Khadijah Story of Islam's First Lady

Book Description

Your Mother is a Legend Her name is Khadijah (RA). She was the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad (S), the first to believe in his message and the first mother of the greatest nation history has ever seen. As you work towards reaching Jannah, and meeting your mother Khadijah, it will certainly help if you did a little preparation beforehand and got to know about her story. This book has been specially crafted to help you do that. You see, most of the stories you've heard about Khadijah have probably been raw translations from classical sources. While they sound captivating in the original Arabic language, there's quite a lot that's lost when they are translated into English. So rather than sticking with a dry narrative, we decided to get to the core of the stories and tell them in a fluid style that the modern reader is accustomed to today. Here's how we did it: You'll find that the rich descriptions immerse you within the scenes. We weaved a flowing narrative that renders a seamless reading experience. We've stuck to historical sources, so the story loses nothing of its original iman elevating inspiration. We've crafted the book with a large text layout making it accessible for young readers as well as adults. So get to know your mother, give this book a read, inspire yourself for that meeting in Jannah in-sha-Allah! This book has been our fastest selling book upon launch and is an ideal read for teens and adults as well as late Primary aged children.

Khadijah Story of Islam's First Lady

Book Description

Your Mother is a Legend Her name is Khadijah (RA). She was the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad (S), the first to believe in his message and the first mother of the greatest nation history has ever seen. As you work towards reaching Jannah, and meeting your mother Khadijah, it will certainly help if you did a little preparation beforehand and got to know about her story. This book has been specially crafted to help you do that. You see, most of the stories you've heard about Khadijah have probably been raw translations from classical sources. While they sound captivating in the original Arabic language, there's quite a lot that's lost when they are translated into English. So rather than sticking with a dry narrative, we decided to get to the core of the stories and tell them in a fluid style that the modern reader is accustomed to today. Here's how we did it: You'll find that the rich descriptions immerse you within the scenes. We weaved a flowing narrative that renders a seamless reading experience. We've stuck to historical sources, so the story loses nothing of its original iman elevating inspiration. We've crafted the book with a large text layout making it accessible for young readers as well as adults. So get to know your mother, give this book a read, inspire yourself for that meeting in Jannah in-sha-Allah! This book has been our fastest selling book upon launch and is an ideal read for teens and adults as well as late Primary aged children.


Book Description

Khadija: The First Lady of Islam is a scholarly biography of Mohammad


Book Description

Exploring the birth period of Islam, this biography focuses on one of the most prominent and respected Muslim women in history, Khadija, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Addressing both her devotion and her leadership roles in Mecca, this book shines light on a figure who is an inspiration to women, both Muslim and non-Muslim alike.


Book Description

This work of historical fiction chronicles the life of Khadija, the first wife of the Islam's Prophet Mohammad. It interweaves the predominate culture of her day into the telling of her life, allowing the reader to understand what it is like to be a rich merchant's daughter in Pre-Islamic Mecca surrounded by the misogynic practices of exchanging their daughters or burying female infants alive. But despite these institutional prejudices against women and girls, Khadija was called "Princess of the Quraysh", "Princess of the Merchants", and "Mother of the Orphans". She directed men in her successful business of camel caravans and supported charitable causes which no doubt went against the social norms of her time. She was named as one of the four greatest women of all time by her third husband, Mohammad, the Prophet of Islam. This work also has extensive end-notes which further detail the aspects of Arabian culture prevalent at the time of Khadija. This work is suitable for all readers of historical fiction in outlining the life of 'The First Lady of Islam".

Hazrat Khadijah bint Khuwaylid

Book Description

Hazrat Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, The First Muslim Khadijah, the first wife of the last Prophet of Allah and the first Believer, evokes a most extraordinary personality. She was, with Abu Talib, one of the two greatest supporters of Islam and the Muslims. She played a heavenly role in the history of nascent Islam. Exploring the gestation period of Islam, this biography focuses on the remarkable life story of one of the four greatest women of all time, one who wholeheartedly proclaimed her submission to the divine message delivered through the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). My respect, love, and appreciation for her grew considerably while researching and writing this book. Addressing her unparalleled devotion to the message of the Prophet, this book shines a light on a figure who is an ideal role model for all men and women, Muslim and non-Muslim alike.

Allah Loves

Book Description

In Allah Loves... Omar Suleiman explores who and what Allah loves so that we may become one of those who are beloved to Him. The Prophet Muhammad said that one of the supplications of Prophet Dawud was, “O Allah I ask You for Your love and the love of those that love You and all of those actions that would bring me closer to being loved by you.” Looking at our actions, characteristics and beliefs, this book will help us become better people, citizens and believers that are deserving of Allah's endless, infinite and ever-lasting love. Made up of 30 short and spiritually enriching chapters, this book is a reminder that throughout our lives, the Creator's love is always there, increasing through everyday actions such as showing generosity or remaining consistent with unnoticeable good deeds.

Prayers of the Pious

Book Description

This inspirational collection of prayers and reminders is the perfect companion for anyone who wishes to connect to the Divine. Shaykh Omar Suleiman provides us with thirty short prayers taken from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and the early generations, each with a short reminder to deepen the impact of the prayer in our lives. Prayers of the Pious provides spiritual gems that serve as valuable wisdom and practical advice for the soul. By reading this short work with an attentive heart, the reader can cultivate love for God and His Messenger and live life with gratitude and contentment.


Book Description

This book portrays one of the most significant personalities in the history of Islam. Taking the misunderstandings and defamation about her into consideration, Aisha needs to be understood correctly. This study by Dr Resit Haylamaz, an expert on the life of the Prophet and his leading Companions, reflects her life in various aspects based on reliable reports. The book clarifies her critical role at establishing the Islamic teaching, with particular reference to her role in the transmission of private matters concerning women and marital relations, as well as recording the authentic sayings of the Prophet. As her sensitivity at practicing religion is related in a rich variety of examples, much disputed issues like her marriage age and her stance about Ali ibn Abi Talib are covered as separate topics.

The Story of Khadija (Goodword)

Book Description

One day, the Prophet Muhammad was describing Khadija’s virtue, and he pointed to the heaven and earth with his finger and stated, “Mary, mother of Jesus, is the best of the women of the heavens, and the worthiest woman still living on this earth is Khadija, daughter of Khuwaylid.” Khadija’s life is a source of great inspiration to believers, especially women. She is an excellent example of how one can give to the cause of Islam one’s time, energy, wealth and life. Her story is a reminder to believers to live purposeful lives and, in our prayers, we should remember Khadija and the whole family of the Prophet for their sacrifice and dedication. It was precisely their sacrifice, dedication and hard work that made it possible for Islam to reach all the four corners of the world and allowed the Quran to be preserved in its original form. May Allah be pleased with them all. Once when the Prophet Muhammad was in the Cave of Hira with the angel Jibril, or Gabriel, Jibril saw from afar that Khadija was coming towards the Cave. He said to the Prophet: “Khadija is coming here. She has brought some food and water for you.” And then he added: “When she comes in, give her the greetings from her Lord and tell her that there will be a house made of pearls for her in Paradise where there will be neither hardship nor any clamour.” When Khadija arrived, the Prophet said to her: “Here is Jibril. He is giving greetings to you from your Lord and he himself is greeting you.” Khadija replied: “God is peace and He is the source of all peace! May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you, O Messenger of Allah. And my greeting to Jibril!”