Investing in Dividends

Book Description

Do you want to know the best strategy to achieve financial freedom? With this book you will learn the actions you need to build a portfolio capable of retiring. In addition, if you have the paper edition, you can use the book as a notebook, since it has blank spaces specially designed for you to make notes on your favorite companies. Dividend investing is easy if you know how. Take advantage of the work of the best companies in the world, leverage the knowledge of this great author and enjoy the benefits of your money working for you, even when you sleep.

Forex for Ambitious Beginners

Book Description

There are many books that promise to teach you highly profitable trading systems, to show you how easy making money trading the forex really is. This is not one of those books. Forex for Ambitious Beginners will not turn you into a profitable trader, only you can do that, through practice, study and persistence. But this book will help you avoid many, many mistakes beginning traders make. You will learn essential elements of successful forex trading, such as how to protect your trading capital, how to find a forex trading strategy that matches with your trader personality and how to build your own trading system and tweak it for optimum performance. The book will also touch on important basics about the FX market that traders need to know about. Who the players on the forex are for instance, and which factors influence the most important currencies. Other topics include specific forex trading strategies, popular technical indicators, how to read candlestick charts and how to recognize chart patterns. Forex for Ambitious Beginners is about minimizing risk and maximizing potential, about looking for ways to continuously bend the odds in your favor. It will provide you with a solid foundation on which you can start building your forex trading career. The book concludes with a challenging quiz, offering detailed explanations of the correct answers. In short, if you're ambitious and want to really learn how to trade the forex -- as opposed to being spoon-fed a fantasy about some super strategy -- then Forex for Ambitious Beginners is for you. About the author Jelle Peters is the founder of the popular forex website He writes daily currency analysis, has published numerous articles on forex strategies and is a sought after speaker for forex webinars and seminars. See also

The Rules of Money

Book Description

"Templar presents 100 golden behaviors for creating wealth, making it grow, and making it last--rules that work and techniques readers can begin using immediately"--Publisher description.

RETRACTED BOOK: 151 Trading Strategies

Book Description

The book provides detailed descriptions, including more than 550 mathematical formulas, for more than 150 trading strategies across a host of asset classes and trading styles. These include stocks, options, fixed income, futures, ETFs, indexes, commodities, foreign exchange, convertibles, structured assets, volatility, real estate, distressed assets, cash, cryptocurrencies, weather, energy, inflation, global macro, infrastructure, and tax arbitrage. Some strategies are based on machine learning algorithms such as artificial neural networks, Bayes, and k-nearest neighbors. The book also includes source code for illustrating out-of-sample backtesting, around 2,000 bibliographic references, and more than 900 glossary, acronym and math definitions. The presentation is intended to be descriptive and pedagogical and of particular interest to finance practitioners, traders, researchers, academics, and business school and finance program students.

The Wyckoff Methodology in Depth

Book Description

Discover how Technical Analysis can help you anticipate market movements and become a winning trader NOW! Are you tired of losing money in the stock market? Have you tried countless trading methods and none of them work? Get rid of everything that didn't work for you and learn a professional approach: THE WYCKOFF METHOD. Ruben Villahermosa, Amazon bestseller and independent trader, has refined and improved some of the most powerful concepts of stock trading and makes them available to you in this book so that you too can benefit. In this book you will learn... How financial markets work. Advanced concepts about price and volume. The 3 fundamental laws. How the accumulation and distribution processes develop. The 7 fundamental market events. The 5 phases of price structures. The 3 operating zones. How to manage the position. And much more...! Imagine that you open a chart and immediately you know if you should buy or sell. Imagine you know at all times who is in control of the market. Imagine you confidently run scenarios to anticipate price movements. If you are ready to challenge yourself BUY THE BOOK NOW! The book you need to beat the market In the financial markets knowing what the big trader is likely to be doing is critical. With this book you will learn to identify them and you will be able to increase your profits considerably. The best book on Advanced Technical Analysis Thanks to the accumulation and distribution schemes we will be able to identify the participation of the professional as well as the general sentiment of the participants up to the present moment, enabling us to assess as objectively as possible who is most likely to be in control. The events and phases are unique to the methodology and help us to chart the development of the structures. This puts us in a position to know what to expect the market to do following the occurrence of each of them, giving us a roadmap to follow at all times. The structures are formed by events and phases and are some forms of representation on the chart of the continuous interaction between the different participants. How to do technical analysis in financial markets This book is the result of having studied a multitude of resources on this approach in addition to my own research and experience after having faced the market for years implementing this strategy. All this has allowed me to refine and improve some of the more primitive concepts of the methodology to adapt them to today's markets and give them a much more operational and real approach.

The Forbidden Religion

Book Description

Gnosis means knowledge. But we are not referring to just any knowledge. Gnosis is knowledge which produces a great transformation in those who receive it. Knowledge capable of nothing less than waking up man and helping him to escape from the prison in which he finds himself. That is why Gnosis has been so persecuted throughout the course of history, because it is knowledge considered dangerous for the religious and political authorities who govern mankind from the shadows. Every time this religion, absolutely different from the rest, appears before man, the other religions unite to try to destroy or hide it again. Primordial Gnosis is the original Gnosis, true Gnosis, eternal Gnosis, Gnostic knowledge in its pure form. Due to multiple persecutions, Primordial Gnosis has been fragmented, distorted and hidden.

