Neuroscience, Psychology, and Religion

Book Description

Neuroscience, Psychology, and Religion is the second title published in the new Templeton Science and Religion Series. In this volume, Malcolm Jeeves and Warren S. Brown provide an overview of the relationship between neuroscience, psychology, and religion that is academically sophisticated, yet accessible to the general reader. The authors introduce key terms; thoroughly chart the histories of both neuroscience and psychology, with a particular focus on how these disciplines have interfaced religion through the ages; and explore contemporary approaches to both fields, reviewing how current science/religion controversies are playing out today. Throughout, they cover issues like consciousness, morality, concepts of the soul, and theories of mind. Their examination of topics like brain imaging research, evolutionary psychology, and primate studies show how recent advances in these areas can blend harmoniously with religious belief, since they offer much to our understanding of humanity's place in the world. Jeeves and Brown conclude their comprehensive and inclusive survey by providing an interdisciplinary model for shaping the ongoing dialogue. Sure to be of interest to both academics and curious intellectuals, Neuroscience, Psychology, and Religion addresses important age-old questions and demonstrates how modern scientific techniques can provide a much more nuanced range of potential answers to those questions.

Ten Theories of Human Nature

Book Description

A superb introduction to the timeless struggle to understand human nature, this book compresses into a small volume the essence of such thinkers as Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Jean Paul Sartre, B.F. Skinner, and Plato.

El sentido de la existencia humana

Book Description

¿Cuál es el origen de la humanidad? ¿Por qué existe una especie como la nuestra en el planeta Tierra? ¿Gozamos de una posición privilegiada, cuál es nuestro destino en el universo? ¿Adónde nos dirigimos? Y quizás la pregunta más difícil de todas: ¿Por qué? En El sentido de la existencia humana, su obra más filosófica hasta la fecha, el biólogo Edward O. Wilson se lleva a sus lectores de viaje para disfrutar qué es lo que nos hace tan especiales del resto de especies, pero también nos invita a un ejercicio de humildad que nos capacite para apreciar la fascinación que ocultan el resto de especies y el mundo natural. Autor de inmenso prestigio —es ganador de dos premios Pulitzer y ha acuñado conceptos como «biodiversidad»—, a la par que polémico expone en este último libro sus teorías más acabadas sobre nuestra existencia, y tiende un valioso puente entre las ciencias y las humanidades para crear un tratado sobre la existencia humana propio del siglo XXI, desde nuestros orígenes más lejanos hasta una mirada sugestiva sobre lo que nos depara el futuro.

General Bulletin

Book Description

Green Philosophy

Book Description

The environment has long been the undisputed territory of the political Left, which has seen the principal threats to the earth as issuing from international capitalism, consumerism and the over-exploitation of natural resources. In Green Philosophy, Scruton argues that conservatism is far better suited to tackle environmental problems than either liberalism or socialism. He shows that rather than entrusting the environment to unwieldy NGOs and international committees, we must assume personal responsibility and foster local sovereignty. People must be empowered to take charge of their environment, to care for it as a home, and to affirm themselves through the kind of local associations that have been the traditional goal of conservative politics. Our common future is by no means assured, but as Roger Scruton clearly demonstrates in this important book, there is a path that we can take which could ensure the future safety of our planet and our species.

Bachiller Teologico

Book Description

En respuesta a mis 25 años de docente a nivel medio superior y superior yo he querido hacer un regalo muy especial a todos aquellos jóvenes hombres y mujeres que tienen el fi rme compromiso de ser mejores ciudadanos por la via de las humanidades y que desconocen los fundamentos históricos de su fe. Bachiller. Del francés bachelier, joven que aspira a ser caballero. Digamos que es aquel que tiene los conocimientos pre-universitarios para continuar con su formación académica profesional en todos los sentidos, primeramente la religiosa, la del hermano, la del padre comprometido, la de la madre educadora de sus hijos, y cuantos roles más juega el hombre y la mujer en esta vida, muchos diría yo y muy variados, bueno para todos los jóvenes de buena voluntad que quieren aprender más de su fe, este libro es para ustedes. Guarden en sus corazones la palabra de Dios, en sus mentes la justicia y en su corazón la esperanza viva de ser mejores cada día, si lo logran habre considerado que este libro sencillo pero humilde de teología sea un tesoro en tus manos, al que se requiere acudir a él como un amigo sincero. Con profundo afecto dedico mi trabajo a tantos alumnos de bachillerato que continua dudando de la experiencia milenaria de la iglesia que es una, santa, católica y apostólica. A mis amigos los maestros que tienen las mismas inquietudes, y a mis amigos sinceros a quien dejo el siguiente mensaje. Recomienden lo bueno. A pesar de que este material es digerible, recomiendo dos diccionarios que fácilmente se pueden adquirir via electrónica. Diccionario digital católico. Net. Enciclopedia de teología "sacramentum mundi". A Todo maestro laico o religioso que recomiende este libro solo le puedo expresar mi profundo agradecimiento.

