Issues and Cases in Law Enforcement

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Law enforcement and community concerns continue to change and become more challenging for police personnel. The actions of police officers at the time of an event and their response to crime problems have a direct correlation to the successful prosecution of the offender. Law enforcement officers must use all available resources in order to develop the skills and the ability to analyze and understand complex materials and investigations. Issues and Cases in Law Enforcement presents a variety of stimulating cases and issues that provoke critical analysis of emerging issues in the field. The cases contained in this text are designed to confront difficult decision-making issues, force officers and students of criminal justice to identify essential information, analyze facts appropriately, identify mistakes, recognize alternatives, choose alternatives, and make reasonable conclusions. The text also incorporates the opportunity for open exploration of these sensitive issues, with an understanding of cultural and racial concerns, and the promotion of a productive discussion regarding critical topics. The complexities of proper case presentation, testimony, and prosecution in today's environment necessitate that law enforcement officers and students of criminal justice have a clear understanding of contemporary dilemmas. This book will enable the officer and students of criminal justice to write clear and comprehensive reports to document complicated events, to clearly articulate intricate details in a court of law, and react appropriately to people with varied problems and perceptions.

Briefs of Leading Cases in Law Enforcement

Book Description

Briefs of Leading Cases in Law Enforcement, Eighth Edition offers extensive updates on the leading Supreme Court cases impacting law enforcement in the United States, creating a must-have reference for police officers to stay up-to-date and have a strong understanding of the law and their function within it. All cases are briefed in a common format to allow for comparisons among cases and include facts, relevant issues, and the Court’s decision and reasoning. The significance of each case is also explained, making clear its impact on citizens and law enforcement. The book provides students and practitioners with historical and social context for their role in criminal justice and the legal guidelines that should be followed in day-to-day policing activities. This edition includes eight new cases related to the exclusionary rule, stop and frisk, searches after arrest, vehicle stops and searches, cases affirming the Miranda decision, and right to counsel related to policing.

Major Case Management

Book Description

Managing a major case is among the most challenging managerial functions that anyone in law enforcement can perform, and there are numerous pitfalls to avoid. It is the goal of this book to provide law enforcement managers with the necessary tools and strategies they can use in managing their next major case. Many of these strategies were learned through trial and error. It begins with a look at the various elements of the investigative process. Organization of the investigative unit, whether it is a general assignment or highly specialized unit, is discussed as well as how to determine proper.

Briefs of Leading Cases in Law Enforcement

Book Description

Briefs of Leading Cases in Law Enforcement, Ninth Edition, offers extensive updates on the leading Supreme Court cases impacting law enforcement in the United States, creating a must-have reference for police officers to stay up-to-date and have a strong understanding of the law and their function within it. All cases are briefed in a common format to allow for comparisons among cases and include facts, relevant issues, and the Court’s decision and reasoning. The significance of each case is also explained, making clear its impact on citizens and law enforcement. The book provides students and practitioners with historical and social context for their role in criminal justice and the legal guidelines that should be followed in day-to-day policing activities. Two new chapters have been added on Searches by Dogs (featuring United States v. Place, Illinois v. Caballes, Florida v. Harris, and Florida v. Jardines) and Computer/Cell Phone Searches (featuring Riley v. California). Additional new cases include: • In Chapter 4, covering Arrests and Other Seizures of Persons: Bailey v. United States • In Chapter 5, covering Seizures of Things: Missouri v. McNeely and Maryland v. King • In Chapter 6, covering Searches in General: Kentucky v. King • In Chapter 8, covering Searches With Consent: Fernandez v. California • In Chapter 9, covering Vehicle Stops and Searches: Navarette v. California • In Chapter 12, covering Electronic Surveillance: United States v. Jones • In Chapter 16, covering, Use of Force: Plumhoff v. Rickard • In Chapter 17, covering Confessions and Admissions: Cases Affirming Miranda: J.D.B v. North Carolina • In Chapter 18, covering Confessions and Admissions: Cases Weakening Miranda: Salinas v. Texas • In Chapter 23, covering Legal Liabilities: Messerschmidt v. Millender

Legal Guide for Police

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New areas covered by the latest edition of this work include liability for failure to follow guidelines and limitations on police power. Among the topics discussed are detention without probable cause, arrest with and without a warrant, rules for questioning a subject, use of force in making arrests, search and seizure with and without a warrant and pre-trial identification guidelines.

Proactive Policing

Book Description

Proactive policing, as a strategic approach used by police agencies to prevent crime, is a relatively new phenomenon in the United States. It developed from a crisis in confidence in policing that began to emerge in the 1960s because of social unrest, rising crime rates, and growing skepticism regarding the effectiveness of standard approaches to policing. In response, beginning in the 1980s and 1990s, innovative police practices and policies that took a more proactive approach began to develop. This report uses the term "proactive policing" to refer to all policing strategies that have as one of their goals the prevention or reduction of crime and disorder and that are not reactive in terms of focusing primarily on uncovering ongoing crime or on investigating or responding to crimes once they have occurred. Proactive policing is distinguished from the everyday decisions of police officers to be proactive in specific situations and instead refers to a strategic decision by police agencies to use proactive police responses in a programmatic way to reduce crime. Today, proactive policing strategies are used widely in the United States. They are not isolated programs used by a select group of agencies but rather a set of ideas that have spread across the landscape of policing. Proactive Policing reviews the evidence and discusses the data and methodological gaps on: (1) the effects of different forms of proactive policing on crime; (2) whether they are applied in a discriminatory manner; (3) whether they are being used in a legal fashion; and (4) community reaction. This report offers a comprehensive evaluation of proactive policing that includes not only its crime prevention impacts but also its broader implications for justice and U.S. communities.

