Sex in Christianity and Psychoanalysis

Book Description

Originally published in 1956, this survey of the interpretations of sex by the major figures in Christian thought and in psychoanalysis made an important contribution to the re-thinking of our sexual morality at the time. The author refutes the common belief that the negative attitude toward sex and the body, which had been predominant in western civilization, originated with Christianity. He shows that such a viewpoint was widespread in the early Hellenism Age, nearly three centuries before Christ. He emphasizes the essentially positive view which Biblical religion demands and shows how Christianity’s attitude early became corrupted by the dualism of the Orient. He points to the need for a return to essential naturalism and the Biblical interpretation of sex. The first part of the book consists of a historical treatment in the Christian tradition, touching upon the teaching of Jesus, Paul, Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin and others. He analyses the classical and contemporary attitudes and ideas in both Catholic and Protestant circles and shows how Christian understanding comes into conflict with psychoanalysis. In the later portions of the book the author discusses sex and psychoanalysis and the major problems in sexual mores. He ends with a synthesis of the religious and psychoanalytic points of view and a critical reconstruction of a Christian interpretation.

The Meaning Of Sex

Book Description

In the midst of a culture where sex and gender issues are rampant, two common viewpoints exist. Unfortunately, they are both extreme. While there is an effort in the church to minister to the sexually broken, many places of worship have adopted a strict ethic that leads to a fear-based attitude towards those struggling with sexuality and gender identity. This has caused strugglers to feel alienated and wounded from the church. On the other hand, secular culture has adopted the sexual liberation message: "If it feels good, do it." Sadly, this idea has permeated the hearts and minds of too many Christians. As a result, issues such as homosexuality, gender identity confusion, and sex outside of marriage have become battlegrounds of division among the Body of Christ. With all of this discord, how do we find the true meaning of sex? In The Meaning of Sex: A New Christian Ethos, Christopher Doyle offers a compassionate and bold philosophy on how to love thy neighbor within the confines set forth by our Savior, who holds us when we struggle, loves us when we fall, and celebrates with us when we experience victory. When we collectively pursue the wholeness Jesus calls us to, the sexual ethics that bind us becomes a higher ethos that unites us. Only then, as we bare our souls to each other and become vulnerable with our own unique wounds, can we meet our struggling brothers and sisters where they are and journey towards emotional wholeness and spiritual maturity. "The Meaning of Sex: A New Christian Ethos is a masterful synthesis of Christian theology and the social sciences that has the potential to radically transform our culture in positive ways." ~ Michelle A. Cretella, M.D. (President, American College of Pediatricians) "Christopher Doyle effectively challenges cultural constructs that have led Christians away from the questions that we need to be asking, connecting the dots between a biblical narrative of sexuality and what is revealed in nature and through scientific inquiry." ~ Professor Carolyn Pela, Ph.D., LMFT (Chair, Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Arizona Christian University)

The Meaning of Sex

Book Description

Our culture is not only sex-crazed but also deeply confused about sex and sexual ethics. Unfortunately, Christians seem equally confused, and the church has tended to respond with simplistic answers. The reason for this confusion is that the meaning of sex has been largely lost. Dennis Hollinger argues that there is indeed a God-given meaning to sex. This meaning, found in the Christian worldview, provides a framework for a biblical sexual ethic that adequately addresses the many contemporary moral issues. The Meaning of Sex provides a good balance between accessible theology and engaging discussion of the practical issues Christians are facing, including premarital sex, sex within marriage, homosexuality, reproductive technologies, and faithful living in a sex-obsessed world.

Sex and the Single Savior

Book Description

Probing into numerous questions about gender and sexuality, Dale Martin delves into the biblical texts anew and unearths surprising findings. Avoiding preconceptions about ancient sexuality, he explores the ethics of desire and marriage and pays careful attention to the original meanings of words, especially those used as evidence of Paul's opposition to homosexuality. For example, after a remarkably faithful reading of the scriptural texts, Martin concludes that our contemporary obsession with marriage--and the whole search for the "right" sexual relationships--is antithetical to the message of the gospel. In all of these essays, however, Martin argues for engaging Scripture in a way that goes beyond the standard historical-critical questions and the assumptions of textual agency in order to find a faith that has no foundations other than Jesus Christ.

Christians, Feminists, and the Culture of Pornography

Book Description

In this pioneering study in religion and culture, Mielke acknowledges the power that pornographic images continue to assert in a culture whose conscious intention is to deny their attraction. Mielke's unique analysis brings together a wide range of sources--contemporary as well as historical Christianity, sex therapy, secular feminism, contemporary psychoanalysis, and behavioral science research studies--in an attempt to explain the prevalence of pornographic themes and imagery in human sexual arousal and fulfillment.