Agenda 21

Book Description

Contains the final text of Agenda 21, the action plan adopted in 1992 by the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro.

Guidelines for Protected Areas Legislation

Book Description

The central aim of this publication is to consider the key elements of a modern, comprehensive, and effective legal framework for successful management of protected areas. They provide practical guidance for all those involved in developing, improving, or reviewing national legislation on protected areas, be they legal drafters and practitioners, protected area managers, interested NGOs, or scholars. These guidelines include fifteen case studies, eight dealing with the protected area legislation of individual countries and six cases dealing with specific sites providing fundamental solutions that stand the test of time.

IUCN Environmental Policy and Law Occasional Paper No. 1; Status of Multilateral Treaties in the Field of Environment and Conservation

Book Description

English and French version. Large folded chart indicates the status of multilateral conventions and agreements which relate either directly or indirectly to the environment. The first section concerns Conventions open to acceptance by States throughout the world (Universal Conventions) while the second section deals with those miltilateral Conventions which are either regional in their geographical scope or are restricted in some other manner allowing for acceptance only by specified States (Regional and Restricted Conventions). In both sections, States are organized by region.

Guidelines for Legislation to Implement CITES

Book Description

This publication covers all the major aspects of CITES implementation, stresses the role of Resolutions and contains recommendations for specific measures that might be taken by the Parties. It is a reference for any Party that is faced with enacting legislation for the adequate implementation of CITES.

Draft International Covenant on Environment and Development

Book Description

This is an updated edition of the 1995 version. In the mid-1980's, the IUCN CEL, in consultation with leading experts from around the world, began to respond to a need later identified by Agenda 21: the preparation of an integrated framework for international environmental law.