Jean-Baptiste Say (1776-1832)

Book Description

Jean-Baptiste Say is almost unread today yet he is famous as the originator of Say's law which later economists, most especially Keynes in the General Theory, have paid so much attention to. Yet, this reputation, based as it is upon the discovery of the concept of the entrepreneur as autonomous from the capitalist as well as the law, is misplaced.

Jean-Baptiste Say

Book Description

Jean-Baptiste Say (1767-1832) is remembered primarily for Say's Law, one of the cornerstones of classical economics. The success of his Traite d'economie Politique made Say the best-known expositor of Adam Smith in Europe and America, and he became France's first professor of political economy.The set covers the following themes: * Say in the history of economics* classical statements on Say's Law* later statements on Say's Law (the prelude to the General Theory)* the Keynesian Revolution and the attack on Say's Law* Lange, Say's Law and the demand for money* modern reconstructions of Say's Law* commentaries on classical views relating to Say's Law* Retrieving the classical understanding of Say's Law.

The Social Economics of Jean-Baptiste Say

Book Description

Well respected author in the History of Economics Completely original approach to the subject matter First time translation into English of rare material adds value Fits in well with other books in the series Good mono subject matter and content. Script has been completely revised recently in the light of latest readers reports.

Business Cycles

Book Description

The latest editions in Routledge's ongoing series The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek, these volumes bring together Hayek's work on what causes periods of boom and bust in the economy. Business Cycles: Part II assembles a series of Hayek's shorter papers on the topic, ranging from the 1920s to 1981.

The Capitalist Economy and its Prosthetics

Book Description

Notwithstanding its ruthless dynamics, the capitalist economy has the flaw of deficient employment-generating spending. This leads to unemployment of non-owners, individual suffering, social unrest and it undermines military strength. To deal with these issues, states use prosthetic policies, artificial transfers to the productive economy and to non-owners. But the funding of such prosthetic policies - through violent wealth appropriation abroad, protectionism, war, domestic expropriation and taxation, debt and money creation - is caught in dilemmas, while politicians are caught between non-solutions. According to Gerhard H. Wächter, the history of capitalist society is largely the history of this dilemmatic brotherhood.

Experts and Epistemic Monopolies

Book Description

Under what conditions of supply and demand are experts likely to give us good advice? When is expert failure more likely? Do entrepreneurs challenge existing expertise? Are they experts themselves? This title brings a heterogeneous collection of thinkers, some "Austrian" and to engage the problem of experts.

The Road to Co-operation

Book Description

This critical and informed protest against the absurdity and dishonesty of neoclassical economic theory as it has progressed through the 20th century down to the present, sheds new light on the predicament faced in 2012. In The Road to Co-operation, Pearson highlights the dangers of using unrealistic mathematical models of human, organisational and market behaviour to guide policy prescriptions. He shows the damage done to real economies, markets, firms and people, by the unwarranted trust in unregulated markets, proclaimed by Friedman and colleagues, promulgated by academia and adopted by the financial-political-corporate nexus, now dominant in Anglo-American jurisdictions. Though real markets work better than known alternatives, Pearson makes the crucial distinction between the real and the speculative-financial, where totally different realities apply. Failure to make that distinction has transformed financial sectors from supportive of the real economy, to exploitative and sometimes fraudulent. Pearson provides a comparative analysis of corporate governance theory, law, and practice in different jurisdictions, including the self-destruction of post-mature Anglo-American governance with the more robust custom and practice in the industrial economies of Germany and Japan and emerging economies of China and India, which all exercise care for their real economic strengths and provide object lessons for governance in UK and US. The Road to Co-operation proposes realistic changes in policy and practice, in the context of sustainability, which would be prerequisite to recapturing real long term economic success on a co-operative and non-exploitative foundation. It will be invaluable for today's business faculty, students and practitioners as well as the 'madmen in authority'.

Action and Reaction in the World System

Book Description

This book occupies the same niche as Raymond Aron’s 1962 classic, Peace and War. While Aron wrote during the Cold War, Thierry de Montbrial writes about the post-Soviet international system, a system that is multipolar, ideologically heterogeneous, and thus highly unstable. In this book, he lays the foundation for a praxeology, or a “science of action,” to facilitate a better understanding of the dynamics of international problems and a more systematic approach to policy making. A major contribution to international relations theory and winner of the 2002 Georges Pompidou Prize, this book offers the necessary keys to decrypt the international system in the 21st century.

Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society

Book Description

This encyclopedia spans the relationships among business, ethics and society, with an emphasis on business ethics and the role of business in society.

Business Cycles, Part I

Book Description

“The two Business Cycles volumes bring together” the Nobel Laureate economist’s “most substantial contributions to technical economics” (Roger W. Garrison, Auburn University). In the years following its publication, F. A. Hayek’s pioneering work on business cycles was regarded as an important challenge to what was later known as Keynesian macroeconomics. Today, as debates rage on over the monetary origins of the current economic and financial crisis, economists are once again paying heed to Hayek’s thoughts on the repercussions of excessive central bank interventions. The latest editions in the University of Chicago Press’s ongoing series The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek, these volumes bring together Hayek’s work on what causes periods of boom and bust in the economy. Moving away from the classical emphasis on equilibrium, Hayek demonstrates that business cycles are generated by the adaptation of the structure of production to changes in relative demand. Thus, when central banks artificially lower interest rates, the result is a misallocation of capital and the creation of asset bubbles and additional instability. Business Cycles, Part I contains Hayek’s two major monographs on the topic: Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle and Prices and Production. Reproducing the text of the original 1933 translation of the former, this edition also draws on the original German, as well as more recent translations. For Prices and Production, a variorum edition is presented, incorporating the 1931 first edition and its 1935 revision. Business Cycles, Part II assembles a series of Hayek’s shorter papers on the topic. The two volumes of Business Cycles also include extensive introductions by Hansjoerg Klausinger, providing background on the evolution of Hayek’s thought.