Jesus Was the Almighty God of Abraham

Book Description

* * * Metusela F. Albert says, “When you know the truth, you will easily know the error(s). But if you don’t know the truth, you will not know the error(s).” * * * This book is going to blow your mind with exclusive truth that has been hidden for decades because it was not understood by the mainline Christian (Protestant) Churches and denominations. Read it for yourself and stop being deceived by your own church. You are going to learn something that you had not known before about JESUS in the Old and New Testaments; and his two natures during his incarnation on earth. Did you not know yet that the Almighty God of Abraham did not have a Son in heaven called Jesus? . . . Did you? . . . Really? Of course! JESUS was the Almighty God of Abraham before his incarnation through Mary at Bethlehem. HE alone created the heaven and the earth. There is no other God besides him. None before him and after him. Worship is due to JESUS alone. He was the Father who became the Son of God through Mary at Bethlehem by the incarnation process. While JEHOVAH was in human flesh called Jesus, he did not cease from being God the Father. As an immortal God from eternity, Jesus Christ’s divinity cannot die. Therefore, only his humanity died at Calvary. * * * I am the author of the Book – “15 Reasons Why Babies Aren’t Born Sinners.” And My next Book is – “JESUS Wrote the Ten Commandments. He Abolished None at Calvary.” . . . This Book should be out by January 2021. * * *

Father Lord God Almighty Jesus Now

Book Description

What if there was a grave oversight in the Bible for centuries, even thousands of years:An oversight so important to it's understanding that we have had the wrong interpretation of it since? If you saw in your own Bible a hidden clue as to the exact generation the apocalypse was to happen, would you believe it? And if you found another thing never seen in the Bible by the world till now, which gives fact of "many gods" in the universe only "one" to us, and more importantly, a new God to us-named Father Lord God Almighty Jesus-would you believe your eyes? If you saw in your Bible that your God said he creates evil, and for a test to man would you believe it?

The Almighty Most High God and His Word

Book Description

Today, many people regard the Bible as a book for Church Folk; some are confused about what they hear about the Bible and would like some clarity, whereas others shy away from the Bible or disregard it completely. The Almighty Most High God and His Word was written for such a time as this. This book goes through the pages of the Bible and explores some of its major topics. For example, you will discover: The Being referred to as the Almighty Most High God, creator of all that exists. The full story of the life of man. Who and what is behind all the worlds evils. The author, a native of the Caribbean, is a devoted follower of the Almighty Most High God and has been reading the Bible for over fifty years. The purpose of writing is to help people recognize and appreciate the validity of the Bible and its relevance to all mankind.

God Almighty Jesus Christ created the Heavens and the earth

Book Description

God Almighty Jesus Christ created the Heavens and the earth By: David Serrano This good, true book is about JEHOVAH JESUS the Maker of the Heavens and the Earth, and events that occurred in antiquity, just like the Holy Bible says. Its about Divine Love, successful living and rejoicing. Its about living according to good Christian values to the best of our abilities. It has the ancient, Babylonian Chronicle about how in year 37 of King Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonians and their king conquered Egypt in the year 567 B.C.

Because God Made a Promise to Abraham

Book Description

Because God made a promise to Abraham concerning inheriting the land of Israel, a question arises. To which line of Abrahams descendants was the Promise made? Thats important because they worship different Gods. This poses the problem, who is the true God? This is the question of the ages concerning all claims of Deity. All things of life and death depend on that answer. This book addresses questions from the perspective that the God of the Bible through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the true God and the God of true Christianity. It distinguishes between true and counterfeit Christianity. The war that started with Satans attempt to dethrone God and elevate himself to the Almighty is the defining factor of conflict. Association is made between spiritual determinations and earthly happenings. The next earthly event distinguishing where we are in time is the Russian invasion of Israel. The only remaining possibility for Satans success is stopping God from keeping His promise to Abraham. The mid-east peace problem is not just about ownership of land, but about who is God? Also addressed doctrines and theories taught in error. Dispensations, covenants, and promises are defined. How Revelation is structured and plays out is explained. ne purpose of the book is to cause the reader to think. Not just about things termed religious but in truth, how all things are related, especially political. Hopefully it gives insight on how to prepare mentally, spiritually, and materially for what Scripture says will happen. Evidence shows we are the generation that experiences the Biblical end times and the fulfillment of Gods promise to Abraham. America must choose follow the true God or the Satanic one-world government! The book challenges the true Church to reestablish scripture as our highest authority and be about our task.

Our Almighty God

Book Description

Bible is a book with invaluable lessons for us. Unfortunately Christians nurture & encourage many strong but illogical beliefs based on the word by word interpretation of the Bible. Two of the many such beliefs are that Jews are the chosen people of God & that Israel is a holy land gifted to Jews by God. These beliefs have led to the creation of Israel in 1948 which in turn is extending the long standing tension between Jews and Arabs specifically & Christians and Muslims in general. Can this conflict find a closure with these beliefs intact? Can Christians contribute to diffuse this tension by abandoning these illogical beliefs? Can Christianity sustain the message of Jesus Christ while clinging on to these illogical beliefs intact? Or can Christians show leadership by adopting the true message of Jesus Christ? Can we alter the level of equality and inequality & the level of virtue and sin in our world? Or is it set constant by some divine formula? Perhaps like Einstein's theory that energy can not be destroyed or created?

God Saves

Book Description

This book is a chronological, blow-by-blow account of countless encounters and compelling testimonies of the Almighty Gods interactions with the author for over four decades. It is another proof that gives credence to the claim made by Jesus Christ concerning himself and who he is.

God A.K.A. Jesus Christ

Book Description

Schofield uses Scriptures to establish that Jesus indeed is the almighty God.80 pp.

The Oneness of God

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The Discovery of God

Book Description