Global Heritage Stone

Book Description

This Special Publication is dedicated to heritage stone: those natural stones that have special significance in human culture. Some stones that have had important uses in the past are now neglected because they are no longer extracted. Others are still commercially important, but their heritage uses have not been well documented in widely available sources. The Heritage Stone Task Group of the International Union of Geological Sciences is working to establish a new formal designation of ‘Global Heritage Stone Resource’ to recognize those stones that have had internationally significant architectural and ornamental uses. The aim is to spread awareness of the cultural heritage aspects of these stones, to help to encourage continued supply for maintenance and repair of important monuments and to preserve historically important quarries. The aim is neither to promote nor to limit these stones for new construction: in some cases continuing commercial use might help to ensure future supplies for building conservation purposes.

Radiolarians in the Sedimentary Record

Book Description

Radiolarians in the Sedimentary Record presents the current state of knowledge on fossil radiolarians. The author discusses the record, as well as new integrated taxonomic systems at the family level. The book provides comprehensive coverage of the fossil record of these unicellular organisms. It also discusses their important role in the history of the Earth and their development of the biosphere. This text will prove indispensable for graduate students and researchers in geology, oceanography and earth sciences.

Mesozoic Corals of Slovenia

Book Description

Velik del slovenskega ozemlja je zgrajen iz mezozojskih, to je triasnih, jurskih in krednih karbonatnih kamnin, katerih pomemben delež sestavljajo koralni grebeni. Ti so v Sloveniji mestoma tako obsežni, da se prištevajo med največje in najbogatejše v svetu. Njihovi glavni graditelji so korale, ki jih avtorica raziskuje že vrsto let. Knjiga združuje rezultate vseh dosedanjih del in jih dopolnjuje z najnovejšimi raziskavami doma in s sodobnimi ugotovitvami v svetu. Po enotnem sistemu je predstavljenih 211 vrst koral, ki po starosti sodijo v zgornji trias, zgornjo juro ter spodnjo in zgornjo kredo.

The Western Alps, from Rift to Passive Margin to Orogenic Belt

Book Description

Annotation The objective of the book is to provide an updated synthesis of the evolution of the Alpine fold belt hitherto not available in English. The overall concept is to build on classical Alpine geological studies made since the start of the 19thcentury by integrating this work with modern results obtained systematically on mid ocean ridges and passive margins worldwide over the past 50 years using new marine geological and geophysical technologies. The book thus provides an integrated overview of the evolution of the Alps from rift to passive margin to the present fold belt over a time span of 300my. * an integrated multidisciplinary synthesis of the evolution of the Alps from rift to passive margin to foldbelt. * 175 figures, structural maps and cross sections. * an index of localities referred to in the fext and figures. * a brief summary of the history and development of ideas concerning the evolution of fold belts and passive margins since the 19th century. * provides basis for further enquire and research * provides wider context relevant to marine and oil industry geoscientists.