La empresa española ante la crisis del modelo productivo

Book Description

Lograr que España vuelva a una senda estable de crecimiento requiere caminar hacia un modelo de crecimiento basado principalmente en las ganancias de productividad. Para ello las transformaciones en el ámbito de la empresa son esenciales. Este libro estudia la empresa española y su entorno desde una perspectiva microeconómica. Se utilizan bases de datos que ofrecen información de un número representativo de empresas para estudiar distintos aspectos relevantes agrupados en torno a tres ejes. El primero de ellos es la productividad y su relación con la externalización de actividades, con la regulación de los servicios y con las capacidades de gestión de los directivos. La segunda parte de la monografía se centra en las actividades de I+D+i de las empresas españolas: el papel de la competencia, las características de las empresas según su estrategia de I+D+i y la importancia del tamaño, entre otras. El tercer eje considera el impacto de la crisis en dos ámbitos: el componente cíclico de la inversión en intangibles y la situación económico-financiera de las empresas. Esta publicación continúa con la línea de investigación del Ivie y de la Fundación BBVA, dedicada al estudio de la productividad como determinante del crecimiento económico a largo plazo. En esta ocasión la aproximación considera a la empresa como el centro de atención, en lugar de examinar agregados nacionales o sectoriales. Este enfoque permite profundizar en el conocimiento de los determinantes de la productividad y aporta luz sobre las grandes diferencias que existen dentro del mundo empresarial. Para ello se ha contado con especialistas académicos expertos en el análisis microeconómico de cada uno de los temas tratados. Esta obra presenta un análisis riguroso para todos aquellos lectores, tanto académicos como gestores de empresas y de política económica, que quieran conocer y profundizar en los puentes que unen la situación macroeconómica española con las decisiones y el entorno empresarial.

El boom, la crisis y la recuperación

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En las páginas que componen este libro se pretende exponer lo que ha ocurrido en la economía española en los últimos veintidós años, con el propósito de divulgar los mejores datos posibles sobre el quehacer económico y dar respuesta a una cuestión muy precisa: ¿se ha producido un cambio de modelo productivo en la economía española a raíz de la crisis que ha cuajado en la reciente recuperación económica? Una aportación que va más allá de la información de las noticias económicas divulgadas en los medios de comunicación, tanto por el periodo temporal como por los datos que se detallan, y que ofrece interés no solo para lectores de información económica sino para todas aquellas personas interesadas en conocer qué ha pasado y qué pasa en España en el terreno económico.

Crises and Transformation in the Mediterranean World

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This edited collection presents an economic history of Catalonia and its economic crises, from Roman times to the political difficulties of the present day. It considers how the strong identity of the Catalan people has been reinforced in critical episodes such as the commercial revolution of the Late Medieval Age, the 1640 rebellion, the Succession War of 1705-1714, the industrial revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and the strong repression during early Francoism. The book also explores how historical parallels from Catalonia’s past might shed light on the long-term consequences of the Great Recession of 2007-9 and recovery in the EU, showing how the typical Mediterranean approach of adjusting to crises by depreciating currencies and expanding public deficits has been less straightforward during the most recent financial crisis. A particularly deep slump has contributed to fostering the claim for independence of Catalonia in recent times, echoing larger dissatisfaction with EU monetary policy. With a comprehensive overview of major events in Catalonian economic history and their broader implications to European political economy and development, this book will be of interest to students and academics in economic history, social history, and monetary economics.

Towards a Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities between Europe and Latin America

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This open access volume identifies the common and specific aspects of social mechanisms that generate inequalities, through comparative analyses of different dimensions in which inequalities are expressed. It includes studies on social inequalities in 5 European and 5 Latin American countries, along 11 thematic axes: inequalities in the labour market and labour trajectories; asymmetries in the relationship between training and employment; inequalities in work and family life; educational inequalities; geographical and social inequalities: ethnicity and language; social inequalities, migration and space; uncertainty, strategies, resources and capabilities; inequality of opportunity: intergenerational social mobility; social policies; gender inequalities; and research methodology. This volume is the result of a large collaborative project on social inequality funded by the European Commission: the International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities. Taking into account diverse perspectives and approximations, the collaborators have created a general analytical framework as a model of analysis of social inequalities. The various contributions in this volume help readers gain a global outlook and help reflect on social inequalities in a comparative perspective. This volume addresses social science graduate and postgraduate students, researchers, social policy makers, as well as a broader academic audience interested in social inequality.