The Law of the Police

Book Description

The Law of the Police, Second Edition provides materials and analysis for law school classes on policing and the law. It offers a resource for students and others seeking to understand and evaluate how American law governs police interactions with the public. The book provides primary materials, including cases, statutes, and departmental policies, and commentary and questions designed to help readers explore policing practices; the law that governs them; and the law’s consequences for the costs, benefits, fairness, and accountability of policing. Among other issues, the notes and questions encourage readers to consider the form and content of the law; how it might change; who is making it; and how the law affects policing. Part I introduces local policing—its history, its goals, and its problems; Part II considers the law that regulates criminal investigations; Part III addresses the law that governs street policing; and Part IV looks at policing’s legal remedies and reforms. New to the Second Edition: New sections and materials on no-knock warrants, facial recognition technology, state regulation of pedestrian stops, alternatives to police-initiated traffic stops, state laws granting arrest authority, retaliatory arrest claims, state qualified immunity reform, private civil settlements for police reform, and community strategies to limit the scope of policing. New notes and materials on the role of prosecutors in shaping police conduct, the Second Amendment, the use of race in policing, policing homelessness, the impact of police unions and collective bargaining, and the Biden Administration’s pattern-or-practice suits. A recent federal indictment charging an officer with constitutionally excessive force. Updates to laws and notes to reflect new data, laws, and criminological and legal research. Additional examples of controversial police encounters to illustrate legal issues and concepts. Benefits for instructors and students: Chapters and notes designed to allow flexibility—allow professors to assign materials selectively according to the needs of the course. As a result, the casebook can serve as materials for a range of lecture and discussion-based courses on the law regulating police conduct; on legal remedies and reforms for problems in policing; or on more specific topics, such as the use of force or constitutional rules governing police conduct. Descriptions of controversial policing encounters and links to and discussion of videos of such incidents—help students practice applying the law, consider its policy implications, and gain awareness of contemporary controversies on policing. Diverse primary materials, including federal and state cases and statutes and police department policies—provide a broad exposure to the types of law that govern public policing. Photos, links to videos, protest art, and charts—pique student interest, enable richer discussions, and provide additional context for legal materials in the book. Integration of scholarly work on policing, on the law, and on the impact of police practices—enables students to make more sophisticated assessments of the law. Notes and questions—designed to (a) highlight alternative strategies lawyers might use to change the law, and (b) raise comparative institutional questions about who is best suited to regulate the police. Discussion of legal topics relevant to contemporary discussions of policing—studied nowhere else in the law school curriculum.

United States Attorneys' Manual

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Civil Liability in Criminal Justice

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Understanding case law in high-liability areas and performing the job within a legal framework places a criminal justice agency in the best position to defend against a lawsuit. This handbook addresses the problems confronting criminal justice practitioners and their agencies due to the ever-increasing number of civil liability lawsuits. It introduces the reader to civil liability generally and the federal law specifically, while indicating the steps that can be taken to minimize the risk of litigation. Civil Liability in Criminal Justice is one of very few texts on the subject that combines applicable case law and related liability research, a valuable feature for current and future policy makers and managers. Ross also provides an overview of current case law in high-liability areas, enhancing student knowledge and practitioner job performance.


Book Description

“At a time when policing in America is at a crossroads, Barry Friedman provides much-needed insight, analysis, and direction in his thoughtful new book. Unwarranted illuminates many of the often ignored issues surrounding how we police in America and highlights why reform is so urgently needed. This revealing book comes at a critically important time and has much to offer all who care about fair treatment and public safety.” —Bryan Stevenson, founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative and author of Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption In June 2013, documents leaked by Edward Snowden sparked widespread debate about secret government surveillance of Americans. Just over a year later, the shooting of Michael Brown, a black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri, set off protests and triggered concern about militarization of law enforcement and discriminatory policing. In Unwarranted, Barry Friedman argues that these two seemingly disparate events are connected—and that the problem is not so much the policing agencies as it is the rest of us. We allow these agencies to operate in secret and to decide how to police us, rather than calling the shots ourselves. And the courts, which we depended upon to supervise policing, have let us down entirely. Unwarranted tells the stories of ordinary people whose lives were torn apart by policing—by the methods of cops on the beat and those of the FBI and NSA. Driven by technology, policing has changed dramatically. Once, cops sought out bad guys; today, increasingly militarized forces conduct wide surveillance of all of us. Friedman captures the eerie new environment in which CCTV, location tracking, and predictive policing have made suspects of us all, while proliferating SWAT teams and increased use of force have put everyone’s property and lives at risk. Policing falls particularly heavily on minority communities and the poor, but as Unwarranted makes clear, the effects of policing are much broader still. Policing is everyone’s problem. Police play an indispensable role in our society. But our failure to supervise them has left us all in peril. Unwarranted is a critical, timely intervention into debates about policing, a call to take responsibility for governing those who govern us.