L'essentiel du Droit de la sécurité sociale 2011

Book Description

Ce livre présente en 18 chapitres l'ensemble des connaissances nécessaires à la compréhension du droit de la Sécurité sociale. Il intègre les textes législatifs et réglementaires les plus récents, y compris la loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale pour 2011. Au total, une présentation synthétique, rigoureuse et pratique du Droit de la Sécurité sociale applicable en 2011.

L'essentiel du Droit de la protection sociale

Book Description

L'essentiel du Droit de la protection sociale (2e éd.) est une synthèse rigoureuse, pratique et à jour de l'ensemble des connaissances que le lecteur doit avoir. 7 Chapitres. Tout y est !

Les solidarités entre générations

Book Description

L’ampleur des enjeux humains, économiques et sociaux posés par la question des solidarités entre générations a conduit l’International society of Family Law (ISFL) à choisir ce thème pour son XVe congrès mondial. Plus de 200 intervenants, venus de 50 pays, ont abordé ces questions sous l’angle juridique, mais aussi philosophique, économique et anthropologique. Cet ouvrage présente une partie de ces communications organisées autour de deux grands thèmes : l’enfant au cœur des solidarités familiales et la prise en charge des aînés par la famille. Des phénomènes tels que l’allongement de la durée de la vie, l’urbanisation des populations, la difficulté d’entrée sur le marché du travail ou encore l’éclatement des modèles familiaux traditionnels marquent notre monde contemporain et impliquent la disparition d’anciennes solidarités et l’apparition de nouvelles solidarités redessinant les relations entre générations, posant alors le problème du sort des personnes les plus fragiles : les enfants, les malades, les handicapés et, surtout, les personnes âgées. – Quel est alors le rôle de la famille et des collectivités dans la protection de ces personnes ? – Quels rapports entre solidarités publiques et solidarités privées ? – Quels sont les droits et libertés reconnus aux personnes que l’âge, la maladie ou le handicap, placent en situation de dépendances ? Telles sont les questions au cœur de cet ouvrage. The importance of the human, economic and social issues caused by the question of generations’ solidarities led the International Society of Family Law to choose this theme for its XVIth World Congress (Lyon, July 19-23rd 2011). More than 200 speakers from 50 countries studied these questions from the legal angle, but also philosophic, economic and anthropological. This work collects a part of these papers about two great issues: the child, as the center of family solidarities; and the support for elders by family. Phenomena such as increasing life expectancy, population urbanization, labor-market entry barriers, decline of traditional family patterns, mark in depth our contemporary world and involve old solidarity disappearance and new solidarity emergence, reshaping relations between generations while bringing up the problem of the fate of the most vulnerable: children, the sick, disabled, and especially elderly people. – What then is the role of families and communities in protecting these people? – What is the relationship between public and private solidarity? – What are the rights and freedoms of people placed by age, illness or disability in a dependence situation? These are the issues addressed by the authors of this book.

Retirement Home? Ageing Migrant Workers in France and the Question of Return

Book Description

This open access book offers new insights into the ageing-migration nexus and the nature of home. Documenting the hidden world of France’s migrant worker hostels, it explores why older North and West African men continue to live past retirement age in this sub-standard housing. Conventional wisdom holds that at retirement labour migrants ought to instead return to their families in home countries, where their French pensions would have far greater purchasing power. This paradox is the point of departure for a book which transports readers from the banlieues of Paris to the banks of the Senegal River and the villages of the Anti-Atlas. In intimate ethnographic detail, the author brings to life the experiences of these older labour migrants by sharing in the life of the hostels as a resident, by observing at close quarters the men's family life on the other side of the Mediterranean as a guest in their homes, and even by accompanying them in their travels by bus, sea, and air. The monograph evaluates several theories of migration against rich qualitative data gathered from multiple methods: biographical narrative and semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and archival research. In the process, it offers a thoughtful contribution to broader debates on what it means for migrants to belong and achieve inclusion in society. This book has been awarded an ‘honourable mention’ in the Khayrallah Prize in Migration Studies, courtesy of the Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies at North Carolina State University. For more information please see: https://lebanesestudies.ncsu.edu/awards/scholarly/2018.php. This book has been nominated for the 2019 BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Prize

Book Description

Politics and the Histories of International Law

Book Description

This book brings together 18 contributions by authors from different legal systems and backgrounds. They address the political implications of the writing of the history of legal issues ranging from slavery over the use of force and extraterritorial jurisdiction to Eurocentrism.