Hierarchy in the Forest

Book Description

Are humans by nature hierarchical or egalitarian? Hierarchy in the Forest addresses this question by examining the evolutionary origins of social and political behavior. Christopher Boehm, an anthropologist whose fieldwork has focused on the political arrangements of human and nonhuman primate groups, postulates that egalitarianism is in effect a hierarchy in which the weak combine forces to dominate the strong. The political flexibility of our species is formidable: we can be quite egalitarian, we can be quite despotic. Hierarchy in the Forest traces the roots of these contradictory traits in chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, and early human societies. Boehm looks at the loose group structures of hunter-gatherers, then at tribal segmentation, and finally at present-day governments to see how these conflicting tendencies are reflected. Hierarchy in the Forest claims new territory for biological anthropology and evolutionary biology by extending the domain of these sciences into a crucial aspect of human political and social behavior. This book will be a key document in the study of the evolutionary basis of genuine altruism. Table of Contents: The Question of Egalitarian Society Hierarchy and Equality Putting Down Aggressors Equality and Its Causes A Wider View of Egalitarianism The Hominoid Political Spectrum Ancestral Politics The Evolution of Egalitarian Society Paleolithic Politics and Natural Selection Ambivalence and Compromise in Human Nature References Index Reviews of this book: This well-written book, geared toward an audience with background in the behavioral and evolutionary sciences but accessible to a broad readership, raises two general questions: 'What is an egalitarian society?' and 'How have these societies evolved?'...[Christopher Boehm] takes the reader on a journey from the Arctic to the Americas, from Australia to Africa, in search of hunter-gatherer and tribal societies that emanate the egalitarian ethos--one that promotes generosity, altruism and sharing but forbids upstartism, aggression and egoism. Throughout this journey, Boehm tantalizes the reader with vivid anthropological accounts of ridicule, criticism, ostracism and even execution--prevalent tactics used by subordinates in egalitarian societies to level the social playing field...Hierarchy in the Forest is an interesting and thought-provoking book that is surely an important contribution to perspectives on human sociality and politics. --Ryan Earley, American Scientist Reviews of this book: Combing an exhaustive ethnographic survey of human societies from groups of hunter-gatherers to contemporary residents of the Balkans with a detailed analysis of the behavioral attributes of non-human primates (chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos), Boehm focuses on whether humans are hierarchical or egalitarian by nature...[Boehm's hypotheses] are invariably intriguing and well documented...He raises topics of wide interest and his book should get attention. --Publishers Weekly Boehm has been the first to look at egalitarianism with a cold, unromantic eye. He sees it as a victory over hierarchical tendencies, which are equally marked in our species. I would predict that his insightful examination will reverberate within anthropology and the social sciences as well as among biologists interested in the evolution of social systems. --Frans de Waal, Emory University Hierarchy in the Forest is an original and stimulating contribution to thinking about the origins of egalitarianism. I personally find Boehm's ideas convincing, but whether one agrees with him or not, he has formulated his hypotheses in such a way that this book is likely to set the terms of the discussion for the forseeable future. --Barbara Smuts, University of Michigan The most unique and interesting feature of this clear, well written book is the way Boehm links the study of nonhuman primates (particularly chimpanzees) to traditional concepts of political anthropology. As a political scientist, I was intrigued by Boehm's suggestion that democracy, both ancient and modern, could be understood as the expression of the same natural dispositions that support the egalitarianism of nomadic bands and sedentary tribes. I expect that many scholars in biology, anthropology, and the social sciences would learn from this stimulating book. Even those who disagree with Boehm's arguments are likely to be provoked in instructive ways. --Larry Arnhart, Northern Illinois University Chris Boehm boldly and cogently attacks a whole orthodoxy in anthropology which sees hunter-gatherer 'egalitarianism' as somehow the basic form of human society. No praise can be too high for Boehm's brilliant and courageous book. --Robin Fox, Rutgers University

The Laws of Human Nature

Book Description

SUMMARY: This book is If you’ve ever wondered about human behavior, wonder no more. In The Laws of Human Nature, Greene takes a look at 18 laws that reveal who we are and why we do the things we do. Humans are complex beings, but Greene uses these laws to strip human nature down to its bare bones. Every law that he presents is supported by a real-life historical account, with an insightful twist to drive the point home. As you read the book, don’t be surprised if you get the feeling that everyone you know, including yourself, is described in the book! DISCLAIMER: This is an UNOFFICIAL summary and not the original book. It is designed to record all the key points of the original book.

El ser de Dios, su nombre y su salvaciA3n

Book Description

El ser de Dios, su nombre y su salvacion. El autor defiende con celo apostolico, su apologia teologica de la unicidad de Dios, con una informacion nueva, fresca, de una exegesis totalmente realizado con sacrificio de investigacion, la cual ya es una herramienta de bendicion a los estudiosos de la doctrina de la unicidad y para aquellos que quieran saber mas del ser de Dios, en este libro esta la pasion, el celo, la fe, la devocion y la larga experiencia de la predica espiritual del autor, siendo siempre el sujeto principal Dios. Pastor: Isaac. A. Tominaga Navarro. Catedratico de la Facultad de Teologia del Centro Cultural Mexicano de IAFCJ.

The Awakening of the World. El Despertar Del Mundo

Book Description

I have written this book in order to collaborate in a very small way to make the world a better place where human beings can be assured that our future will be guided towards constant progress, not only as individuals, but as a human race. The book is an analysis of the existing policy, which is based on features of the first civilizations, in terms of structural organization and ideologies. When making an analysis of the representations of government of nations, within history, we realize many errors in these. In order to transform anomalies in politics such as corruption, laws and rules. He escrito este libro con el fin de colaborar aunque sea en forma minscula a hacer del mundo un mejor lugar en donde los seres humanos obtengamos seguridad en que nuestro futuro sea guiado hacia un progreso constante, no solo como individuos, sino como raza humana. El libro es un anlisis sobre la poltica existente, que tiene como base rasgos de las primeras civilizaciones, en cuanto a organizacin estructural e ideologas. Al hacer un anlisis de las representaciones de gobierno de las naciones, dentro de la historia, nos damos cuenta de muchos errores en estas. Para poder transformar las anomalas en la poltica tales como la corrupcin, leyes y reglas.