Introducción al Cálculo Numérico

Book Description

Este texto contiene una introducción a los métodos numéricos del cálculo científico. Está destinado a cubrir las enseñanzas de las asignaturas Análisis Numérico Matricial e Interpolación y Resolución Numérica de Ecuaciones que se imparten en el Grado de Ciencias Matemáticas de la UNED. Su estudio requiere conocimientos básicos de álgebra lineal, cálculo diferencial y ecuaciones diferenciales. Puesto que está especialmente diseñado para la enseñanza a distancia, a la introducción de conceptos y descripción de métodos se han añadido numerosos ejercicios resueltos.

MATEMATICAS BASICAS. Una Introducción al Cálculo

Book Description

"MATEMATICAS BASICAS. Una Introducción al Cálculo" tiene una fácil manera para aprender a aprender Matemáticas con cuatro capítulos principales; el primero está referido a la teoría de conjuntos, el sistema numérico y la recta real, junto con el sistema cartesiano del plano y espacio. El segundo capítulo muestra aplicaciones de la teoría de conjuntos, las permutaciones, las combinaciones, las relaciones y las funciones. El tercer capítulo ilustra traslaciones y modelos funcionales con los tipos de funciones: real, polinómica, constante, lineal, cuadrática, exponencial, logarítmica, trigonométricas y función inversa. El cuarto capítulo desarrolla las ecuaciones y desigualdades, junto con sistemas de ecuaciones y desigualdades lineales o no lineales. El quinto capítulo concluye con ejercicios de recapitulación resueltos. Esta obra está dirigida a estudiantes universitarios en programas académicos presenciales o de educación a distancia en ciencias económicas, administrativas, sociales y humanísticas.

Book Description

Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave

Book Description

Preface to the First Edition This textbook is an introduction to Scienti?c Computing. We will illustrate several numerical methods for the computer solution of c- tain classes of mathematical problems that cannot be faced by paper and pencil. We will show how to compute the zeros or the integrals of continuous functions, solve linear systems, approximate functions by polynomials and construct accurate approximations for the solution of di?erential equations. With this aim, in Chapter 1 we will illustrate the rules of the game thatcomputersadoptwhenstoringandoperatingwith realandcomplex numbers, vectors and matrices. In order to make our presentation concrete and appealing we will 1 adopt the programming environment MATLAB as a faithful c- panion. We will gradually discover its principal commands, statements and constructs. We will show how to execute all the algorithms that we introduce throughout the book. This will enable us to furnish an - mediate quantitative assessment of their theoretical properties such as stability, accuracy and complexity. We will solve several problems that will be raisedthrough exercises and examples, often stemming from s- ci?c applications.

Seismologic Series

Book Description

Engineering Design Applications

Book Description

This volume gives an overview on recent developments for various applications of modern engineering design. Different engineering disciplines such as mechanical, materials, computer and process engineering provide the foundation for the design and development of improved structures, materials and processes. The modern design cycle is characterized by an interaction of different disciplines and a strong shift to computer-based approaches where only a few experiments are performed for verification purposes. A major driver for this development is the increased demand for cost reduction, which is also connected to environmental demands. In the transportation industry (e.g. automotive or aerospace), this is connected with the demand for higher fuel efficiency, which is related to the operational costs and the lower harm for the environment. One way to fulfil such requirements are lighter structures and/or improved processes for energy conversion. Another emerging area is the interaction of classical engineering with the health and medical sector. In this book, many examples of the mentioned design applications are presented.

Introduction to Numerical Analysis

Book Description

On the occasion of this new edition, the text was enlarged by several new sections. Two sections on B-splines and their computation were added to the chapter on spline functions: Due to their special properties, their flexibility, and the availability of well-tested programs for their computation, B-splines play an important role in many applications. Also, the authors followed suggestions by many readers to supplement the chapter on elimination methods with a section dealing with the solution of large sparse systems of linear equations. Even though such systems are usually solved by iterative methods, the realm of elimination methods has been widely extended due to powerful techniques for handling sparse matrices. We will explain some of these techniques in connection with the Cholesky algorithm for solving positive definite linear systems. The chapter on eigenvalue problems was enlarged by a section on the Lanczos algorithm; the sections on the LR and QR algorithm were rewritten and now contain a description of implicit shift techniques. In order to some extent take into account the progress in the area of ordinary differential equations, a new section on implicit differential equa tions and differential-algebraic systems was added, and the section on stiff differential equations was updated by describing further methods to solve such equations.