, contribuiscono a documentare le testimonianze del passato e a diffondere i risultati della ricerca scientifica. La seconda parte del volume contiene un inserto speciale curato da Angela Bellia e dedicato a una tematica innovativa, l’archeomusicologia, un campo di ricerca multidisciplinare che adotta i metodi dell’archeologia per lo studio della musica e della vita musicale nel mondo antico. Gli articoli s’incentrano sul ruolo delle tecnologie digitali basate sulla modellazione 3D e sulla simulazione del suono per ampliare le conoscenze sugli strumenti musicali dell’antichità e sul prezioso, ma estremamente labile, patrimonio sonoro. Chiude il volume la sezione dedicata alle Note e recensioni.

E-Commerce Law in Europe and the USA

Book Description

This unique text deals with the most important legal areas for e-commerce related business in most of the member states in Europe as well as the USA. Topics that are dealt with include: contract law, consumer protection, intellectual property law, unfair competition, antitrust law, liability of providers, money transactions, privacy and data protection.

Research Handbook on EU Internet Law

Book Description

The Internet has brought about unprecedented changes to modern life, creating a connected society but also radically opening up the question of how to design and apply legal rules in a digital world. This thoroughly revised second edition provides an updated exploration of the latest developments and controversies in European Internet law.

Relativity from Lorentz to Einstein.

Book Description

Everyone knows that Einstein’s special relativity contains a theory of time measurements, which are no longer conceived as absolute, but are related to the state of motion of the clock and to the point of view of the observer, and the same happens to space measurements. Everyone also knows that the theory contains the deduction that a small material mass can be converted into a huge amount of energy according to a precise quantitative relationship. But many who have tried to study the theory have failed to understand it; yet, to fully understand the part of Einstein’s theory about time and space measurements, readers just need to know what speed and square root are, and to obtain a simplified but clear idea of the part regarding the concepts of mass and energy they need just to remember elementary high-school physics. Apparently something is missing in all the many books that describe relativity in a simple or higher level. This book is written in a different way from any other. A rigorous but clear exposition will show all readers, provided they know what speed and square root are, that they can understand fully and perfectly the space-time theory and can judge it with their own intelligence. In addition, readers will have a clear idea of the equivalence between mass and energy and its logical relationship with space-time theory. This book was written for beginners and for perplexed people who have unsuccessfully attempted to study special relativity: both will understand the exact meaning of the famous and difficult essay in which Einstein expounded the theory in 1905, which is examined word by word in this book. And all readers will have a clearer idea of the relevance of relativity for the twentieth (and twenty-first) century culture.

Copyright and Fundamental Rights in the Digital Age

Book Description

This timely and thought-provoking book explores how the protection of copyright in the digital age requires a reconsideration of how this is balanced with other fundamental rights and freedoms. Analysing the impact of the rise of digital technologies and the internet on copyright regimes, it particularly focuses on the effects of recent reforms to the EU’s legal framework for the protection and enforcement of copyright.

Balancing Copyright Law in the Digital Age

Book Description

This book focuses on the thorny and highly topical issue of balancing copyright in the digital age. The idea for it sprang from the often heated debates among intellectual property scholars on the possibilities and the limits of copyright. Copyright law has been broadening its scope for decades now, and as a result it often clashes with other rights (frequently, fundamental rights), raising the question of which right prevails. The papers represent the product of intensive research by experts, who employ rigorous interpretative methodologies while keeping an eye on comparison and on the impacts of new technologies on law. The contributions concentrate on the "propertization" of copyright; on the principle of exhaustion of the distribution right; on the conflict between users' privacy and personal data needs; and on the balance between copyright and academic freedom. Starting from the difficulties inherently connected to the difficult task of balancing rights that respond to opposing interests, each essay analyzes techniques and arguments applied by institutional decision-makers in trying to solve this dilemma. Each author applies a specific methodology involving legal comparison, while taking into account the European framework for copyright and related rights. This work represents a unique piece of scholarship, in which a single issue is read through different lenses, demonstrating the need to reconcile copyright with other fundamental areas of law.