Jesse James and the Lost Templar Treasure

Book Description

An investigation into the lost treasures of Jesse James and the Freemasons and their connections to the Templars, Rosicrucians, and the Founding Fathers • Explains how Jesse James used techniques involving sacred geometry, gematria, and esoteric symbols to hide his treasures and encode maps • Provides instructions for using the encoding template employed by Jesse James and the Freemasons to hide and recover treasure and sacred relics • Shows how the encoding template confirms the existence of treasures on Oak Island and Victorio Peak and can be traced to a 16th-century book containing a secret map of the New World and the “hooked X” of the Knights Templar Jesse James left behind secret diaries and coded treasure maps. Working to decrypt these maps, Daniel J. Duke--the great-great-grandson of Jesse James--reveals hidden treasures yet to be recovered as well as connections between the infamous train robber and Freemasonry, the Knights Templar, the Founding Fathers, and Jewish mysticism. The author explains how Jesse James faked his death and lived out his final years under the name James L. Courtney. He uncovers James’ affiliation with the Knights of the Golden Circle, a secret society that buried Confederate gold across the United States, and shows how the hidden treasures coded into James’ maps were not affiliated with the KGC but with the Freemasons, the Knights Templar, and the treasure of the Temple Mount. Using sacred geometry, gematria, and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life symbol, the author explains the encoded map technique used by the Freemasons to hide and later recover treasures, an esoteric template known as the “Veil”. He shows how the Veil template confirms the locations of Jesse James’ recovered treasures in Texas as well as other suspected treasure locations, such as the Oak Island Money Pit and Victorio Peak in New Mexico. Tracing knowledge of the Veil template back through the centuries, the author reveals the Veil hidden on the cover of a 16th-century book that contains a secret map of the New World and the “hooked X” symbol of the Knights Templar. He shows how the template was used not only to hide treasures but also sacred knowledge and relics, such as within the Bruton Vault, which originally contained secrets tied to Francis Bacon, the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, and the founding of the United States. Applying the Veil template alongside the esoteric secrets of Poussin’s famous painting, Et In Arcadia Ego, and Cassini’s Celestial Globe, Duke shows how the template reveals other Templar and Freemason treasure sites scattered throughout America and around the world.

Jesse James and Lost Treasures of the Knights of the Golden Circle

Book Description

This book includes some startling information that has been brought to light recently that has led to investigating some of the old theories that have been taken for granted. For example: Were Jesse James and his gang members of the KGC? There is now good evidence that they were. Did they also bury some of their stolen loot to add to the KGC treasures that were being buried around the country to finance another Civil War? Again, there is good evidence that they did, especially since Jesse and his gang were devout Southerners. They were still angry over the outcome of the Civil War and were doing all they could to benefit the Confederacy. Did Bob Ford really shoot Jesse James? There is revealing new evidence in this book that he didn't! Maybe history should be rewritten! And what's the story on the old man who came to Lawton, Oklahoma in 1949. He said that he was the real outlaw, "Jesse James"--and had been living peaceably in Texas for many years under the alias of "J. Frank Dalton." He said that Bob Ford did not kill him, and that the whole thing had been a hoax so that he could escape from the law and Bob could claim the reward; although it was another person that was killed and buried in the grave in Missouri instead of him. The story does seem to fit with the circumstances. And interestingly enough, what does the name "J. Frank Dalton" reveal? It was noted that his body bore many signs that he had indeed lived a very rugged and dangerous life, including 32 scars from bullet wounds, scars around his neck from an attempted hanging, and burn marks around his feet caused by Union Soldiers when they tried to make him reveal where his older brother, Frank, was hiding, but Jesse never told them. Many people who had once known Jesse came to see and talk to the old man, and they all agreed that he really was Jesse James because they said that he knew information and could answer questions that only the real Jesse could have known. This book also shows numerous photos of the old man in Lawton. One chapter gives information about how a treasure hunter found one of the treasures that Jesse and his gang had buried near Lawton, Oklahoma. He found it by using several old maps. His interesting story is told, including photos of two of his maps. Another chapter gives important information on where to look for and how to recognize some KGC treasure signs. The Author can be seen on the recent History Channel's, two-hour special documentary: "Jesse James' Lost Treasure." He was also a consultant for the program.