Los 3 Mejores Libros Para Invertir en Bolsa Cómo Iinvertir en Estados Unidos y en España Pack 3 Libros en 1

Book Description

LOS 3 MEJORES LIBROS SOBRE INVERTIR EN BOLSA EN 1. ¿Qué encontrarás? Todo lo necesario para aprender a invertir y hacerlo en las bolsas de Estados Unidos y/o de España. Empresas que, por la pandemia de coronavirus, presentan excelentes oportunidades de inversión. La operativa personal de un inversionista profesional, el autor del libro. ¿Qué no encontrarás? Una fórmula mágica para hacerte rico en dos días sin trabajar. Si te interesa saber más sobre invertir en bolsa, este libro es para ti.

Invertir en Bolsa & Day Trading La mejor guía para principiantes 6 Libros en 1 Mejore su psicología del dinero para dominar los mercados financieros, acciones, opciones y criptomonedas

Book Description

¿Le gustaría hacerse rico con el comercio? ¿Está buscando un plan de acción para maximizar sus estrategias de inversión? ¿Está cansado de obtener ganancias insignificantes? ¿Por qué ese bicho raro se vuelve tan rico con las inversiones? ¿Quiere saber cuáles son los riesgos, cómo controlarlos y no perder sus beneficios? ¿Cómo consiguió ese hombre todo ese dinero? Si esto es lo que ha estado deambulando ... bueno, ¡haga fila! Esto es lo que encontrará en estos 6 manuscritos Manuscrito 1: MERCADOS FINANCIEROS La guía definitiva para principiantes Los 8 tipos de mercados financieros explicados Los 5 principios fundamentales de la economía Cómo prevenir crisis y utilizarlas para obtener grandes beneficios Cuáles son los 7 activos de su futuro portafolio Cómo definir sus metas financieras para inversiones Cómo Modigliani - Hipótesis del ciclo de vida puede permitirle comprender cómo se mueve el mercado Manuscrito 2: PSICOLOGÍA EN EL TRADING Cambiar la mentalidad lograr el éxito Los 9 miedos del trading 4 personalidades del inversor La técnica de la rana hervida para cambiar su vida 9 estrategias para buscar el éxito en la vida Mentalidad estática vs dinámica 10 hábitos para cambiar su vida La ley de Pareto en el comercio Manuscrito 3: INVERTIR EN BOLSA La guía para principiantes más sencilla Análisis fundamental para el comercio Las 7 reglas de oro de Benjamin Graham Las 7 reglas de oro de Warren Buffet Cómo y cuándo comprar y vender acciones Los 5 mejores analizadores gratuitos para 2021 Los 8 puntos de la filosofía de inversión de Phil Fisher 25 acciones de alto rendimiento Manuscrito 4: FOREX TRADING Gane dinero hoy Todo lo que necesita saber sobre las operaciones de cambio Principios de análisis técnico y fundamental La guía definitiva para la gestión del dinero Las 3 mejores ventajas del trading explicadas Cómo ganar con Forex Swing Trading, Day Trading con Forex, Margen Trading y Forex Scalping Manuscrito 5: DAY TRADING Su guía millonaria ¿Cuál es la mentalidad del trader intradía exitoso? 5 buenas razones para el trading diario Las 3 mejores estrategias para ganar en el day trading Cómo obtener el mejor beneficio con la mínima inversión Estrategias y secretos de Warren Buffett Manuscrito 6: INVERSIÓN EN CRIPTOMONEDAS Revolución Blockchain La guía definitiva para dominar el mundo blockchain 7 pasos para hacer un buen contenido de youtube Las mejores estrategias para ganar dinero con criptomonedas Cómo dominar las 5 mejores criptomonedas y ganar dinero con ellas Los 10 principales inversores en criptomonedas Bueno, estas son las herramientas que necesitaba, ¡el único paso que falta es su acción! ¿QUÉ ESTÁ ESPERANDO? ¡¡¡ PRESIONA EL BOTÓN COMPRAR AHORA!!!


Book Description

¿Escuchas a menudo hablar sobre el "trading", "inversiones automáticas", "dinero", "spread", "forex" y temas similares? ¿Eres un principiante y te gustaría seguir un camino, fácil y lineal, para enfrentarte al viaje de trader con las herramientas adecuadas y aprender a administrar tus ahorros de forma independiente? ¡Entonces estás en el lugar correcto! En esta colección hay alrededor de 340 de contenido exclusivo puro, nacido de años de estudio y análisis. Existe un exceso de información, la mayoría de las veces contradictoria, hay varios libros, cursos y videos que hablan sobre estos temas; desafortunadamente en la web, al dar voz a "todos", también se permite la difusión de información no válida o engañosa, lo que hace que las personas se desubiquen y pierdan tiempo, dinero y salud. "Para mi el hombre culto es aquel que sabe dónde buscar la información en el único momento de su vida cuando la necesita." -Umberto Eco- ¡Con este libro quiero decir BASTA a todo aquello y aclarar las cosas de una vez por todas! Te advierto que el mío es un lenguaje muy simple y directo: no encontrarás grandes palabras, no encontrarás conceptos complicados o un lenguaje basado en un texto universitario. Lo que me interesa es que recibas información útil de la manera más directa y simple posible. Mi objetivo es darte dicha información para que puedas tener claridad y comenzar un camino exitoso en el mundo del trading online, principalmente a través del mercado de forex. Potencialmente, el trading está al alcance de cualquiera que quiera mejorar y gestionar mejor sus finanzas. "No necesitas ser un científico de cohetes. Invertir no es un juego donde el tipo con el IQ de 160 supera al chico con IQ de 130." -Warren Buffet- Este libro es una colección completa que incluye 3 libros en su interior: - 1° libro: Forex Trading para principiantes - De cero a Trader - 2° libro: Trading Cuantitativo - 3° libro: 10 Estrategias operativas Que estas esperando Compra ahora!