Finding Solutions for a Post-Crisis Society

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Since 2007 and the economic meltdown caused by the financial crisis, our societies have been evolving in different ways. New political movements have emerged in Southern Europe and new social movements in pursuit of common concerns are playing a more active role in our daily lives. In a parallel way, after the failure to predict the financial crisis, economist and social science researchers seek fresh thinking and new models that can better explain this new reality. Regulations are of critical importance in shaping the welfare of economies and society. Thus, core legal disciplines are exploring the effects of the financial crisis on social rights, labour market regulations, and civil, common law or international law, among others. With no doubt, the economic crisis has deeply impacted our economic, social, political and legal environment. During the last decade, researchers from a wide range of disciplines have been looking for solutions. Now it is time make a side stop on the way and to gather results. The 1rst International SBRLab Conference, Finding solutions for a post-crisis society, is organized by the Social and Business Research Lab (SBRLab), Universitat Rovira i Virgili. It is as an international and virtual meeting point of interdisciplinary research and researchers. The purpose of this international conference is to bring together researchers from management, economics, political, social and legal disciplines in order to present and discuss new trends in their respective fields.

The Balance between Worker Protection and Employer Powers

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This book analyses the most important problems and challenges of the current labour market from the point of view of the balance between the parties of the employment contract. The contributions here are related to various pressing topics, including, for example, the future of work and worker protection on an international level against the strengthening of employers’ powers. In addition, the nature and limits of employers’ power, non-competition contractual clauses and workers’ rights in the face of new communication and information technologies are also discussed. The contributors are drawn from several countries, such as Portugal, Spain, Bolivia, Italy, México and Switzerland. The book will appeal to lawyers, legal experts, human resources experts, economist, judges, academia, and staff from companies and trade unions, and employers’ representation. The volume features insights and contributions in different languages, with chapters in Spanish (12), English (4) and Portuguese (5).

Evolution of Family Business

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Family businesses are everywhere, but there is little information regarding their growth and development. This book is one of the few to analyse the identity and evolution of the largest family businesses in Latin America and Spain. With contributions from 20 scholars from 12 different countries, the book compares the relationship of families in business within their national economies, foreign capital, migration, and politics. The authors deny the existence of a ‘Latin type’ of family capitalism in their countries, and highlight diversity, and national and regional differences. This interdisciplinary book will be useful for students and scholars of economics, management, history, sociology, and anthropology. Politicians, family business consultants, family businesses, and international institutions will also benefit from insights within this book.

The Political Economy of Contemporary Spain

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The so-called ‘Spanish miracle’, beginning in the mid-1990s, eventually became a nightmare for the majority of the population, culminating in the present-day economic and political crisis. This book explores the main features of the Spanish political-economic model during both the growth and crisis periods. Analyzing the causes and consequences of the continuing economic crisis in Spain, this book delves into five analytical axes: the evolution of the growth model; the role of Spain in the international division of labor; the financial sector and its influence on the rest of the economy; changes in the labor market; and the distributional consequences of both the expansive phase and the later crisis. Furthermore, contributors examine the formation of a triangle of actors (the government sector, building sector, and financial capital) that shaped the Spanish growth model, together with the effects of Spain’s membership in the Economic and Monetary Union. Also considering ecological problems, gender issues, and the immigration question, this book challenges the alleged recovery of living conditions during recent years, as well as the explanation of the crisis as the result of irrational behaviors or the greedy nature of certain actors. The Political Economy of Contemporary Spain provides a coherent explanation of the Spanish economic crisis based on a pluralistic approach, while proposing several measures that could contribute to a transformation of Spain’s economic and social models.

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Industrial relations and financial globalization

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Capitalism in its modern form has become universal and has a presence in practically every country in the world, including those which once called themselves Communist. This book studies its effects on different labor markets, from those linked to highly tertiary economies (EU-27, USA and Japan, to the most productive economies, such as China, and on to economic models that are in full transition from secondary to tertiary economies, as is the case in several Latin American countries.