La incidencia de la práctica del consejo de seguridad en el derecho internacional humanitario

Book Description

Concebidas para preservar a las generaciones venideras del flagelo de la guerra, las Naciones Unidas han comprendido la trascendental necesidad de participar en el fortalecimiento del Derecho Internacional Humanitario, razón por la que hoy, junto al clásico binomio Derecho de La Haya-Derecho de Ginebra, se añade un tercer elemento: el Derecho de Nueva York. Uno de sus principales impulsores ha sido el Consejo de Seguridad, que desde 1967 ha ido mostrando un gradual interés por el Derecho Internacional Humanitario hasta hacerlo converger tras el final de la guerra fría con el mantenimiento de la paz y la seguridad internacionales (el Capítulo VII de la Carta). En este libro se aborda la práctica del Consejo de Seguridad desde una perspectiva inusual -la del Derecho Internacional Humanitario- y se analiza de forma sistemática qué actividades han contribuido tanto al desarrollo progresivo como a la aplicación efectiva de este sector normativo. Junto a las "luces" de la acción del Consejo --los elementos de progreso- se examinan también los riesgos e incertidumbres que se derivan de su práctica. Ma Teresa Comellas Aguirrezábal es profesora de Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales en la Universidad de Sevilla. Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado en 2003, y Premio Rafael Martínez Emperador, es miembro del grupo de investigación "Derechos Humanos", dirigido por el Profesor Carrillo Salcedo.

International Law for Humankind

Book Description

This volume is an updated and revised version of the General Course on Public International Law delivered by the Author at The Hague Academy of International Law in 2005. Professor Cançado Trindade, Doctor honoris causa of seven Latin American Universities in distinct countries, was for many years Judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and President of that Court for half a decade (1999-2004). He is currently Judge of the International Court of Justice; he is also Member of the Curatorium of The Hague Academy of International Law, as well as of the Institut de Droit International, and of the Brazilian Academy of Juridical Letters.

Instruments of Statecraft

Book Description

Resonant Violence

Book Description

From the Holocaust in Europe to the military dictatorships of Latin America to the enduring violence of settler colonialism around the world, genocide has been a defining experience of far too many societies. In many cases, the damaging legacies of genocide lead to continued violence and social divisions for decades. In others, however, creative responses to this identity-based violence emerge from the grassroots, contributing to widespread social and political transformation. Resonant Violence explores both the enduring impacts of genocidal violence and the varied ways in which states and grassroots collectives respond to and transform this violence through memory practices and grassroots activism. By calling upon lessons from Germany, Poland, Argentina, and the Indigenous United States, Resonant Violence demonstrates how ordinary individuals come together to engage with a violent past to pave the way for a less violent future.

Critical Medical Anthropology

Book Description

Critical Medical Anthropology presents inspiring work from scholars doing and engaging with ethnographic research in or from Latin America, addressing themes that are central to contemporary Critical Medical Anthropology (CMA). This includes issues of inequality, embodiment of history, indigeneity, non-communicable diseases, gendered violence, migration, substance abuse, reproductive politics and judicialisation, as these relate to health. The collection of ethnographically informed research, including original theoretical contributions, reconsiders the broader relevance of CMA perspectives for addressing current global healthcare challenges from and of Latin America. It includes work spanning four countries in Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala and Peru) as well as the trans-migratory contexts they connect and are defined by. By drawing on diverse social practices, it addresses challenges of central relevance to medical anthropology and global health, including reproduction and maternal health, sex work, rare and chronic diseases, the pharmaceutical industry and questions of agency, political economy, identity, ethnicity, and human rights.

International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law

Book Description

The book addresses the current issue of the applicability and application of international human rights law and international humanitarian law in times of armed conflict. Scholars chronologically argued that only international humanitarian law was applicable, that both legal regimes were applicable, and eventually that international humanitarian law was the lex specialis of human rights law. The most recent trend is to state that international humanitarian law and human rights law are merging into a single set of rules, a proposition that is the focus of the investigations carried out in this book. The book examines general issues relating to applicability and the implementation of the two legal regimes as well as provides case studies focusing on specific rights or persons. [The cover of this publication displays a patchwork symbolizing the merger between international humanitarian law and human rights. Neither the publisher nor the editors intended the design to reproduce the protected Red Cross emblem. Any resemblance to the Red Cross emblem is purely coincidental]