Knights of the Golden Circle

Book Description

In 1860, during their first attempt to create the Golden Circle, several thousand Knights assembled in southern Texas to "colonize" the northern Mexico. Due to insufficient resources and organizational shortfalls, however, that filibuster failed. Later, the Knights shifted their focus and began pushing for disunion, spearheading prosecession rallies, and intimidating Unionists in the South. They appointed regional military commanders from the ranks of the South's major political and military figures, including men such as Elkanah Greer of Texas, Paul J. Semmes of Georgia, Robert C. Tyler of Maryland, and Virginius D. Groner of Virginia. Followers also established allies with the South's rabidly prosecession "fire-eaters," which included individuals such as Barnwell Rhett, Louis Wigfall, Henry Wise, and William Yancy.

Jesse James' Secret

Book Description

NEW! Trade Paperback version! A chance discovery in 1985 leads historical researcher Ron Pastore on an adventure that reveals startling new evidence that shatters history's version of the life and death of the world famous outlaw Jesse James. Ron's tireless research and discoveries culminates with a 21st century treasure hunt for the missing millions in gold he robbed and buried... gold still believed to be hidden to this day.

The Mysterious Life and Faked Death of Jesse James

Book Description

A deep investigation into historical documents that prove the notorious outlaw Jesse James faked his own death • Presents the legend of Jesse James and counters it with the real story, based on family records • Provides photographic evidence, a journal of Jesse James’s, and historical records that prove James faked his death, verified by experts and civic authorities • Debunks the 1995 DNA test results of James’s supposed remains The story of the notorious outlaw Jesse James’s assassination at the hands of Robert Ford has been clouded with mystery ever since its inception. Now, James’s great-great-grandchildren Daniel and Teresa Duke present the results of more than 20 years of exhaustive research into state and federal records, photographs, newspaper reports, diaries, and a 1995 DNA test in search of the truth behind Jesse James’s demise. Explaining how the accepted version of the history of Jesse James is wrong, the authors confirm their family’s oral tradition that James faked his own death in 1882 and lived out his remaining days in Texas. They methodically unravel the legend surrounding his death, with evidence vetted by qualified experts and civic authorities. They share the journal of their great-great-grandfather, kept from 1871 to 1876 and verified to be written in James’s handwriting. They reveal forensically confirmed photographs of James before and after his supposed killing, including one of James attending his own funeral. Examining James’s life both before and after his faked death, they provide an account of where he lived and who he associated with, including his interactions with secret societies. They compare the contradictory newspaper reports of James’s death with accounts by his family and associates, which support that the man buried as James was actually his cousin, and reveal how James tricked authorities into believing he had been killed. Further supporting their claim, the authors debunk the DNA test results of the exhumation of James’s body in 1995. The Dukes detail the ways in which the test was fraudulent, an assertion supported by the deputy counselor for Clay County at the time of the testing. Backed by a wealth of evidence, the descendants of Jesse James conclusively prove what really happened to America’s Robin Hood.

Secret History of the Wild, Wild West

Book Description

• Offers evidence from Jesse James’s secret encoded diaries • Examines Jesse James’s close ties with other notorious outlaws, such as Johnny Ringo, Jesse Evans, and Billy the Kid • Shows how Jesse James was related, by blood or marriage, to powerful people in law enforcement and politics, including the elite families behind the Copperheads and the Knights of the Golden Circle organizations Jesse James and many other Old West outlaws were much more than just wild cowboys. As author Daniel Duke--the great-great-grandson of Jesse James--reveals, James and other infamous outlaws were part of a larger organization, centuries old, that has affected U.S. history from the small, rural streets of early America to the highest levels of the nation’s government, with continuing influence to this day. Drawing on his great-great-grandfather’s secret diaries, Duke unravels the hidden history of the Wild West to expose the outlaws, politicians, and secret societies who were pulling strings behind the scenes. He examines Jesse James’s close ties with other notorious outlaws, such as Johnny Ringo, Jesse Evans, and Billy the Kid, and demonstrates not only how James faked his death and lived out his life under an alias, but how Billy the Kid did the same. He also details how both Jesse James and Billy the Kid continued their work for the nameless organization after their faked deaths. Exploring how Jesse James was related, by blood or marriage, to powerful people in law enforcement and politics, Duke details James’s connections to the Baylor family, who founded Baylor University in Waco, Texas, and other elite families who were instrumental in founding and leading the Copperheads and the Knights of the Golden Circle organizations before, during, and after the Civil War. The author shows how Jesse James was connected to former U.S. presidents Lyndon Baines Johnson and Harry S. Truman as well as LBJ’s man in the shadows, Texas mob figure Billie Sol Estes. Exposing the secret agenda behind the outlaw gangs of the Wild West, Duke also reveals the stealthy war between the secret organization and its opposition that has been waged in the shadows for centuries.

