Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems

Book Description

For introductory courses in Differential Equations. This text provides the conceptual development and geometric visualization of a modern differential equations course while maintaining the solid foundation of algebraic techniques that are still essential to science and engineering students. It reflects the new excitement in differential equations as the availability of technical computing environments likeMaple, Mathematica, and MATLAB reshape the role and applications of the discipline. New technology has motivated a shift in emphasis from traditional, manual methods to both qualitative and computer-based methods that render accessible a wider range of realistic applications. With this in mind, the text augments core skills with conceptual perspectives that students will need for the effective use of differential equations in their subsequent work and study.

Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave

Book Description

Preface to the First Edition This textbook is an introduction to Scienti?c Computing. We will illustrate several numerical methods for the computer solution of c- tain classes of mathematical problems that cannot be faced by paper and pencil. We will show how to compute the zeros or the integrals of continuous functions, solve linear systems, approximate functions by polynomials and construct accurate approximations for the solution of di?erential equations. With this aim, in Chapter 1 we will illustrate the rules of the game thatcomputersadoptwhenstoringandoperatingwith realandcomplex numbers, vectors and matrices. In order to make our presentation concrete and appealing we will 1 adopt the programming environment MATLAB as a faithful c- panion. We will gradually discover its principal commands, statements and constructs. We will show how to execute all the algorithms that we introduce throughout the book. This will enable us to furnish an - mediate quantitative assessment of their theoretical properties such as stability, accuracy and complexity. We will solve several problems that will be raisedthrough exercises and examples, often stemming from s- ci?c applications.

Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics

Book Description

This second edition continues to emphasise learning by doing and the development of students' ability to use mathematics with understanding to solve engineering problems. Extensive treatment of some advanced engineering topics, particularly as tools for computer-based system modelling, analysis and design. *Follow on text from Modern Engineering Mathematics, 2E - over 20,000 copies sold *Changing student needs catered for by some easier examples and exercises plus new introductory sections on matrix algebra and vector spaces *New chapter on Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations *Engineering applications covered in specific sections in each chapter *The increasing importance of digital techniques and statistics is recognised throughout


Book Description

Introducción al Cálculo Numérico

Book Description

Este texto contiene una introducción a los métodos numéricos del cálculo científico. Está destinado a cubrir las enseñanzas de las asignaturas Análisis Numérico Matricial e Interpolación y Resolución Numérica de Ecuaciones que se imparten en el Grado de Ciencias Matemáticas de la UNED. Su estudio requiere conocimientos básicos de álgebra lineal, cálculo diferencial y ecuaciones diferenciales. Puesto que está especialmente diseñado para la enseñanza a distancia, a la introducción de conceptos y descripción de métodos se han añadido numerosos ejercicios resueltos.


Book Description

Introducción a los métodos numéricos

Book Description

Los métodos numéricos son un medio para fortificar la comprensión de las matemáticas, ya que su propósito principal es reducir las matemáticas superiores a operaciones aritméticas básicas, y poseen la facultad de manejar sistemas de ecuaciones considerables que son frecuentes en la práctica de la ingeniería, por lo cual, constituyen el tipo de cálculo que con mayor periodicidad efectúan los ingenieros. Anteriormente a la creación del computador, se gastaba más en la técnica misma de solución de los problemas, en vez de aplicar mayor esfuerzo sobre la definición del problema y su interpretación. Actualmente, los algoritmos y los métodos numéricos suministran una opción para muchos cálculos complejos. Es probable que durante sus estudios la oportunidad de valerse de un software disponible comercialmente que contenga tenga métodos numéricos, el uso racional de estos programas está sujeto al discernimiento de la teoría básica en la que se fundamentan los cálculos numéricos.