Kaleidoscope of Life

Book Description

The word Kaleidoscope derives from the Greek word (kalos), which means beautiful. As a child I loved kaleidoscopes. Each time you turn the tube the beads of glass would form different shapes and patterns, one more beautiful than the other. Writing this book, it reminded me of how life is. Take Ms. Ellie, who reaches out to help a young widow, not knowing the depth of pain this family faces. Ms. Ellie must face even her own dark secret. "Harold Winslow" begins with a car crash, the same day his mom and sister dies, but then there is the remarkable witness. In "The Visitor" Mildred Stark is a lonely widow with a son she never sees. Her life is interrupted by two strangers and a baby, unfolding the feelings she had long buried. "Crossing Over": When a man's wife-whom you killed-keeps visiting you, how do you take this second chance, when crime is all you've known? "Remy": Remy's man won her in a card game. What happens when you get sick of being abused? Where do you run to? Each story has its own twist and turn. As you read each story let the words take shape...

The Kaleidoscope Called Life

Book Description

What is life, if not the journey between birth and death! Yet, life does not cease to cause disarray, it does not stop at bad days, does not think enough is enough. This poetry collection titled “The Kaleidoscope Called Life” explores every emotion that life puts forth and what it really means to experience them. It is a documentation of feelings, of memories, of thoughts and of ideas in the form of verse - the lines that can make you cry, make you laugh, make you angry, lines that play with your sensations; just like how life plays with you. This semi-autobiographical anthology is divided into four parts all of which explore various sensations one feels. The collection looks at the many things that make life enjoyable. It also touches upon diverse issues that people face and demands solutions from people who can make a change. This anthology is a roller-coaster ride, unpredictable like life, but makes for one assorted read.

Kaleidoscope of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life

Book Description

What colour could the dinosaurs have been? Kaleidoscope of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life explores with vibrant illustrations and incredible cutting edge theories just how dinosaurs and other extinct creatures might have looked.

Kaleidoscope : my life's multiple reflections

Book Description

Kaleidoscope is Marcela’s Del Sol’s first work of fiction; a collection of beautifully written reflections about the life and struggles of a woman co-existing with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) and Dissociative Identity Syndrome (DID). Marcela Del Sol is an Australian writer, philanthropist and social activist. She moved to Australia from her home country, Chile, as a young adult, and, a few years ago, began to share her physical existence with multiple alters of her character, following a serious car accident. As the incapacitating symptoms of her disorder started to appear in Marcela’s daily life, she not only learned how to adapt to living as multiple alters in the same body, but also found the courage to thrive under challenging circumstances. In Kaleidoscope, Marcela shares her own personal coping mechanisms and strategies through the voice of her fictional character, Lucia. Join Lucia and her captivating alters on an extraordinary journey into the mind and heart of a woman who lives with Dissociative Identity Syndrome. The deeply compelling chapters, narrated by the various alters of the author and her main fictional antagonist, reveal much about the strength of the human spirit, and its ability to find a way back from the darkest of places, where everything seems lost.


Book Description

If death be the end, then life can only be a mean. But when we seek a meaning for life, then death is revealed as just a transformation, and life a continuous whole, where we enter and exit through birth and death with a very short conscious memoryin most cases of just a single lifetime. And if the end be the liberation of soul from this incessant cycle of life and death, then what the means should be, is what this book attempts to answer. The book is in four parts, each suggesting a way to this end. Each part respectively traces the path of a seer, a doer, a lover, and a believer, and unfolds their individual journeys to the same destinyin a beautifully lyrical and appealing manner, in an endeavour to instigate soul-searching among its readers.

Kaleidoscope - musings of life chronicles -

Book Description

Jean-Jacques Fournier is a native of Montreal. He started writing poetry in earnest while living in California in the early eighties. In the process of reinventing himself numerous times, his penchant for the language of poetry seemed best suited to express emotional experiences.He then spent several years pursuing his writing in the South of France, during which time he published his first three books. He has since moved back to Canada and is now living in the Eastern Townships of the province of Quebec with his French wife Marianne, and two Maine Coon cats. He has published nine books to date, this being his tenth.

