Joel’s Use of Scripture and the Scripture’s Use of Joel

Book Description

The methodological approach employed in this research utilizes the hermeneutics of comparative midrash combined with aspects of Bakhtinian dialogism and intertextuality. The purpose of this enterprise is to discern the function of scripture in Joel and its New Testament Nachleben. The terms 'appropriation' and 'resignification' are descriptive of the process through which an antecedent text is transformed by its displacement, condensation, and recontextualization. These methodologies assist in giving an account of the intertextual dialogism involved in a text’s unrecorded hermeneutics. The scope of the work looks at the use of scriptural traditions within the book of Joel during the Second Temple period. There is an introduction to the hermeneutical methods employed, followed by a general introduction to the book of Joel in chapter one. Chapters two and three concern the function of scripture in Joel. Finally, the last chapter deals with Joel’s New Testament Nachleben. Each chapter has an introduction and conclusion. This work does not eschew the importance of diachronic issues. The diachronic method pays attention to the context of an antecedent’s voice, while the synchronic methodological approach pays attention to the function and purpose in which the receptor text resignifies the appropriated motifs and allusions. The diachronic becomes fused with the synchronic in the process of an allusion’s recontextualization. This study, in a heuristic manner, focuses on the way that each allusion is appropriated and resignified for the needs of both Joel’s community and those of the later NT, in order to understand the function of canonical hermeneutics.

Scripture Alone?

Book Description

Here are the classic reasons why the Protestant dogma of Sola Scriptura - "Scripture Alone" - is absolutely wrong, is unscriptural, man-made and prevents Protestants from ever having a firm doctrinal foundation. The book shows that: Christ gave us Tradition and the teaching authority of His Church; the first Christians did not have a complete Bible and Scripture itself states that it is insufficient of itself calling the Church and not the Bible "the pillar and ground of the truth."

Joel's Use of Scripture And the Scripture's Use of Joel

Book Description

This work focuses on the appropriation and resignification of scripture in Joel and its NT "Nachleben," where Israel's literature functions as "an authoritative medium of refraction," The purpose is to recover the canon's unrecorded hermeneutics at the intersection of both diachronic and synchronic textual surfaces.


Book Description

A lengthy history of readers’ struggles with Joel lies behind Merx’s characterization of the book as “the problem child of Old Testament exegesis, insofar as the resources utilized by interpreters thus far are entirely insufficient to dispel its darkness”. Long before Vernes posited that chapters 3–4 were a composition distinct from 1–2, Augustine voiced his perplexity about how the book constituted a unity. Many attempts to expound it as a unity have subdued the book’s tensions through problematic harmonizations. On the other hand, theories of the book’s development within the construction of a Book of the Twelve not only bar understanding the book as a whole, but also fall short of explaining its composition. In this volume, Ronald L. Troxel acknowledges the perennial problems raised by the book, but argues that taking account of the signs of its genre elucidates numerous cruxes and spotlights salient interpretive features that are infrequently discussed. Recognizing that chapter four comprises a series of late additions permits recognition of narrative markers that unite the first three chapters as a product of schriftgelehrte Prophetie, “scribal prophecy”. The book’s features align well with those of two other prophetic narratives fashioned as composite works: Jonah and Haggai. All three books are better accounted for in this way than through the prism of redactional expansion. Correlatively, the long-standing arguments against chapter 3 as the literary continuation of chapters 1–2 prove reliant on social conceptions of prophecy that are alien to schriftgelehrte Prophetie. Instead, Troxel shows Joel 3 to be the culmination of a didactic narrative meant to prepare a future generation to survive the Day of the Lord. The first chapter of Troxel’s study illuminates the persistent conundrums addressed in the history of interpretation, as well as the social contexts from which resolutions have been proposed. Chapters two and three address the book’s composite texture and narrative marks, while chapter four expounds its distinctive eschatology. The fifth chapter synthesizes these observations in a synopsis of Joel’s genre, scope, and meaning.

Holman Old Testament Commentary - Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah

Book Description

One in a series of twenty Old Testament verse-by-verse commentary books edited by Max Anders. Includes discussion starters, teaching plan, and more. Great for lay teachers and pastors alike.

The Theology of the Book of Joel

Book Description

The series Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (BZAW) covers all areas of research into the Old Testament, focusing on the Hebrew Bible, its early and later forms in Ancient Judaism, as well as its branching into many neighboring cultures of the Ancient Near East and the Greco-Roman world.

The Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah

Book Description

Allen's study of the Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah constitute a volume in The New International Commentary on the Old Testament. Like its companion series on the New Testament, this commentary devotes considerable care to achieving a balance between technical information and homiletic-devotional interpretation.

Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture

Book Description

2010 Reprint of 1947 Edition. According to Goldsmith, those who find god, who attain even a small measure of understanding, have wealth that neither time nor circumstance can affect. These have no concern for their material or physical well-being, because they have found that their permanent and unchanging good, their invariable life and substance are all included in god."--From Introduction.

The Abingdon Introduction to the Bible

Book Description

The Bible: enduring truths, lasting influence, complex relationships, and relevant approaches for living.

Joel & Malachi

Book Description

The book of Joel is one of the Old Testament prophetic books, but it also has a clear and close association with lament literature. Graham Ogden takes seriously the book's lament setting, exegeting it entirely from within that framework. In his commentary on the book of Malachi, Richard Deutsch examines the religious, moral, and social aspects of the early postexilic Jewish community that the prophet was addressing in this brief book.