Japanese for All Occasions

Book Description

At last. A book of useful Japanese, offering the language you need to handle a wide variety of situations. Through hundreds of example sentences and dialogues, you'll learn what to say and do when: Setting up a business appointment Opening a bank account Making a wedding speech Reserving a place to stay Renewing a visa and much more Included is an additional chapter on writing cards and letters, featuring examples of New Year cards, thank-you notes, and normal letters. No other book covers colloquial Japanese as thoroughly as Japanese for All Occasions. Whether you're a student, traveler, or businessperson, you'll find that this book offers any easy and enjoyable way to improve your Japanese.

Japanese For Dummies

Book Description

Learn to speak Japanese Japanese language enrollment is up by 27.5 percent since 2006, making it the sixth most popular language studied on college campuses. Whether studying for school, business, or travel, Japanese For Dummies provides complete coverage of all Japanese language essentials including grammar, usage, and vocabulary. Complete with free conversational audio tracks online, this handy book offers everything you need to learn the Japanese language to get ahead in class or on a trip to Japan. In no time, you’ll make sense of the language well enough to communicate with native speakers! Includes expanded coverage of grammar, verb conjugations, and pronunciations Provides a refreshed mini-dictionary with even more essential vocabulary Offers useful exercises and practice opportunities Helps you learn to speak conversational Japanese with ease Whether for work, school, or fun, Japanese For Dummies is the fast and easy way to add this language to your skillset!

Japanese For Dummies

Book Description

Previous ed.: New York: Hungry Minds, 2002.

Japanese for Teens

Book Description

This workbook is for beginners and makes learning Japanese fun. It has been created specifically for young adults whose native language is English. Each lesson consists of three sections: Vocabulary, Grammar, and Practice. Emphasis is placed on contemporary Japanese including frequently used Manga and Anime phrases. Japanese for Teens can be used as the primary teaching text or as a supplement to other texts. Initially, students are expected to learn the basic 46 hiragana characters before starting lesson one. Associations to help them learn the hiragana are included. Students are given a chance to learn contemporary vocabulary at the start of each lesson. Furthermore, students have fun with the material by creating Manga stories in each lesson. Because students are encouraged to write in the book we do not recommend buying used versions. Note: Although part of cover may appear blurry in Lulu's preview, the actual printed product has no issues.

Learning Japanese for Real

Book Description

Concise descriptions of grammar, use, and genres make Learning Japanese for Real indispensable for adult learners of the language. The volume presents a holistic view of the knowledge required for proficiency in Japanese. Following introductory chapters on the language’s background, sound system and scripts, word types, and grammatical categories, it introduces readers to simple then complex sentences. A chapter on emotive expressions contains highly useful entries on attitudinal adverbs, exclamatory phrases, interjections, and rhetorical questions—all of which carry emotive meanings. Learning Japanese for Real then goes beyond grammar to discuss how the language is used in interaction. The author discusses communication strategies such as requesting, apologizing, and inviting as well how to interact when participating in a conversation with behaviors such as hand signals, bowing, and nodding. She considers metaphor, tautology, puns, and the lingering effect of yojoo before addressing the organization of Japanese discourse, including the four-part organizational principle of ki-shoo-ten-ketsu and the structure of "staging." The final sections feature authentic examples of popular culture discourse from manga, television, advertising, magazines, and cell-phone novels and a host of practical suggestions (methods, tools, resources) for learning Japanese. Learning Japanese for Real will become an key source for Japanese language students during their elementary, intermediate, and advanced training. As an essential anthology of grammar, use, and genres of the Nihongo world, teachers of Japanese will also find it invaluable.

ALL+ 互動英語 2020 年 10 月號 No.191 [有聲版]

Book Description

News Report 看新聞學英語 Black Lives Matter Protests Erupt across US 全美爆發黑人平權抗議 Literature 文學花園 The Story of B. 24 〈B. 24的故事〉 Foods 飲食文化 Asia’s Favorite Drink 奶茶:席捲亞洲的飲品 Plus Talk? 會話百分百 Working on a Group Project 一起做分組報告 Life 生活技能 Time Management Techniques That Will Make Your Life Better 受用無窮的時間管理術 Writing? 寫作練習 Translation Practice 翻譯寫作 People 人物側寫 Lady Gaga: The Queen of Pop Becomes a Mental Health Advocate 女神卡卡:倡導心理健康的流行樂天后 CNN News Hollywood’s Dilemma: To Stream or Not to Stream 好萊塢的困境:要不要串流上映? Animals 動物知識 Conversations with Your Kitty 讀懂喵星人的肢體語言 Dialogue Focus 情境對話 What’s in Your Bag? 圖解包包英語 Shopping for Bags 購買包包 Humanity 人性探討 The Real Lord of the Flies Is a Tale of People at Their Best 人性本善:真實版的《蒼蠅王》故事 Travel? 繞著地球玩 The South Island of New Zealand in Spring: From Tip to Toe 紐西蘭南島的春日風光 Topic Writing? 主題式寫作 My Trip to Tainan 台南小旅行 History 歷史探究 The Evolution of Music Listening 聽音樂的演進

互動日本語 2020 年 12 月號 No.48 [有聲版]

