Journey Into the Heart of Reality: Spiritual Guide to Divine Ecstasy of Self-Realization

Book Description

Plunge into the Heart of Reality and discover the greatest treasure of all!!! "Buckle up your seat-belt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye" Matrix If your inquiring mind keep searching for the Ultimate Truth-Reality, if your radiant Heart is aching for the Union with the Beloved, if your beautiful Soul is longing for the all-satisfying Perfection, then this book is for you!!! Brutally honest, thought-provoking, fascinating, psychedelic, poetic, erotic and enlightening, this amazing book speaks directly to the Heart and Soul. Love, sex, drugs, philosophy, life in a spiritual cult, life as a Sadhu (Holy man) in Himalayan caves, prolong fasting and isolation, continuous experiments with the heroic doses of magic mushrooms, visits to the parallel realities - alien worlds, hells and heavens, shamanic journeys into the realm of the Absolute Creative Language (Logos), culminating with the Samavesha (Divine Possession) are just a few subjects of this voluminous book. "Journey into the Heart of Reality" is not only sweet and rosy smooth pop, but rather a real rock-n-roll of spiritual literature. It is an astonishing roller-coster of extreme life-journey with the frightening descends into a cold hells and the rocketing raptures into the incomparable Divine Ecstasy of Sublime Truth. This book breaks all taboos and well-established spiritual cliches, for it is based not on a sweet beliefs, but on the courageous experiments, utmost honesty and first-hand experiences of Divine Revelations. Shiva Somadev tears off suffocating armour and offers himself unreservedly into the sacrificial alchemical fires. Like a phoenix, he rises from the ashes with the earned wisdom to share it with those who seek for Her Majesty Divine Truth. In this ground-breaking book, author not only shares his views on the True Nature of Reality and his dramatic life-story, which itself serves as a guide to spiritual enlightenment, but most importantly, provides earnest seeker with the practical tools designed to bring an aspirant to the Divine Ecstasy of Self-Realization. The unique "Kumbhaka Prana Yoga", which was revealed to Shiva in non-ordinary states of consciousness, integrates within itself the best Yogic, Shamanic and Psychedelic methods combined into the one complete system. "Kumbhaka Prana Yoga" could be considered as one of the most powerful and quintessential spiritual techniques, able to bring earnest sadhaka to the Glory of Self-Recognition. "Kumbhaka Prana Yoga" is not for the fain-hearted, but for those ripe courageous Souls who are established themselves in the unshakable conviction that True Self is Absolute Immortal Reality, and who are ready to meet the Greatest Teacher - Lord Yama (Lord of Death) face to face. "The gates of conscious energy swung wide open and instead of breathing, the sponteneous effortless flood of Divine Language gushed in and through... I could no longer make any effort or choice, for I broke through the treshold of illusion of separate identity onto the lap of the Divine Mother, who began to shower me with her sweetest grace and overwhelming love! She - my True Beloved fully possessed me, taking me on the astonishing ride by the means of her Divine Language into the glorious heart of love and ecstasy. Nothing can prepare one for the experience of Highest Reality. When one's sadhana, spiritual efforts and self-sacrifice awakens the Grace of Devi and she allows access to her Real Nature and strips herself of all clothing, revealing her majestic nakedness, one would never believe that such beauty, such love, such intelligence, such ecstasy and such wisdom are possible... for it is beyond imagination"

Life! Realized!!

Book Description

‘Life! Realized!!’ catalogues a series of life transforming realizations that can inspire and help one live a blissful, peaceful, meaningful and purposeful life.

The Inner Journey Home

Book Description

What is the soul, and how do we come to know it? What is its journey in life, and what stages and obstacles are encountered along the way? These questions are explored here in detail according to the Diamond Approach, a spiritual path that combines systematic inquiry into personal experience, the practice of traditional spiritual methods, and the application of modern psychological research. The Inner Journey Home is the centerpiece of the Diamond Approach literature, providing a complete overview of the teaching with references to the author's other books for more details on certain topics.