To Life

Book Description

To Life brings to paper the authors thirty-year journey of inner and outer exploration. It aims to support the readers toward the way back home and to ultimately contribute to humanity and our planet. The author recognises that it is only by means of each individual coming home that personal lives can be enriched and bettered and that hope can be brought to todays troubled world and humanity. To Life asks the essential questions about life, humanity, and individual existencequestions that must be asked if we are to live consciously, meaningfully, joyfully, and fully and be whole and at peace with ourselves, with each other, and with all life on this planet. To Life is not only inspirational but also practical. The nature of an inner journey with its potential joys and trials unveils as the author takes the readers by the hand, supports, encourages, and guides them toward taking the steps required to make their own discoveries and to realise who they are at essence as human beings and as the individuals they are. Indeed, they are shown the path back home. These steps include the unveiling of the human condition with its gifts and pitfalls, the discovery of ones centre and learning how to stay with it, the unveiling of the mystery of lifes experiences, of ones feelings and thoughts and learning how to be with them, and the realisation of the true power, freedom, and love within.

A Holy Kaleidoscope

Book Description

Pennsylvania to New Mexico in January of 1975. With no resolute plan, no job skills, and no promise of income, her dismal prospects were more attractive than the abuse she left behind. Annie quickly encountered a dangerous ice storm she would battle for more than one thousand miles. Lofty goals to provide her children with at least one healthy parent, but with no clear-cut path, were fraught with overwhelming challenges—many serious, some humorous, and some joyful—in a time when social services were not yet on the scene. But this was a woman the Lord destined for His purposes. Their meeting and walk together make a remarkable story, marked with the supernatural workings of a loving, merciful God, faithful to His promises. A Holy Kaleidoscope is a hopeful story of a mother’s mission to provide a better life for her children and herself. On this journey, Annie grows in her faith and learns to rely on Jesus as she navigates the challenges of life as a divorced single mom. Her story shows that when we give our broken pieces to the Lord, He will put them back together into marvelous and radiant gems, complete with redemption.


Book Description

Life with God is a huge gulp of fresh air. Our existence as children of God should reflect unending, unbounded delight in the infinite glory of our Father. Too often this is not the case in our lives as we stagger far from God’s expansive vision. But hope reigns. God has promised abundant life brightly illuminated with His glory. In LifeSpace, Joni Powers and Bob Pyne write for all who want to experience anew the life-giving breath of the Creator. They encourage readers to embrace the gift of expansive life that God is offering to each of us. This is only realized, they explain, as we properly understand the person of God, our relationship with Him, and the radical freedom of grace. This visionary book is a life-altering call to a way of being that results in transformation with every breath. Come and join the conversation with those seeking lives that delight in God, a place of transcendent rest and a limitless horizon of possibility.

Feeding the Roots of Self-Expression and Freedom

Book Description

This curriculum-based collection of lesson plans is designed to build student confidence for articulating their unique ideas and sensibilities about the world through literary expression. For this book, Jimmy Santiago Baca, one of the foremost poets in America today, collaborates with two National Writing Project Fellows and literacy professionals, Kym Sheehan and Denise VanBriggle. Together they present a teaching tool that uses poems from Baca’s incarceration as a young man, along with curricular activities and probing questions crafted to help students heal through writing. Each exercise reinforces the theme that a strong grasp of self-esteem borne from unique expression lends itself to the student enjoying day-to-day life at the highest creative and fulfilling level. Book Features: Draws on the extraordinary life and career of Jimmy Santiago Baca, who came to write poetry in prison and now has 28 works in print, ranging from a feature movie Blood In Blood Out to his bestselling memoir A Place to Stand. Based on the authors’ combined experience of facilitating hundreds of writing workshops. Offers field-tested recommendations to help educators inspire and fortify students suffering from doubt or damaged self-esteem. Includes detailed descriptions, exercises, and sample poetry to assist teachers and students in the writing process.