Ancient Treasures

Book Description

The author of Hidden History offers a fascinating tour through centuries of buried riches, stolen artifacts, and other true tales of treasure. The allure of treasure has captivated people for centuries. But is it purely a desire for wealth that draws us to tales of hidden riches, or is it also the romantic appeal of uncovering lost ancient artifacts? The stories behind the loss and recovery of ancient treasures often read like historical suspense fiction. In Ancient Treasures, readers discover the true histories of lost hoards, looted archaeological artifacts, and sunken treasures, including: The Sevso Treasure, a hoard of large silver vessels from the late Roman Empire—estimated to be worth $200 million—looted in the 1970s and sold on the black market. The Amber Room, a chamber decoration of amber panels backed with gold leaf and mirrors, stolen by the Nazis in 1941 and brought to the castle at Königsberg in Russia, from which it disappeared. The fabulous wealth of Roman and Viking hoards buried in the ground for safekeeping, only to be unearthed centuries later by humble metal detectorists. The wrecks of the Spanish treasure fleets, whose New World plunder has been the target of elaborate salvage attempts by modern treasure hunters

How to Find the Treasures of the Knights of the Golden Circle

Book Description

This is the second book in the series and gives all of the information and clues about the Knights of The Golden Circle and their treasures that was published for 17 years in the prestigious ?Treasure Hunter Confidential Newsletter.? It was very informative and was available only to subscribers for $100 per year. (It also contained stories and information on other treasures as well.) Although the Editor, Larry Williams, was an excellent researcher and writer, much of the information came from treasure hunters and researchers themselves, giving tips, ideas, possible locations, how to recognize the signs, what they might mean, and even sketches and drawings - including a map overlay that could possible show where other treasures were located after you found one of them since normally, more than one treasure was buried at a location.

The Mysterious and Secret Order of the Knights of the Golden Circle

Book Description

This is an incredible story about the little known and secret order of ?The Knights of the Golden Circle? during the Civil War period, their plans to start another war, and the huge treasures they left behind. But, they had started many years before the war began with bold plans of imperialism to gain more territory for our growing nation (which brought Texas into the Union), and also with amazing plans to annex Mexico. Later, they became devout believers in the rights of the southern cause and against the North imposing it's will against them. When the Civil War started, they resorted to drastic measures and went underground to oppose the North and the Union Army with secretive and bold actions, including sabotage, infiltration of the Government, and a very efficient spy network. Many top politicians, officials, and men of importance were members. They were so effective that President Lincoln once referred to them as a ?Fifth Column? which might have been the original use of the term. After the war was over, they refused to accept the terms of the surrender and started making plans to restart the war at a later date. But they needed a great amount of money and support. So they started collecting money, gold, silver, and jewelry, plus arms and ammunition, and buried them in many parts of the country in old mining tunnels, pits and holes that they dug, and then assigned armed sentries to protect them from being found. But by the time they had amassed their fortune and supplies, World War One brought an end to their plans. Also, most of them had died off anyway by then. But the treasures they buried, which some have estimated to be worth billions of dollars, is the stuff that dreams are made of to treasure hunters. The author, who is well-known in the field of treasure hunting, learned of this immense treasure years ago, and through his research has presented this information here - - not only bringing out this little known part of American history, but also has provided much information on the treasures, including some rare and never-before-published treasure maps of some of the treasure sites.

Knights of the Golden Circle Treasure Signs

Book Description

This book contains new information that I obtained after returning to an old farm in eastern Kansas recently where I discovered many KGC treasure signs that lead me to a bit hole where part of the treasure had been dug up years ago, apparently by the Sentinel who had been guarding the treasure for years.