The Incredible Reality of You

Book Description

This book is about Reality as it really is, not the way it appears through the senses or is understood by the mind. It is about awakening to the true reality of who and what you are beyond your mind and senses, beyond all labels and conditioning, beyond all concepts and beliefs, and beyond your wildest imaginations. This Awakening does not happen through your mind, intellect or emotions. It happens within the innermost core of your being: to the sense of "I am, I exist". It is the same sense of Being and existing you are experiencing now, only not entangled with your thoughts, sensations, emotions or perceptions. On its own level, beyond the mind, your real inner Self is unlocalized, unbounded and universal. This book is written to that innermost universal sense of pure Being, not to your mind. It provides the knowledge of the states of Consciousness on the path to total Awakening. Awakening to the true, boundless reality of your inner self is called Self-Realization, and awakening to the true reality of the world and universe is called Enlightenment. This book is about Self-Realization and Enlightenment.

Journey of Awakening

Book Description

Find the practice that’s right for you with this exploration of the many paths of meditation—from mantra, prayer, singing, visualizations, and “just sitting” to movement meditations such as tai chi “Everyone has experienced a moment of pure awareness. A moment without thinking ‘I am aware’ or ‘that is a tree.’ Such moments bring a sense of rightness, of clarity, of being at one. Such moments are the essence of meditation.”—Ram Dass Ram Dass is an American psychologist and spiritual teacher who has studied and practiced meditation for many years. Here he shares his understanding and suggests how you can find methods suitable for you. He illuminates the stages and benefits of meditative practice, and provides wise and often humorous advice on overcoming difficulties along the way.

Into the Heart of the Infinite

Book Description

Embark on a Profound Spiritual Journey with "Into the Heart of the Infinite."A Captivating Memoir by Maetreyii Ma Nolan, Ph.D.This insightful narrative speaks to the deep truth of human life and the amazing potential we all hold within us. Dr. Nolan's latest work chronicles a powerful narrative, tracing a woman's journey from childhood divine visitations through the depths of mystical psychedelic experiences and passages to India to meet her guru. As a real-life story, the memoir encapsulates the highs and lows of spiritual transformation, self-doubt, loss of faith, and the emergence of a deep, lifelong relationship with the Divine, manifesting as an inner Guru/Guide. It presents an unparalleled account of what it is like to experience the God Self flowing through. The authentic descriptions of little miracles, mystic moments, and the undying love of the infinite for all beings mark the book as a must-read for those seeking an understanding of the unity of all existence and the profound depths of spiritual awakening.

Spiritual Ascension - the Journey to the 4th and 5th Dimensions

Book Description

This book aims to aid you on your journey of spiritual ascension. This book has been written to invite you to explore your spiritual self and to remind you of your Divine power, to assist you in processing the new levels of vibrational frequency, to expand your conscious awareness and to help you on your path to experience reality in the 4th and 5th dimensions.This books aims to connect you with your heart space and spiritual core, resonating with your energies and higher self to support you on your physical experience on the Earth plane. It is a guide in helping you in re-discovering who you are, your higher purpose and recognition of your creative potential as we lift our vibrations to ascend to the 4th and 5th dimensions.The higher dimensions will allow you to experience life with a new perspective, with a connectedness to your higher self, all other souls on Earth, in existence and in the universe.Each page in this book has been written in the knowledge that those drawn to reading its words are in the process of a spiritual awakening, and are on the path of ascension. I hope its pages bring to you inspiration and joy as that was its intention and its reason for being.

