Jerome's Commentary on Daniel

Book Description

This commentary has high value for the academic world and is of particular value for research. It is equally valuable from a devotional point of view. Jerome was a Church Father and famous ecclesiastical author who died in A.D. 420. His writings cover nearly all the principal departments of Christian theology, but the most numerous and important belong to that of Biblical study. Among the latter is his Commentary on Daniel, which is one of the most interesting and significant of his expository works. It is frequently consulted by the learned even to this day. It here appears for the first time in the English language. The manuscript here published in book form won form Dr. Archer the much coveted Certificate of Award presented by the Christian Research Foundation for the year's most important manuscript in the field of Biblical Research.

Jerome's Commentary on Daniel

Book Description

Jerome's commentary on the Old Testament book of the prophet Daniel was written early in the fifth century. The occasion was proving the genuineness of this portion of Scripture against the false accusations of Porphyry, an heathen philosopher.I believe this is one of the best commentaries I ever read on this wonderful prophetic book. The fact that the interpretation of the Church of the V century perfectly aligns with today's is quite an extraordinary witness to the consistency of the Christian doctrine in the centuries.In his unique, scholarly manner, Jerome defends the authority of the Scripture and the authenticity of biblical prophecies.This book is a must for those interested in the study of biblical eschatology.Dr. Gleason L. Archer taught at Trinity as professor of Old Testament and Semitics from 1965 to 1986 and as Professor Emeritus from 1989 to 1991.

Jerome’s Commentary on Daniel

Book Description

The book presents for the first time a systematic comparison of Origen's and Jerome's attitudes toward the Biblical text in the Hebrew and Septuagint versions. And toward the canon of the Scriptures and traces the stages in Jerome's abandonment of the primacy of the Septuagint. One of the most important accomplishment of this work is Braverman's discussion of Jerome's commentary on the story of Susanna and the elders. Also valuable is his comparison of Jerome with earlier (especially Origen), contemporary, and later Church Fathers in their aggadic treatment of Daniel, thus presenting, in effect, a case study in the history of Christian exegesis, as compared with the Jewish exegesis of the Apocrypha, the Pseudepigrapha, Josephus, and rabbinic literature.

Commentary on Daniel

Book Description

"This is an English translation, along with historical-literary commentary, of St. Jerome's Commentary on the Book of Daniel"--

Book of Daniel with Commentary by Saint Jerome

Book Description

The most important single work produced by the Church Fathers on any of the prophetic writings of the Old Testament, commenting upon the original Hebrew text, and showing a complete mastery of all the literature of the Church on the subjects touched upon to the time of composition, is without question St. Jerome's Commentary on the Book of Daniel...For over eleven hundred years after its publication, all who wrote on Daniel showed themselves more indebted to this work by Jerome than to any other commentary on the Old Testament Scriptures produced in the period of the Church Fathers. - Introduction.

ACW Vol 77 St Jerome

Book Description

"This is an English translation, along with historical-literary commentary, of St. Jerome's Commentary on the Book of Daniel"--