La gestion des ressources humaines

Book Description

La mutation de la "fonction du personnel" en une mission de "gestion des resources humaines" est due essentiellement à la nécessité d'un déploiement des potentialités existantes ainsi que du développement des compétences. L'introduction du "facteur humain" dans la manière de conduire les activités de l'entreprise a permis, à la G.R.H., l'affermissement de son propore système de management en y associant l'ensemble des acteurs. Etant donné que la G.R.H. évolue dans un système global, elle se devait de réinventer son propore système et favoriser sa propre mutation.La mutation systémique a été, donc, le phénomène qui a mis en mouvement un processus organisationnel, générateur de preformances.

Gestion des ressources humaines

Book Description

À jour des dernières nouveautés, le best-seller sur les ressources humaines, par l'auteur de référence sur le sujet (70000 exemplaires vendus). Synthétique et opérationnel, ce livre permet d'acquérir l'intégralité des connaissances et compétences nécessaires en GRH (gestion des ressources humaines). Il inclut : • des définitions • des tableaux • des exemples concrets. À jour des dernières évolutions, la nouvelle édition met l'accent sur : • la transformation numérique : télétravail, réseaux sociaux, chatbots, intelligence artificielle • les nouvelles tendances et innovations RH : inclusion, marque employeur, réputation, recrutement et fidélisation, etc. • la mise à jour des données chiffrées • la responsabilité sociétale. Suivez l'actualité RH sur la page Vous y trouverez notamment des développements sur la crise économique de 2020 et ses conséquences sur la GRH et la fonction RH. Le livre s'adresse aux étudiants des écoles de management, IAE et universités. Il intéressera également les participants à des programmes de formation et de professionnalisation, ainsi que les cadres des services RH. Les lecteurs ont aimé : " Super livre. Il est très explicatif et clair. " " Livre accessible à tout public de tout âge. " " Un livre complet et à lire pour comprendre la fonction RH. "

Moving Beyond the Crisis : Reclaiming and Reaffirming our Common Administrative Space

Book Description

With the financial meltdown and the economic crisis in their fifth year already no one can any longer be in doubt about their exceptional gravity, their truly global impact and their profound effects hurting vulnerable groups and the very poor especially. As the world looks for an exit from this economic crisis – the worst in eight decades – the focus of attention is naturally on the causes, the factors that account for its wide reach and severity, as well as on strategies that might bring it to a closure. The quest for exit strategies is at the very centre of the issues and concerns explored in the present volume, produced by the IIAS. Like the preceding volumes, but even more emphatically, this volume, representing a collective endeavour of scholars and practitioners from many parts of the globe, finds cause to lay the blame, for our difficult predicament, on the institutional deficit, the policies, the practices and values that have followed in the trail of a highly misleading and erroneous model of governance. The «Market Model of Governance» as it is known, sought to reform, the structures and culture of administration and government in private sector ways. While instrumental values like efficiency and effectiveness were raised and praised profusely, those of democratic governance were discounted by comparison. In particular, integrity, the rule of law and due process, equity, legality and public service professionalism suffered a steep decline, in several parts of the world. Likewise, the invasion and the capture of public space, inevitably led to an unprecedented surge of greed, abuse and corruption that contributed directly to the crisis which is upon us. Looking for exit strategies, as its title aptly suggests, the present volume offers a rich menu of ideas drawn from the current experience of all the world ́s main regions. Not surprisingly, two concepts stand out throughout the book as necessary correctives, as well as pressing remedies to the world ́s ongoing malaise. They call for the recapture of our common administrative space and the reaffirmation of the values and virtues appropriate for democratic governance. To the IIAS, none perhaps are more important than public service professionalism and none other can contribute more effectively to the reform and consolidation of sound institutions for national, sub national, global and regional governance. For these reasons, at this juncture, the new volume like the others should be featured in every public library and become a vademecum of all scholars and practitioners of public administration and politics around the world.

Human Resource Management in Europe

Book Description

Written by native authors, this is a country-by-country analysis of the diverse and changing context for human resource management in Europe. It takes both practical and theoretical perspectives, and includes best practice case studies.

Innovation, Research and Development Management

Book Description

In today’s business environment, as organizations constantly seek to growth and develop through the optimization of their innovative and creative potential, understanding the critical issues and management practices in R & D is essential. This book provides a critical revaluation of the state of the art issues and concepts in R&D management. The views expressed are those of leading French researchers and professionals in this field, fed by empirical studies in national and international firms.

Annuaire Europeen 1999/European Yearbook 1999

Book Description

The "European Yearbook" promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications. This is an indispensable work of reference for anyone dealing with the European institutions.

The State of the Art in Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Book Description

Published in 1998. This text is designed as not only a summary of a number of years of reflections by many different researchers, but also a guide for future research and for continuing development of a theory of small business and its environment; a theory that will apply to small businesses everywhere and that will help them become what they hope to be in the 21st century.