The Direct Way

Book Description

Join renowned spiritual teacher Adyashanti for a practice-based journey out of the thinking mind and into the awakened awareness beyond perceptual reality. For renowned teacher Adyashanti, every single moment contains a doorway into spiritual awakening. But what does it actually mean to “wake up” to the truth of reality? And what does it take to recognize these opportunities? In The Direct Way, Adya (as his students call him) offers a sequence of 30 practices intended to connect with and cultivate ever-greater awareness of the unseen dimensions of your being. From the simple expression of “I am,” to an exploration of the Spiritual Heart, and all the way into the fundamental ground of being, these exercises emphasize that the process of awakening takes “many small glimpses, experienced many times.” Adya concludes with practical pointers on how to integrate transcendent experiences into the everyday fabric of life—including your career, personal goals, and intimate relationships. Here you will discover: • How to dis-identify from conceptual, ego-based thinking • Perceiving the ego as a tool to navigate consciousness rather than an obstacle • The “knowing yet empty” quality of foundational awareness • The surprising route to realizing awareness of the Spiritual Heart • Feeling through the Spiritual Heart as a way to experience true interconnection • The meaning of the Zen teaching phrase, “This very body is the Buddha” • Exploring the exhilarating paradox of Being and Becoming • How to establish anchor points to stabilize your journey into the Ground of Being • What it means to live each day with “enlightened relativity” • How awakening puts control of your experience in your hands—but also the responsibility for it No one experiences awakening quite the same. With The Direct Way, join Adya to discover pathways toward an awareness as wide as the sky and as personal as your innermost heart.

Stepping Between Realities

Book Description

In Michael J. Roads' latest book, Stepping... Between ... Realities, his metaphysical adventures take him to the galaxy in which we physically live-a galaxy with which we have only a remote relationship. We are not alone! He metaphysically enters a black hole for an experience beyond his wildest imaginings. He encounters a galactic Being which is a galaxy within itself, and also visits a few of the many utterly amazing astral worlds. Michael explains, "Over my lifetime I have learned that it is possible to move into my metaphysical Light-body and access that greater reality. I step . . . Between . . . realities. This book is filled with my unique insights gained by metaphysically journeying into realms and realities beyond imagination. My astonishing, consciousness-expanding journey into the dynamic, living energy we call our sun, is just one such indication of the miraculous universe in which we live. The galaxy is not dead matter and endless space; it is filled with consciousness, purpose, direction . . . life!" This latest book follows Michael J. Roads' popular trilogy "Through the Eyes of Love, Journeying with Pan" Books One, Two and Three.

Path to the Light of Consciousness

Book Description

This book is dedicated to any seeker, who desires not only to understand more about the meaning of Life, but to integrate it well to make a concrete positive impact in his experience here on Earth, as he progresses. It is dedicated to those who would like a tool to propel their own self-realization. In this book, you will find the guiding line of Pierre Dubuc's career, the evolution of his approach of spiritual regression over more than forty years. You will read how he knew how to bring more and more people throughout his life to walk towards obtaining increased well-being in all spheres of human experience, by supporting them in sessions allowing them to expand their consciousness for a better understanding of who they are and their relationship with the Source of Life, and this, through the exercise of their free will. You will learn how, through these accompaniments for more than four decades, he came to receive light guidance and develop the program of the Genesis of our Energy into Matter from our Spirit (GEMS), which is accessible to everyone wishing to achieve more global self-realization for a better life experience. This book thus leads to presenting you with a program of twelve sessions, very concrete, precise, effective, structured, on which you can find more information here: This book also discusses the interdimensional aspect of the soul. Specifically, it deals with the reality that some souls have had experiences in higher planes of consciousness before incarnating on Earth. At this level, the author focuses on the beneficial aspects of reconnecting and reactivating our soul knowledge and experiences in a place of higher consciousness called "The Pleiades". The program available here allows you, if you feel called, to move quickly in releasing the energies underlying the experiences that contrast with your well-being and what the center of your heart and consciousness really desires to do here in your life on Earth. In doing so, the program supports reintegrating, in all your being and all your dimensions, more of your Source energy, and being able to benefit from this fact from a more satisfying experience of life. The program in spiritual regression, presented in this last book that Pierre Dubuc wrote before leaving the body, is truly a gift of opening of consciousness.