Jesus: Messenger of Peace!

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Jesus: Messenger of Peace! tells the story of the life of Jesus of Nazareth as recounted in the Gospels. This illustrated retelling of Jesus's journey draws from the stories found in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and offers young readers an opportunity to learn about the remarkable man who changed the course of the world s history.

Jesus is Shalom

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Studies the meaning of peace found in the New Testament documents. The New Testament reveals that there was a struggle between true and deceptive meanings of peace around the time of Jesus and just after his death and resurrection and subsequent ascension.

Peace on Earth

Book Description

In Peace on Earth Joseph Grassi emphasizes the practical means Jesus suggests to make peace a reality. He focuses on the roots of peace and justice found in the non-violent and compassionate life and teachings of Jesus. Grassi teaches that Luke's summary of Jesus' teaching in the "Sermon on the Plain" has a central place as a practical guide for believers to develop a life of peace and non-violence in imitation of Jesus as a non-violent Messiah. Luke's Jesus goes to the roots of true peace through the practice of non-violence, love, compassionate justice, true repentance, and forgiveness. External power and domination are renounced and replaced by inner power, humble service, and a priority for the needs of the poor and marginalized. Chapters are" 'Peace on Earth'-Luke's Subversive Christmas Story," "Jesus, Messiah of Peace and Non-Violence in the Passion Story," "John the Baptist: The Mission to 'Guide Our Feet in the Way of Peace, '" " 'Justice and Peace Shall Kiss One Another'-Luke's Gospel of Justice," "The Inner Sources of Peace: Forgiveness and Metanoia," "The Sermon on the Plain: Part I. Roots," "The Sermon on the Plain: Part II. Praxis,"" 'Love Your Enemies'-Responses to Violence from a Gospel of Peace," "The Sign of Jonah, the Comic Prophet of Metanoia," "Women of Peace and Courage," "An Upside Down World: Peace and the Priority of Little Ones," "Bread and Circuses versus Jesus' New World Food Language," "Jesus' Last Passover Supper and Testament for Continuity," "Jesus' Compassion for Animals: A First Step Toward a Non-Violent World," and "Spiritual Combat for Peace: The Power of the Holy Spirit and Prayer."

40 Days' Journey to the Feet of Christ

Book Description

A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY OF FAITHGrace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, through the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Amen!"For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him." (2 Chronicles 16:9A)Beloved, it was a day that I will never forget, a scripture that will always stay in my heart, mind and soul. As I sat in church during the morning service, I got lost during the sermon, finding myself asking God: Where is the power that You gave the apostles, which the Bible speaks of? For people were converted, healed, delivered, raised from dead, and all this was done through the disciples, immediately. Today we have a religious system which is full knowledge and understanding, full of words, but lacking in power. I am nothing but dust, so I humbled myself and approached the throne of grace in my spirit while I sat in Church and I asked God my foolish question. Where is the power? To my surprise God answered me with this:"For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him." (2 Chronicles 16:9A)I walked out of church, took a walk with tears in my eyes, and I prayed, because His Word cut me to the heart. I looked at my own life. My heart condemned me because my priorities were all on myself: I want to grow my business bigger, I want to get married, I want I better life for my family, I want a Range Rover, I want, and I want, and I want... That''s how selfish we are. Life is all about us."The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?" (Jeremiah17:9)My dear beloved, God is willing to manifest His power in this ungodly hour; however, the LORD is seeking a heart that is loyal to Him, a vessel that does not seek its own, but is totally committed to bring glory to Jesus Christ our Lord, for the glory of God the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit.God is searching the whole earth looking for people that will allow Him to manifest His power on their behalf. The LORD is looking for a loyal heart. The Lord desires to show Himself strong, not the vessel! Rather, Himself strong, on behalf of the vessel. Are you the one that the LORD is looking for, to show Himself strong on your behalf? Will you allow the LORD to show Himself strong on your behalf?The Lord weighed me on the balance and I was found wanting, for my heart was not wholly loyal to God. I still had my own dreams. But now I know my dreams are actually too small. I must join God in His dream which includes everyone.This is what the Lord is saying:"Then He (Jesus) said to them all, "If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for My sake, the same shall save it. For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away? For whosoever shall be ashamed of Me and of My words, of him shall the Son of Man be ashamed, when He shall come in His own glory, and in His Father''s, and of the holy angels." (Luke 9:23-26)THE JOURNEYJoin in as we pick up our own cross and embark on the greatest battle of our lives--to conquer self--as we follow Christ, even Jesus our LORD. Amen!Join in this 40 days'' journey, as we strip ourselves before God that He may cover us with His righteousness.Join in this 40 days'' study on the greatest sermon ever preached (Matthew 5-7).b) The 27 pillars that hold the spiritual Temple of truth: fundamental truths of the Kingdom of God.c) The 5 treasures every servant in God''s Kingdom must guard unto eternity.There are 40 chapters in this book and I suggest you read only one chapter per day and that you invite the Lord Jesus to be your partner during the 40 days'' journey. After reading each day, you must have a discussion with the Lord Jesus Christ about the challen

Jesus Christ, Peacemaker

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The One Year Book of Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament

Book Description

We tend to look to the New Testament to tell us about Jesus, yet it was the Old Testament about which Jesus said, “the Scriptures point to me!” In The One Year Book of Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament, Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie takes readers from Genesis through Malachi, shining the light of Christ on the promise of a descendent who will put an end to the curse of sin; the story of a father who offers up his son as a sacrifice; the symbol of a temple where people can meet with God; the prophecy of a servant who will suffer; the person of a king who will rule with righteousness—and so much more. Day by day throughout the year, readers will see the beauty of Christ in fresh new ways, creating a deeper understanding and appreciation for who Jesus is and what he accomplished through his Cross and Resurrection.

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