Arguments for God's Existence in Classical Islamic Thought

Book Description

The endeavour to prove God’s existence through rational argumentation was an integral part of classical Islamic theology (kalām) and philosophy (falsafa), thus the frequently articulated assumption in the academic literature. The Islamic discourse in question is then often compared to the discourse on arguments for God’s existence in the western tradition, not only in terms of its objectives but also in terms of the arguments used: Islamic thinkers, too, put forward arguments that have been labelled as cosmological, teleological, and ontological. This book, however, argues that arguments for God’s existence are absent from the theological and philosophical works of the classical Islamic era. This is not to say that the arguments encountered there are flawed arguments for God’s existence. Rather, it means that the arguments under consideration serve a different purpose than to prove that God exists. Through a close reading of the works of several mutakallimūn and falāsifa from the 3rd‒7th/9th‒13th century, such as al-Bāqillānī and Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī as well as Ibn Sīnā and Ibn Rushd, this book proffers a re-evaluation of the discourse in question, and it suggests what its participants sought to prove if it is not that God exists.

Islamic Thought on the Existence of God

Book Description

Reasonable Faith

Book Description

This updated edition by one of the world's leading apologists presents a systematic, positive case for Christianity that reflects the latest work in the contemporary hard sciences and humanities. Brilliant and accessible.

Ten Proofs for the Existence of God

Book Description

Ten Proofs for the Existence of God is an elegant and thoughtful disposition of the proofs of God’s existence found in the Holy Quran. From the principle that the loved ones of God always meet with success to the moral awareness of human beings to the fine-tuning of the universe, Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad(ra), the second successor of the Promised Messiah(as), sets forth ten Quranic arguments to show with compelling force that the existence of God can be established with full certainty and in a manner which is beyond refute.

The Qur'an & Modern Science: Compatible or Incompatible?

Book Description

Ever since the dawn of human life on this planet, Man has always sought to understand Nature, his own place in the scheme of Creation and the purpose of Life itself. In this quest for Truth, spanning many centuries and diverse civilizations, organized religion has shaped human life and determined to a large extent, the course of history. While some religions have been based on books, claimed by their adherents to be divinely inspired, others have relied solely on human experience. Al-Qur’aan, the main source of the Islamic faith, is a book believed by Muslims, to be of completely Divine origin. Muslims also believe that it contains guidance for all mankind. Since the message of the Qur’aan is believed to be for all times, it should be relevant to every age. Does the Qur’aan pass this test? In this booklet, I intend to give an objective analysis...

On the Proof of God's Existence

Book Description

Proofs for Eternity, Creation and the Existence of God in Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy

Book Description

This exhaustive study of medieval Islamic and Jewish proofs for eternity, creation, and the existence of God classifies the proofs systematically, analyses and explains them, and traces their sources in Greek philosophy. Davidson pursues the penetration of some of these Islamic and Jewish arguments into medieval Christian philosophy and, in a few instances, all the way into seventeenth- and eighteenth-century European philosophy. He attempts to treat every medieval Arabic and Hebrew proof for eternity, creation, and the existence of God which has philosophical character, disregarding only those that rest entirely on religious faith or fall below a minimum level of plausibility. Unique in both its classification of the proofs and its comprehensiveness, this will serve historians of philosophy, historians of ideas, and medievalists.

Allah The Exalted

Book Description

As the reviver of true Islamic teachings, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) portrayed to the world the God of Islam; a God Who speaks and exists. Allah is the name of the One, Supreme-Being also known as God in other faiths. Throughout this book, Hazrat Ahmad(as) details the nature of Allah and how one can establish a living connection with him, leading toward the certainty of His existence. He describes Allah’s attributes and what they mean for us, as humans and believers. Hazrat Ahmad(as), through divine signs and proof from the Quran, Sunnah and Hadith proved that Allah talks today as he spoke before. This book answers many questions about Allah – leading toward a better and enlightened understanding of the Creator, ultimately helping us toward better worship of Allah. This book also highlights the deep love Hazrat Ahmad(as) had for Allah.

The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam

Book Description

"Originally written for the Conference of Great Religions held at Lahore on December 26-29, 1896, the Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam has since served as an introduction to Islam for seekers after the truth and religious knowledge in different parts of the world. The present issue includes several "lost" pages not included in the essay that was read out at Lahore. It deals with the following five broad themes, set by the moderators of the Conference: 1. The physical, moral and spiritual states of man 2. The state of man after death 3. The object of man's life and the means to its attainment 4. The operation of the practical ordinances of the Law in this life and the next 5. Sources of Divine knowledge."--Publisher's description.