Book Description

每日一句 基礎 8 歲末活動篇 本月焦點 初級 10 一般民眾的歲末活動 美食日語 基礎 16 跨年蕎麥麵 日本萬花筒 初中級 18 光之夢幻:冬季燈飾 填字遊戲 初 中級 21 歲末年初篇 主題式真人會話 初級 22 打掃時的說法 哪裡不對勁 基礎 26 老師最忙的月份「師走」? 日本故事集 初中級 28 天福地福 遊台灣學日文 初中級 34 台灣的歲末活動 慣用語大全 初級 44 少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲 流行語精選 初級 46 線上飲酒聚會/孤零零 作文寫法 初中級 48 今年的漢字 觀光旅遊 初中級 50 岡山 瀨戶內海的晴天之國 日本娛樂最前線 初中級 58 保有自我之和風美人 中谷美紀 職場常識百科 初中級 60 職務別與產業別 文法句型一本通 初級 62 表達「義務、建議、許可、禁止」之句型比較 JLPT模擬試題 基礎 64 N5模擬試題

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) For Everyone

Book Description

The Book "Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) For Everyone", is the most comprehensive educational web resource book that will explore the most famous innovative educational paradigm MOOC, online learning platforms and world’s prestigious higher education institutions which are offering open online courses at free of cost. The book will also cover the short history about the term, potential benefits of participation in an open online course, and how MOOCs have been transforming/revolutionizing/disseminating the ecosystem of education using advanced technologies and innovative pedagogical techniques. This book will be useful for learners who are looking for free, open, online courses to learn the new things or would like to improve their level of knowledge on a particular subject. There are vast number of open online courses available in various topics through online learning platforms which are mentioned in this book. By participating in the free open online courses offered by various universities and institutions, learners can become expert in their favorite subject and improve the career in an efficient way. This book was written to benefit the students and lifelong learners to learn anything using free open online educational courses. Unleashing the most useful free open online course Resources: The book will explore the details of 90 online learning platforms and more than 275 higher education institutions and organizations which are participating the movement of MOOCs to offer free open online courses. The book was written to represent in-depth education web resources with 9 Chapters and 155 pages.

ABC互動英語 2020年 11月號 No.221 【有聲版】【基礎、活用】

Book Description

ABC Interactive English No. 221 November, 2020 Contents 每日一句 Number Idioms 與數字有關的英語好用句 本月焦點 Groceries 日用品 Shopping Day 日用品大採購 品格英語 Having Moral Courage 道德勇氣 世界好望角 Social Distancing Makes Young People Feel Lonely 社交距離帶給年輕人孤獨感? 流行最前線 Think Outside the Box with Situation Puzzles 跳脫思考框架――情境猜謎 畫中有話 A Baker’s Day 麵包師傅的一天 玩味生活 YouTuber—Every Child’s Dream 新新人類的夢想職業:YouTuber 安妮信箱 My Favorite Teacher 我最喜歡的老師 文法補給站 Movie Night 電影之夜 Study Much? 書唸了多少? 活用ABC Let’s Agree to Disagree 用英語表達不同意見 短篇故事集 The Little Thief in the Pantry 儲藏室裡的小小偷 一本好書 The Phantom Tollbooth 《神奇收費亭》 小人物大視界 The Great Franz Schubert 音樂巨擘:舒伯特 閱讀技巧 Interpreting and Transferring Information to Graphic Form 詮釋資訊及轉換成圖表格式 聽說圖寫 Travel Brochure 旅遊手冊 本月之星 9m88 Shopping Day 日用品大採購

Live互動英語 2020 年 12 月號 No.236【有聲版】

Book Description

4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 Live讀門祕笈 10 動物趣聞 Quokkas: The Marsupial That's All Smiles 短尾矮袋鼠:帶著微笑的有袋動物 14 焦點人物 Anne-Marie: Speaking Her Mind 安瑪莉:有話直說的女「聲」 18 生活情境對話 Clothes 圖解各種服飾 Buying and Taking Care of Clothes 購買和照料衣物 • 英語聽力測驗 22 追本溯源 Handy Little Bands 小小橡皮筋用途多 26 生活訣竅 How to Give Feedback That People Will Listen To 如何給予建設性的回饋 31 唱歌學英語 To Be Young 安瑪莉:〈To Be Young〉 32 旅遊好去處 Rouen: France's Jewel on the Seine 盧昂:法國塞納河上的珍寶 36 克漏字 No Repairs Needed: Kuai Kuai Culture in Taiwan 電腦不乖怎麼辦? 38 健康知識 Red Light, Blue Light 認識紅光和藍光 42 焦點話題 43 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 46 日常好用句 You're running around like a headless chicken. 你像隻無頭蒼蠅一樣瞎忙。 47 主題式會話 Having Some Christmas Fun 過個好玩的聖誕節 50 大師名作選 A Christmas Dream, and How It Came to Be True 〈聖誕夢成真〉 54 美食文化 Hot Pot—It's Not What You Thought 火鍋——跟你想的不一樣 58 科技與生活 Hired by a Machine Mind 求職新考驗:人工智慧面試官 62 電影快報 64 Movie Trailer English 看預告片學英文 65 General English Proficiency Test 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題 71 GEPT Answer Key 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題解答 73 Chinese Translation 中文翻譯