La hora de la transición energética

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La pandemia de covid-19 es una tragedia de alcance aún incierto, pero sin duda significó un breve respiro en nuestra demencial tendencia a consumir cada vez más energía. Desde hace décadas, la adicción de las sociedades a los combustibles fósiles apunta a un desenlace catastrófico, por lo que el leve remanso que se produjo al disminuir la actividad económica a nivel planetario debe hacernos conscientes de que hemos llegado a la hora de la transición energética. En esta obra, Ramón Carlos Torres Flores se adentra en el reto que enfrenta México dadas las exigencias del nuevo paradigma que está tomando forma en el mundo. La respuesta nacional a los desafíos que plantean las diversas fuentes de energía —desde la explotación irracional de hidrocarburos hasta el aprovechamiento de los recursos renovables menos contaminantes— debe procurar un difícil equilibrio entre sustentabilidad, seguridad e igualdad. Para ir más allá de algunos debates, a menudo estériles, sobre quién debe producir y distribuir la electricidad, o sobre la pertinencia de contar con mayor capacidad de refinación de petrolíferos, aquí se hace un llamado a aprovechar —en beneficio de la nación en su conjunto y tomando en cuenta el medio ambiente, la soberanía y la justicia social— la irrepetible oportunidad que nuestra generación está enfrentando.

Repensar la sostenibilidad

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La sostenibilidad, cualidad de lo sostenible, hace referencia a un proceso que puede alargarse en el tiempo. Cuando este proceso lo referimos a cuestiones socio-ecológicas, comprobamos cómo, desde hace ya largo tiempo, no son pocas las voces acreditadas que han puesto sobre aviso del progresivo deterioro ecológico y sus consecuencias perjudiciales para la vida humana. Nuestra obra parte de estas negatividades para repensar la idea de sostenibilidad en sus justos términos, y así dar cabida a una variedad de aportaciones que ayuden a restituimos dentro de los límites ecosistémicos.

Progress, Poverty and Exclusion

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A comprehensive Statistical Appendix provides regional and country-by-country data in such areas as GDP, manufacturing, sector productivity, prices, trade, income distribution and living standards."--BOOK JACKET.

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Without Criteria

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A Deleuzian reading of Whitehead and a Whiteheadian reading of Deleuze open the possibility of a critical aesthetics of contemporary culture. In Without Criteria, Steven Shaviro proposes and explores a philosophical fantasy: imagine a world in which Alfred North Whitehead takes the place of Martin Heidegger. What if Whitehead, instead of Heidegger, had set the agenda for postmodern thought? Heidegger asks, “Why is there something, rather than nothing?” Whitehead asks, “How is it that there is always something new?” In a world where everything from popular music to DNA is being sampled and recombined, argues Shaviro, Whitehead's question is the truly urgent one. Without Criteria is Shaviro's experiment in rethinking postmodern theory, especially the theory of aesthetics, from a point of view that hearkens back to Whitehead rather than Heidegger. In working through the ideas of Whitehead and Deleuze, Shaviro also appeals to Kant, arguing that certain aspects of Kant's thought pave the way for the philosophical “constructivism” embraced by both Whitehead and Deleuze. Kant, Whitehead, and Deleuze are not commonly grouped together, but the juxtaposition of them in Without Criteria helps to shed light on a variety of issues that are of concern to contemporary art and media practices.

The North American Mosaic

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The North American Mosaic has four overarching features. First, it is, to the extent feasible, based on comparable information on the status and trends of major indicators of the state of the environment in Canada,Mexico, and the United States. Second, the report confirms that these three countries together make up an incredibly complex, dynamic, and interconnected ecosystem in which humans play a dominant and decisive role. Third, the report raises important and sometimes disquieting questions concerning the sustainability of some current trends. Finally, the report is a reminder that our economic, social, and physical well-being are utterly dependent on the life-sustaining services provided by nature. This report emphasizes the importance of developing mutually compatible economic, social, and environmental goals and policies across the three-country region.

La guía de Bernie Sanders para la revolución política / Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution

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En este libro preciso y descarnado, Bernie Sanders, un político estadounidense de larga trayectoria progresista y senador independiente autodefinido como “socialista democrático," traza un diagnóstico de las calamidades sociales que afectan a Estados Unidos. Entre estas, Sanders delinea la creciente desigualdad de ingresos (el 1% más rico de los norteamericanos posee tanta riqueza como el 90% más pobre), la brutalidad policial, la inaccesibilidad a la educación superior, el racismo, los laberintos del sistema sanitario... Sanders deja enseñanzas para el resto del mundo: hay que transformar el sistema.

International Governance

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How can the global environment be safeguarded in the absence of a world government? In the vanguard of efforts to address this critical question, Oran R. Young draws on environmental issues to explore the nature of international governance. Young's analysis invokes the distinction between "governance," a social function involving the management of interdependent individuals or groups, and "government," a set of formal organizations that makes and enforces rules.

Management of Nuclear Power Plant Projects

Book Description

Member States intending to introduce a nuclear power programme will need to pass through several phases during the implementation. Experience shows that careful planning of the objectives, roles, responsibilities, interfaces and tasks to be carried out in different phases of a nuclear project is important for success. This publication presents a harmonized approach that may be used to structure the owner/operator management system and establish and manage nuclear projects and their development activities irrespective of the adopted approach. It has been developed from shared management practices and consolidated experiences provided by nuclear project management specialists through a series of workshops and working groups organized by the IAEA. The resultant publication presents a useful framework for the management of nuclear projects from initiation to closeout and captures international best practices.