John Calvin's Perspectival Anthropology

Book Description

This work makes three important contributions to Calvin studies and, more generally, adds to the growing literature on anthropology in the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation. First it challenges the prevalent bias toward focusing on Calvin's doctrine of God to the neglect of his doctrine of humankind. Second, it provides an original and provocative interpretation of the overall structure of Calvin's anthropology. And third, Engel's analysis of specific issues (imago dei, reason, and faith, the will, immortality and resurrection) present helpful insights into those areas of Calvin's thought which remain controversial. 'John Calvin's Perspectival Anthropology' succeeds T.F. Torrance's Calvin's Doctrine of Man as the second full-length examination of Calvin's anthropology.

The Social God and the Relational Self

Book Description

In this, the first of a six-volume contribution to systematic theology, Grenz creatively extends the insights of contemporary Trinitarian thought to theological anthropology. "The Social God and the Relational Self" is an example of theological construction as an ongoing conversation involving biblical texts, the theological heritage of the Christian tradition, and the contemporary historical-social context.

Theosis in the Theology of Thomas Torrance

Book Description

Torrance's vision of Theosis (deification/divinisation) is explored through his doctrine of creation and anthropology, his characterisation of the incarnation, his accounts of reconciliation and union with Christ, and his theology of church and sacraments. Myk Habets' study distinguishes Torrance's Reformed vision of theosis from other possible accounts of salvation as divinisation as they are found, for instance, within patristic thought and Eastern Orthodoxy. This book presents the first critique of the theology of T.F.Torrance to focus on theosis, and examines a model of theosis within the realm of reformed theology built upon Western theology.

Christian Ritualizing and the Baptismal Process

Book Description

Most people, even non-Christians, know that Christians gather for worship once a week, and that they are right there to support each other when there is a baptism or a wedding or a funeral. But what about other poignant, vulnerable, or life-changing times? How does the church help people handle changes that in the past, in Christendom, were considered "secular"? Does the church have a role at retirement when one's ministry changes, or when a family's children leave home and familiar patterns seem to grind to a halt? Is there any rite possible for someone who is called to Christian ministry but not to ordination? Or to someone whose vows are broken in divorce? Christian Ritualizing and the Baptismal Process asserts that baptism marks the beginning of a process of participation in Christ's ministry, so that no part of life can finally be considered secular. Susan Marie Smith shows how every passage, healing, and ministry vocation is "holy," and she lays the groundwork needed for every church to create the rituals necessary to lament and celebrate the endings and beginnings that happen in every Christian life.

The Brightest Mirror of God's Works

Book Description

John Calvin’s perspectives on the nature, calling, and destiny of the human being is scattered all over his extensive corpus of writings. This book attempts to provide an accurate account of the main theological motifs that governed Calvin’s doctrine on the human being, while keeping in mind variable factors such as the historical development of Calvin’s thought, the pastoral and often unsystematic orientation of his theology, and the formative impact doctrinal controversies had on his thoughts. The contribution focuses specifically on Calvin’s understanding of the created structure of the human being, her sinful nature, the human being’s union with Christ, the limits of human reason, the anthropological roots of human society and gender. The primary aim is to make the original Calvin speak. But the contribution also addresses some of the most recent debates on Calvin’s theology and identifies those impulses in his theological anthropology that bear potential for modern reflections on human existence. Like most of us, Calvin was a child of his time. However, his intellectual legacy endures and readers may well find his thoughts on the human being surprisingly refreshing and stimulating for modern anthropological and social discourses.

As in a Mirror. John Calvin and Karl Barth on Knowing God

Book Description

What does it really mean, to know God? What are the grounds for knowing God, what feeds that knowledge, and what is really known? In his search for answers to these questions, in two panels the author paints for us a clear picture of what Calvin and Barth had to say about knowing God: Calvin against the background of pre-modern culture, Barth in response to a post-Kantian culture inclined to agnosticism. Between them, like a hinge between the two panels, we find the philosophy of Kant. The two epochal theological figures are placed next to each other, but without this being at the expense of the power of either. The study does not stop with detached historical analysis, but nourishes the author’s own reflection toward a systematic design.

Children of God

Book Description

Calvin hatte großes Interesse daran, was die Bibel über den Menschen lehrt, wer er ist, was er tut, was seine Rolle und Verantwortung in der Welt ist. Vom Gottesverständnis, so Johannes Calvin, lasse sich auf ein adäquates Verständnis des Menschen schließen, denn dieser sei in Gottes Ebenbild geschaffen. Geht man Calvins Verständnis von Gott näher auf den Grund, darf eine Berücksichtigung des historischen Kontextes, in dessen Rahmen sein imago Dei entstanden ist, nicht fehlen. Jason Van Vliet bettet seine Überlegungen in die stark humanistisch geprägte Denkweise der Renaissance, seine Interaktion mit Philipp Melanchthon und seine Auseinandersetzung mit Andreas Osiander ein und kommt schließlich zu einer genauen Profilierung des imago Dei des Johannes Calvin.

Calvin and the Rhetoric of Piety

Book Description

Throughout the years, biographers have depicted John Calvin in manifold ways. Serene Jones takes a fresh look at Calvin as she draws a compelling portrait of Calvin as artist, engaged in the classical art of rhetoric. According to Jones, this art was used knowingly and skillfully by Calvin to persuade and challenge his diverse audiences. Jones offers a rhetorical reading of the first three chapters of Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. What emerges is a truly original interpretation of Calvin and his work.

John Calvin and the Grounding of Interpretation

Book Description

This book presents a new model for analyzing Calvin's biblical interpretation, rescuing him from the quagmire of anachronistic interpretations. Concentrating upon Calvin's description of biblical interpretation, the book suggests new insights for hermeneutics, exegesis in the Reformations, and Calvin's ecclesiology.